Introducing microbes in our local drinking water that increase "Natural" environment to lower immune system and dna cells to enter and cause disease and extreem flu seasons!
2011 Will be the year that the sellected upper class involving the most educated Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, and certain levels of the law, thin out the entire lower class population. Introducing microbes in our local drinking water that increase "Natural" environment to lower immune system and dna cells to enter and cause disease and extreem flu seasons! People have already begun to die and i know exactly who and why! Nobody knows what im talking about around here tho, they dont understand the Redox of environment and then i go into the microbiology end of it and then im a nut case!!!! I seen it with my very own eyes, organisms that live in all environments in my microcultures. Im the only one in the state that keeps microcultures, of course im a nut! This is the only stage a person can see it for themself, I watch these dominate and take over new cell structure. I wish there was a way to do something, its almost like saving the world but come on, Now "thats Just Crazy"! So flipping crazy, media calls it a flu, so it "Must" be a flu. Just so you all know, 2011 is "Not" the year to drink any water! They withstand chlorine and extreme temps. I need to figure out a way to change dna structure with organism who is more sensitive to environment and kill these demons myself!
Well, I guess they got all the bases covered in the poison department: Air, water, frankenfood and moo's media to retard the brain. Gee, who's going to be around to serve the elites if all us dumb-downed worker bee's fall over dead?
Oh they probably already built machines for that! It wont take out everyone of us, just the majority of selected targets and gene pools! Stay away from the new retail markets that have a funny "generic" label!
Ya know, di ionize the water your self! As long as the City reports to the EPA them self and dont subcontract the OCC from inspection themself, to a company that has Baxter in control then you just may be ok?! Im even weary of bottled water after reading a report about targeting certain gene pools threw the plastic companies! Plastic leaches in the water to some degree with whatever it is made up of. There are certain companies tied in with Baxter in the retail, schools of certifications, to health, plastic botteling industries that would make peoples heads spin! I found the proof two days ago, its all under my fingers and copies to cds that i have hid outside of my personal space. I have enough to nail him and his organized partners but dont have the hows to do it!!! Just dont believe everyone who tests your water, they may not really work for the federal government if the city already subcontracted those rights out! People that have no authority to take testing outside the budget level, wont test for what you want them to test for, but rather what they have been allowed to do! Oh and their are many ways to test water, most of them wont show you what is really in the sample, you have to sometimes know what your looking for by other means. I have my own system now, i wont be sick again, but even that im not sure of. Look up information in regards to Gammaproteobacteria. Look into metal tolerant microbes, its overwhelming to know the side effects and the results when its everywhere in front of you!!!!
Oh and second, they didnt plant this in the city, instead it was the country which water supplied the city! Being that it would be impossible to detect for the average Joe,unless you were the only one in the state that dose what i do, to see these organisms in the diagnostic stage instead of the cysts that everyone consumed! They didnt think the AquaDoc could find such a bug! Come on its just the Fish lady that works on the rich peoples fish tanks! What did they ever know about passion! :-[
Highest levels of Chromium 6 in the country, perfect and so convenient to announce after the flu hit! Chromium made everyone immunity perfect to fit their plan, do you think the levels got that high in one day? They are supposed to test every three days! Now the Microbe has a chance to take affect on all who drink the water before they filter it back out again. Some even lie dormant in your body for up to a decade when the second round of immunity compromising event happens to thin the population! Babies have died because of them! WTF!
Just so you all know, i didnt ever really believe in all this myself, but since i discovered this Micro organism, saw with my own eyes, researched it,,,,,, It was actually an accident to find all the evidence of the people in charge of this! Im for real!!!!
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