What would you do if you were the President of The United States and the voters suddenly discovered 125 days into your presidency that you were born in a foreign country and ineligible to actually be the president?
treason = death .... but I'm not sure if it would be considered treason?
What would I do? Well I'd get my butt out of the country and fast. Pitch forks don't feel too good jabbing into skin and the torches are a wee bit to hot for my liking.
Theres no coming back from this, the system will do anything and everything to insure that the truth whatever it may be will never come out. If it did all orders and anything he signed into law is null and void, Joe would become president.
I'd do the right thing....would not have run in the first place. Deceivers are always "found out" - sooner or later. He is just a puppet anyway for the higher ups" who run the whole show.
We might as well have "Bozo the Clown".
America got the one they voted for - although votes don't really count. He was presented, made up, dresed up, mass marketed and the sheeple were enamored and mesmerized. The Messiah, indeed!!! HAHAHA The jokes on those who blindly voted, didn't listen or pay attention. We got what we deserved.
Here is the complete "Bel Air Fire" episode of the TV series "When Havoc Struck" from 1978. Includes intense footage and dramatic interviews from survivors o...