Videos present the nature, methods of prevention and treating the sick with respect to the bird flu. The series is conducted by John G. Clark, MD and Amber S. Bell, DScPT.Videos present the nature, methods of prevention and treating the sick with respect to the bird flu. The series is conducted by John G. Clark, MD and Amber S. Bell, DScPT. See the Web site Northern Lights Health Education.

View or download video(s) below:

BIRD FLU: Pt 1 - The Nature of the Beast [ View | [Download ]
Note: Video out of sync. We are working on a replacement file. All other bird flu videos are in sync and can be viewed with appropriate plugins online or are available for download. Part 1 of the Bird Flu series real videos is best viewed online with Internet Explorer browser.
"Avian Influenza (bird flu) could potentially kill 2 million Americans and 81 million worldwide. Forty percent of the work force could be out, leaving essential services and supplies we depend on unavailable. 'Bird flu' is now household trivia, but let's not forget that pestilence and pandemic are not new to our world, nor are death and disease. In one hour this video captures the bird flu threat, reveals what life could be like under quarantine and discusses vital items to keep on hand." [Description from mybirdflu.info]

BIRD FLU: Pt 2 - An Ounce of Prevention [ View | Download ]
"It is projected that 30% of the population will catch bird flu. Why and how do the other 70% escape catching the dreaded disease? This intriguing presentation will answer these and other questions. In brief, boosting the immune system, our first line of defense against any infection, while avoiding things that depress it, hold the greatest promise." [Description from mybirdflu.info]

BIRD FLU: Pt 3 - A Pound of Cure-Treating the Sick [ View | Download ]
"Progressing beyond the aches, pains, fever, and sore throat of the common flu, the avian influenza causes shortness of breath leading to a blue coloration of the skin over the whole body with blood tinged foamy fluid coming up out of the lungs. The headaches and body pain far surpass the common flu, and the heart and brain become involved as well. Most ominous by far is the propensity to bleed from almost any body opening; i.e. mouth, nose, rectum, ears, eyes. Fifty percent of those contracting bird flu to date in Asia have died. In 1918, there were those who succeeded in reducing deaths from this deadly disease to well below 1%. This third video teaches you about the simple home treatments that saved lives in 1918 and shows you in step-by-step demonstrations how to perform them at home." [Description from mybirdflu.info]


An Ounce of Prevention [PDF]

Life and Health Spanish Flu [PDF]

Kellogg - Good Health [PDF]

The Real Video files above are best viewed online in Internet Explorer browser.
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Bird Flu videos are a Northern Lights Health Education resource
Streaming media on this Web site is available for viewing or download for personal non-commercial use.

These videos are distributed by the Media Library with permission from the producer, Northern Lights Health Education. They are provided for your personal use and health education. While you may give a copy of a DVD or share this online video with a friend or family member, or with your church or other group, please do not charge for the video or bundle it with anything else for which you charge. For more information about mass distribution of the DVD, or to order a DVD, see the Web site www.mybirdflu.info.

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