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Uploaded on Dec 2, 2008 Commentary from the Alex Jones Show (which can be heard daily @ from November 24th, 2008. In this audio clip, Alex explains that it is the Zionist Jews that are responsible for the evil that America (and the world) is currently being subjected to. The Zionist have taken over America's political machine and run America with a Israel (really British Palestine) first attitude. The Zionists or Khazars run the world. They own the world media, the money supply (FED) and the world corporations. They dictate the policy, that we slaves have to follow, or face imprisonment. That is why everything in the world is all screwed up, and doesn't make any common sense. (Because We The People, do not run the world.)


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Comment by Mettacom on January 6, 2009 at 4:41pm
Yea, I remember when they killed William Cooper. That was a sad day. His book was actually the first "conspiracy book" I had ever read. That second chapter was one of the hardest hitting I have ever read.

Don't forget Corcceigh, there are only about 140,000 active marines. So anyone that is going to be confiscating weapons will most likely be National Guard, Army Reserve or Sheriffs Department. Basically weekend warriors or cops. Now if U.N troops come knocking then I wouldn't put it pass them to execute gun owners. I just don't want people to freak out and shoot some part time military/full time civilian reservist. And personally I don't want my last stand to be over guns with a few part time military guys. There has to be other options here.

I agree with you that some U.S military will kill civilians who have weapons but I would expect that will only happen after confiscations. Of coarse there will be a few exceptions. Majority of the U.S armed forces fight for Americans, believing they are doing what is right for their country. The last thing 95 plus percent of the military wants to do is execute American civilians who legally own guns. It seems completely illogical to me to think that all, or even a majority of the US military will just execute law abiding gun owners in their own country, or any country for that matter. These death squads are definitely the minority, although I do not argue that they exist.

I'm not in any way saying gun confiscation is not on the agenda either. If you read my first couple replies I clearly say that first the economic crisis, then troop mobilization, then confiscations. I'm merely contesting this idea that U.S military are going to execute you for owning a firearm. I know military guys. My neighbor that lives right next door just came back from Afghanistan after "fighting for America." He would never dream of executing civilians for their weapons. Are there some idiots in the armed forces that will follow such orders? Yes. Are they the extreme minority? Yes, of coarse.

I think the easy solution to all of this is just what we are doing. Exploring the possibilities and looking at historical examples. Operation Phoenix was used to infiltrate the Viet Cong during the Vietnam war. They used Navy Seals, Army special operations and MACV-SOG to locate the guerrilla operations conducted by the civilian populations against occupying forces. The Viet Cong was the most effective against U.S forces and was made up of civilian combatants most whom were farmers and peasants.

So yea, when troops are constantly getting ambushed and killed from every angle, they go nuts and kill civilians with a paranoid mentality. But this will not happen here in America at opening kick off. The NWO will have to create that divide between civilians and military first.

First gun confiscations, then demonization. They have to sell us convincingly the idea that military is our enemy and vica verca. There has to be staged provocations in order to do this.

And let's not forget, the Viet Cong whipped U.S forces. They had tunnel networks that stretched from one side of the country to the other. The only forces that benefit from a protracted war are guerrilla fighters. Occupational armies cost way to much to operate, while guerrillas only get stronger as they go.

There are 300 million of us. Most of the military support Americans and fight for America. Look at Katrina. They set the precident there. No one to my knowledge was executed. The formula seems to be, problem reaction solution. Create the crisis like Katrina with the faulty levy's, or the economic crisis we face now. Mobilize the troops. Then grab the guns. After they disarm us, then they can really turn on the propaganda internationally and stage provocations that will lead up to mass roundups and military campaigns like Operation Phoenix.
Comment by Corcceigh on January 5, 2009 at 1:22pm
Krypke, sorry to say, I do believe that some US military personnel will execute Americans they believe are terrorists. This type of warfare has long been ingrained in American military practice. Remember operation Phoenix dating back to the late 1960's and early 1970's? Similar operation are taking place n Afghanistan and Iraq today and took place in Bosnia in the 1990's. Operations of like nature have taken place on American soil with the murders of Gordon Kahl and William Cooper and that's only two out of many. Bottom line is, they will have someone in the field who will see that such operations are carried out. Thom has beaten me to the punch when he brings up New Orleans. The Oklahoma national guard who had just returned from Iraq was instrumental in following orders to confiscate private firearms. I believe it was a Maj. Bible who was interviewed about the subject and declared that the action was something he'd rather do in Iraq and not America. But the bottom line is that he followed orders and carried out the action in America and he or another will again.

Another thing Sun Tzu says is that you must already have won the war before you even draw your sword. By developing our strategies and tactics now and having our plans in place, the enemy can't catch us off gaurd and strike us down in a single, simple movement. We can fight back and win.

Thom, take heart. Ours won't be the only com and supply lines cut. We can and will leave them just as isolated as they hope to do to us.
Comment by Mettacom on January 3, 2009 at 1:12am
Laser, you already know how I feel about foreign troops. If an invasion army tries to take over American cities it's all out warfare, no hesitation.

Will they use foreign troops, you bet ya. You'll find Blackwater and other private contractors engaging American forces as well.

We need to wait and see how things play out before we can say for sure the best coarse of action. I wouldn't stick to any rigid plan or set pattern. Bottom line is, all the ideas we've considered here are all very distinct possibilities depending on the situation at hand.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on January 2, 2009 at 6:17pm
When i hear of something happening I may try to dodge the troops if i can't dodge them I'm not going to talk or negotiate with the terrorists. They know gun confiscation is Illegal and beyond that its my God given right to have a tool to protect myself. It most likely will NOT be US troops going door to door it will be UN scumbags and the UN is foreign invader on US soil. I will see them in the same light as if North Korea dropped troops into Ohio. Talking will not have any effect on the UN soldiers because they will NOT understand a word you say or care to anyways (AJ's Police state "foreign troops kicking doors") Also the Geneva Convention only protects individuals that are acting under the control of a combatant military power !! Meaning they can and WILL torture your ass until you come up with those guns and then they WILL shoot you as there are no laws preventing them doing so. UN forces do not operate under the laws of the country they are in (If there here the laws are suspended anyways) nor international law when there is 'danger to the public' (the reason they would be here) They have changed many laws since 911, look at Iraq if you are caught in Iraq or Afghanistan by a group that are not acting under the control of a combatant military power IE the US, EU and UN. There are no International laws protecting you. And even if you could find a law assuming your not dead you would have to win in the UN courts(the people whom tortured you) and pay for the whole case (they stole your life's savings) unless you won. And then this is all assuming that We the People win the fight and the NWO fails !!! I for one am not having a conversation with these people. They know exactly what they are doing and have no regard for any US law, International law or God given laws. The Media is going to show every dead soldier and child and blame it on the patriot terrorists, these troops are going to be looking for blood right off the bat. I'm not into being tortured or shot over trying to make nice and public relations. The people i hear talking on militia radio and other patriot shows are shooting first and if i'm not shooting first the invading troops are. Its a real bad situation but once the shooting starts this time it won't stop until the invaders say screw it or we're all dead. I don't see this going any other way when the cross the most talked about line in the sand >> Going for the guns.
Comment by Mettacom on January 2, 2009 at 3:02pm
Corcceigh, I appreciate you acknowledging and addressing this issue. I've heard of these lists you and others speak of. It only makes sense they would have us profiled in this way. My question is, do you really think U.S military will execute American citizens for simply owning firearms? I find that hard to believe. Now once the economy has hit the dirt, troops are deployed, and they stage domestic terror attacks and assaults on military forces, then yes, I can see troops following execution orders.

The truth is, I don't think there is any simple answer to this. Like one of the Marine Corp's survival motto's, we must, "Improvise, adapt, and over come the situation."

I believe it is form 4473, that you fill out at the gun shop when you buy any fire arm, and this form is basically gun registration. If you have ever seen the movie "Red Dawn" the Cuban General makes reference to this form to find out who would be the potential trouble makers prior to gun confiscation. Considering all of the other symbolism and suggestion through out the movie, I don't think this reference was by chance.

I mean, why have the form in the first place if they aren't creating a data base of gun owners? I think the fact that the form exists is "proof" of their intentions.

Based on the scenario I described in my first response, I still think holding off any fighting would be the best coarse of action. If things change and they further demonize gun owners and create that divide between civilian and military, then maybe it would be best to fade back like you say. Maybe thats the best way to deal with this anyway. I have often thought this as I give others the advice that they should be mobile and move from place to place until proper operational awareness is established and we know where we stand.

It's good that you listen to Koernke, and others, that means you don't need to rely on Alex for everything as some do ( not that I'm implying anything directed towards any one in this discussion). The fact that you do listen to others means Alex has done his job and is most likely the person who woke you up.

Agree, disagree, doesn't matter really. As long as we can flesh out ideas and possibilities and cover ALL angles, then we are productive. As Sun Tzu said in chapter 7, "There are infinite possibilities under heaven." With that said, let us traverse the infinite :)
Comment by Corcceigh on January 2, 2009 at 12:58pm
Alex Jones is not my only source for what is happening. While I listen in to his show alot, I also listen to Mark Koernke, Steve Quayle and Jack McLamb.

Krypke, I don't think you will have the option of smiling at the marine who wants to take your guns and handing him the broken old revolver that grandpa left you. There are reports (not just on the Alex Jones Show) about the red, blue and green lists. Don't think they don't know who the gun owners are in this country. Gun owners will be on the red list. They know that you will have some cache guns laid back and they know that they will never find them all, so what better strategy than to execute gun owners rather than try to find all of the guns? There has to be a line in the sand somewhere and if no one will fight when they come to confiscate guns, then American freedom will be over anyway.

I think we'd be better off if we were to fade back and be ready for open warfare when the troops hit the street. At least fewer of us will be murdered because we will still have the potential of resisting.

Thanks, Krypke. You Thom and Laser and the rest are my brothers and sisters too. Those kind words take the sting out of little petty disagreements that amount to nothing really. We are all fighting with the tools we have and I realize that my stategies aren't the only ones that can get the job done. I'll see you guys on the front lines too.
Comment by Marklar on January 1, 2009 at 6:19pm
If you can find a big mouth talk host that you don't have something of a love hate relationship with at best your probably listening to your own show.

Who is this annoying jackass? Oh, it's me. I hate it when that happens.
Comment by Mettacom on January 1, 2009 at 5:03pm
Excellent thoughts from everyone.

Corcceigh, you're right, gun confiscation will be one of their primary objectives to be sure. Just look at New Orleans during the aftermath of Katrina.

My concern is that some will begin attacking military as soon as they are deployed which would be a big mistake on our part. They are engineering the depression to consolidate the wealth, starve the population, and instigate civil disorder. In this way they can stage riots, manipulate news coverage, and pit us against each other. This is an ancient old formula that has now been modernized, perfected, and engineered into a social military science involving complex algorithms based on the predictable nature of the masses under stressful wartime conditions. Translation: they know what buttons to push and precisely when to push them.

Now I'm in NO way saying we should not defend ourselves. Like I said when push comes to shove no standing army can break the resolve of 300 mill plus American freedom fighters. As any military sniper or special forces soldier or experienced guerrilla fighter knows, you must pick and choose your battles VERY, VERY, carefully. It is better to have small victories than any one huge blunder.

Gun confiscation is on the agenda no doubt. Their own documents say so. The point I attempted to make subtly was that there are alternatives to fighting. You have to remember, and this is important, most of the soldiers confiscating your guns are not evil nor are they your enemies. They are just ignorant to the purpose they truly serve. They're not the bad guy. That is, if they are US forces. In this case preparation is key. When they come knockin' looking for your guns, hide them before hand. Be polite and show them you are not the enemy. That's all. The NWO wants you to blow away some reserve guy knocking on your door. Again they want us to tear each other apart and divide the civilian population from the trained military. Now if we can maintain a positive relationship with military policing the streets and still hold on to our weapons through containment fabrication methods and the art of hiding, anything, any where, then we are in a superior position.

We need to communicate with our military brothers and pass out videos and graffiti the streets with our OWN propaganda to awaken their minds and hearts.

There are far to many of us to just deploy military, do mass round ups and take all the guns at once. They need to break us down first. As many, many of the "expert analysts" in this movement agree, the way this is all most likely to happen goes as follows:
1- Economic collapse, depression
2-Military deployment to quell any potential civil disobedience
3-Gun confiscation
4-Staged provocations and propaganda to make the military hate and fear us as the enemy
5-Mass round ups and relocation of populations into "safe zones"

What does this all mean? It means we have time. Time to learn. time to train, and time to prepare.

The bottom line here is we NEED to wake up the occupying military forces. And we can not do that if we are engaging them in fire fights. Ok, so they come for your guns, so what. Hand them you're broken revolver and grandpa's old under over shotti. Smile and ask them if they would like a cup of coffee. That's how you fight them.

As far as Alex teaching you insurgent/guerrilla warfare/survival methods on air, he can't. Lets be reasonable here. Alex is the tip of the spear in this infowar. He is the most listened to, most credible and hands down the most effective. Now imagine all the new listeners tuning in each and everyday, and imagine if they heard Alex on the radio telling all of us, "yea the governments gone rogue, so I want you to go out and buy this sniper manual and prepare to fight in the streets and here is how you do it." People would think he was out of his MIND. They already do and all he really he does is reports the "real news." He's just a messenger, not a drill sergeant or a commanding general. He's not a survival consultant. He is just one man. Alex has to be careful what he says and how he says it all the time. And I KNOW for a fact that there will come a time when Alex will get into the survival aspects of the infowar. Right now, it is important that we wake up as many people as possible to just the idea of the evil nWO. This does not include scaring away listeners with talk of guerrilla tactics and survival techniques.

Moreover, Alex, in many ways doesn't know what to do. He's just freaking out just like the rest of us telling you whats happening. He puts his life on the line to tell you the truth, not to be your military trainer or commander.

The bottom line is YOU are responsible for learning these things. So often we want to pass the buck and look to others to be responsible for our survival. Wake up call, as a patriot and defender of this beautiful country we so adore, it is YOUR responsibility to learn what you need to know to survive. Not Alex Jones. Not anyone else but YOU.

Laser, Thom, Corcceigh, you are all my bothers in truth, keep fighting the good fight and I'll see you on the front lines!
Comment by Corcceigh on January 1, 2009 at 2:39pm
As I see the way each of us are building our own pieces of the freedom movement, I think of how we are all contributing to a part of the structure. We are all bricks or posts or beams. Alex is a part of that structure, too. In the end he may be only known for waking people up, but those people will also become a part of the structure. You might find a little help that Alex throws our way sometime in the near future when a 3 man team of patriots that Alex has awakened is lying in an LP/OP watching over a possible engress path into your fade back area when some foreign spec-ops are patrolling your area.

I know you might read something into the text I'm typing and can't actually hear my tone, so please, don't read anything into it. I'm not really copping a "defend Alex Jones" attitude. I'm just saying to acknowledge his contributions and realize that he has limitations. I've also read the posts by Thom and LasersShadow and you guys have made excellent contributions, too. If everyone that Alex wakes up becomes active in the way you and others have, Alex will have done his part well. I think we all must contribute to the movement with the talent we possess. Our talents are different than Alex Jones' and we and he will go about restoring the Republic in the best way each of us can.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on December 31, 2008 at 7:25pm
The last thing anyone i have ever met wanted to do was to attack the most well funded most technologically advanced killing force ever to walk the earth that we know of. I mean really its not like shooting a cop god forbid, these guys live eat and breathe tracking down suspects and killing them... no courts or jail ever involved unless of course they are torturing you to death for the CIA...

No the NWO's plan is for the American people to fight theres no doubt about this. They don't give a shit weather the people win or the troops win because they win no matter what the outcome of America fighting itself. I want a strong America and a Strong Military for protecting AMERICA not Israel or for Energy concerns.

We will see how this web they have woven comes together, you KNOW that this is not going to be straight forward "ok we're coming for your guns today" it will be complex and the thinking people will be able to dodge many bullets along the way before fighting ever comes to mind seriously.

Before we worry about the Military or the UN kicking doors we should focus on surviving the population reduction actions they are going to take eventually. Weather it be "terror" BIO Nuclear or chemical attacks against us. Guns in these law of the jungle situations are just as important and the tactics to survive. Alex does not cover survival except for pushing his efoodsdirect and Gold sponsors. I literally hear more about survival on the UFO show C2CAM. Infos great for waking up people and recruiting but when everything we're trying to stop happens the only thing Alex Jones was good for in the end is playing back a tape to convince someone to stand with you against who they now know is the Terrorists.... More later -TLS

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