WH creates ‘Behavior Insights Team’ to nudge you into obedience

WH creates ‘Behavior Insights Team’ to nudge you into obedience
BizPac ^ | July 30, 2013 | Joe Saunders


According to Fox News, the Obama administration is building a team of experts in psychology to come up with ways to subtly persuade Americans to change their behavior in ways the government approves of – kind of like lab rats, Pavlov’s dogs or teachers unions. The “Behavior Insights Team” team is only in its formative stages, but its goals are all ambitious, according to a recruiting letter Fox said it obtained from a university professor who was identified for membership:


“Behavioral sciences can be used to help design public policies that work better, cost less, and help people to achieve their goals,” it says.


The letter shows that the White House has already begun projects to “experiment” with behavior modification at Cabinet-level agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services – otherwise known as the Obamacare People.


And now a lot of things start to make sense. Remember that blizzard of half-baked ideas to promote Obamacare over the past few months – enlisting celebrities, librarians, motherhood, even trying to enlist the NFL, for God’s sake? They all only looked like typical ham-handed efforts by Democrats to try to get Americans to suck it up and surrender their freedom to the central government, as Democrats have been suckering them into doing since at least the Wilson administration.

They were all experiments of The Nudge.

The nickname – used by the professor who received the recruiting letter – comes from “Nudge,” a 2008 book by Cass Sunstein, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School who served as administrator of the Obama White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, and Richard Thaler, a professor at the Chicago Booth School of Business, according to Fox.


The premise, according to the book’s Amazon.com, is “how sensible ‘choice architecture’ can successfully nudge people toward the best decisions.” It’s a “must read,” Amazon says, “for anyone interested in our individual and collective well-being.”

Connect those dots: Two Chicago professors, one of whom becomes Obama’s regulatory czar, publish a book in 2008 – the same year a former University of Chicago constitutional law professor got himself elected president – about how to push people toward “collective well-being.”


And lo and behold, that becomes the playbook for a government bent on manipulating a population into voluntary servitude. Even better, it’s harmless, it’s warm, it’s friendly – it’s just a “Nudge.”

But as one economist summed it up for Fox: “Nudges can turn into shoves pretty quickly.”

Especially when it’s for the collective.

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They've already got full-blown mind control agendas embedded into every fiber of culture. Nothing new here. This appears to be desperation, because despite all their propaganda & deception the veil is beginning to dissolve.

Thank you! Edward Bernays, Tavistock, MK Ultra tis an old song being sung again

  Obummer takes care of instituting the decadence in the Bush cabal tradition and his handlers do the programming just like a Goddamned CFRtv. Screw these guys. 911, HAARP destruction and resultant carpetbagging of weather distressed farm land on the Chicago Exchange on the Weather Futures market that Obummer helped set up. Impeach this guy and give him an EEG of the frontal lobe. My money is on a blank piece of paper issuing out from the machine, and it will not be because of technical error. The whimsical face of the new member of the Chucky meets Talking Tina and The Village people Administration changes nothing. I have been drugged, I have been tied up and abused, I have been tickled and I have had my bones jumped, thank you. Below is a lost parakeet reincarnate. There is nothing at the White House worth smiling about with the Shadow Government in control.

I guess Obama and his left-wing liberal-communist friends have been reading George Orwell's "1984". It may work for some of the people, but not all the people. There are still a few smart people that can see thru Obama, the Democrats and Republican crap.

Will she go to shitcago first to nudge thugs into not killing each other?

I'd like to see her nudge Obama off a cliff.


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