I have noticed some strange ‘coincidences’ in the past several years. I work for a title company (within a bank) so I see all the names of banks, their logos and all the subdivisions, companies etc. To make this short I have noticed words that are used frequently and discovered for myself that many of these words seem to me like ' code' words that are used.
I will not go into all the 'past' code words but ones that I have seen in the past few years that seemed strange to me. For several years the word Benchmark was being used for all sorts of reasons. There was a company called Benchmark Reality, Benchmark Construction, Benchmark Insurance and even the school test programs were called Benchmark tests.
Then I noticed the word Cornerstone on everything from construction companies and bank names. Then ‘Ground Zero’ was the theme of some company names, like Ground Zero Construction. The pre-hours at some of the schools where children could come in a bit early around 7:30 and sit in a study hall were called ‘Ground Zero’ hours ... which really struck me odd.
Now the major theme in new subdivisions and new complexes is ‘ The Crossing’. It is not just in this city, but in several, and I would bet that all of these code words are used nationally. There are probably twenty newer subdivisions with this theme ... ‘The Crossings’. Many of the newer subdivision names are using phrases like ‘The Crossing at Arbor Meadows’, 'The Crossings Phase I', the 'Crossings at Village on the Creeks', etc.
It would take me a while to go through all of them. I have thought to myself through the years ‘Man can't these people come up with something original out of all the words we have in our vocabulary?' But now I see there is a theme and a deeper reason and these are NOT coincidences.