Special Agent who handled Hillary Clinton during 2016 seizure-like collapse dead at 49

Special Agent who handled Hillary Clinton during 2016 seizure-like collapse dead at 49

by Shepard Ambellas, Intellihub:

Astonishingly, the Secret Service special agent that helped lift Hillary Clinton into a black van after her collapse in 2016 is dead

Secret Service Special Agent Todd Madison, a.k.a. “Hillary’s handler,” died at a Wisconsin hospital on December 8, 2017, at age 49 after serving 20 years with the agency protecting some of the most high-profile countrymen and women including the Clintons during their tenure at the White House.

Madison who was also employed by K2 Intelligence is best known for allegedly being Hillary Clinton’s medical handler and was publically ousted by the media after physically helping Clinton into what appeared to be a custom medical van after she collapsed while leaving a 9/11 Memorial Ceremony at Ground Zero in New York in September of 2016.

Screenshot via The Telegraph/YouTube

The Boston Globe ran with the article headline Secret Service appears to have broken protocol with Clinton’s early departure from 9/11 event in which they reported that Clinton could be seen “leaning against a security bollard and then buckling and stumbling as her security detail helps her into a black van.”

In the weeks leading up to Hillary’s collapse at the 9/11 Memorial Ceremony, it was rumored that the presidential candidate was suffering from various medical ailments which prompted TruNews to report that “Hillary’s secret handler is Secret Service Agent Todd Madison.”

Read More @ Intellihub.com

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What a co-inkydink!

Nothing suspicious there...carry on with your work, serf.

Many don't know, but TWO former Secret Servicemen formerly Clinton Guards got shot at WACO. They were ATF at that time. They were shot FROM ABOVE, from a Military helicopter, using 7.62mm rifles.

This was buried as quick as revealed, but I memorised it, at that time. I feel it important to remember these two men, and add them to Clinton's body count.

It should also serve as Warning to ALL Secret Service agents---you work THAT detail, and you are on a "Death Detail" truly !


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