Why the US Federal Reserve Bank System is unconstitutional and must end #ETF

A few months ago, a staffer at the Minneapolis, MN Federal Reserve Bank admitted that the private owners of the US Federal Reserve System get $25 Billion dollars per year. Please hold that thought.

The Federal Reserve Bank is unconstitutional for two reasons:

First,as it was not an enumerated power of the Federal government pursuant to the constitution, the legal basis for the first central bank (there have been several) was that it was “necessary and proper”.

A Central Bank was deemed “necessary and proper” because a stable dollar and monetary policy were deemed necessary for our new Republic. But each iteration of the American central bank before the current Federal Reserve System was dismantled. Among the reasons for the previous central banks being dismantled are; mismanagement, corruption and/or simply wild fluctuations and other problems with America’s monetary system that the Central Bank was supposed to prevent.

And, as we have seen with the current Federal Reserve Bank system, this central bank also has been unable to maintain a stable dollar and stable monetary policy.

Ergo, a private central bank is no longer “necessary and proper” as no incarnation of a US Central Bank has been able to maintain the stable dollar and monetary policy they were charged with doing.

And, as a private Central Bank is no longer “necessary and proper” and not an enumerated power of the Federal Government in the Constitution, it is no longer constitutional. Period.

Second,as if that were not enough, the current Federal Reserve Bank System is unconstitutional as it violates the 13th Amendment prohibiting involuntary servitude.

US Currency is supposed to be backed by specie (gold, silver, etc) pursuant to...

Continue reading for free here -> Why the Federal Reserve Bank is unconstitutional and must end #ETF

Those were my thoughts.

In Closing:

Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is written here.

Please join with me in mutually pledging to each other and our fellow citizens our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor to our mutual endeavors of restoring liberty and economic opportunity to WE THE PEOPLE as our Founding Fathers envisioned and intended. [Last Paragraph, Declaration of Independence http://bit.ly/ruPE7z]

This article is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine http://ushistory.org/paine. I seek no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own “Common Sense” http://amzn.to/kbRuar

TellMyPolitician http://goo.gl/1FWfz

Keep Fighting the Good Fight!

In Liberty,

Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot

Google Plus http://goo.gl/1AUrE



End the Fed(eral Reserve Bank System) #ETF
National http://bit.ly/ta3Rju Minneapolis http://bit.ly/tjZJKF

Lawless America #LawlessAmerica

Justice in Minnesota #JIM

Bring Home the Politicians #BHTP

Get out of our House #GOOOH

Critical Thinking Notice - This author advises you as no politician would dare. Exercise Critical Thinking (http://bit.ly/ubI6ve) in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do not passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author... unless and until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to anyone who might debate you to the contrary of your perspective.

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