1.   Four people collected random samples of the dust from the World Trade Center and it contained

a.  microscopic  super thermate  (aka nano-thermate)   thermite is an incendiary (aka like a match which gets on fire due to a chemical reaction that produces heat and thereby fire on the wood or paper match stick.

 This thermate contained sulfur and barium which means it was militarized.   Steel beams do not have sulfur molecules mixed into it when it was made and was molten (liquid), yet samples of steel after 9/11 were found to have sulfur molecules fuzzed or welded within it and  steel beams were vaporized to paper thin (starting from a inch thick steel beam.    Steel melts at about 2,700 degrees F.  Hydrocarbon fires only get to 800 to 1,000 degrees F.  

super thermate is an very high tech explosive 

b.  Iron spheres were found in the dust.

2.  white smoke coming from the wreckage.   It should have been black coming from the wreckage as there was very little oxygen in the burning wreckage.   Thermate makes its own oxygen and produces white smoke when it burns.   The white smoke is aluminum oxide, not partly burn hydrocarbons from office furnishings or jet fuel which produces black smoke

3.   Three high rise steel building collapsed, yet the fires were not hot or did not last as long as many other high rise fires in high rise buildings that burnt for as long a 10 hours.   And black smoke is from an oxygen starved fire.   And you must blow oxygen into a finance to melt iron to get the heat up to 2,700 degrees F.   Black smith. 

 red 1450 F   orange  1850 F   yellow 1950 F, and white 2300 F

NIST did not find any Twin Tower center core column steel beams that had been heated above 250 degrees C. (482 F or a temperature which your kitchen oven can reach). 

The steel beams used in high rise buildings if painted with a primer paint to protect the steel. 

experts could tell how hot the steel beams got by analyzing the paint coating on the steel beams after they are heated - by the cracking patterns of this paint rust resistant coating or paint.


4. Most of the jet fuel exploded and burnt up in mid-air and it only gets some 800 degree F not hot enough to weaken steel beams.

5. The fire around  impact hole cooled off so that a victim was standing in this hole waving.  Only part of these WTC buildings was on fire at any one time, the rest of the steel beams were designed to carry twin the loud under normal conditions.   So three-fourths of each floor that was not on fire, could easily hold up the other fourth whose steel beams may have been temporary weaken in the burning fires.

When steel gets 900 to 1020ºF hot it still retains about 60% of its strength. 

Minutes prior to the collapse fire fighters radioed:    "Battalion Seven…Ladder Fifteen, we've got two isolated pockets of fire.  We should be able to knock it down with two lines. Rodger that, 78th floor numerous Code Ones" (aka small controllable fires)) 


6.  Numerous fire fighters /eyewitnesses saw liquid yellow-white iron dripping from and within the WTC.   Photos and video were taken of this dripping yellow to white hot iron.   You can tell the temperature by the color of iron or steel.     There are also video tapes of thermidic ignitions/burst of flame in the wreckage.    The wreckage was so hot it melted fire fighters rubber boots and the wreckage stayed hot for some three after the collapse.    A car size solid chunk of re-solidified iron.

It took three months to put out the fires in the wreckage.   NIST reported six days after the collapse that temperatures inside the wreckage was over 700 degree C.   In addition, five days after September 11th, the USGS took aerial thermal photographs of the WTC wreckage and they showedtemperatures of from 1,160 to 1,377 degrees F., even after the fire fighters were pouring water on the wreckage for five days.


7.  the Twin Towers fell down a bit slower than free fall acceleration and WTC seven almost at free fall acceleration.   This is impossible because the 47 inner core  steel columns were thicker the lower within the Twin Towers one goes to the first floor.   4 inch thick there.  

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8. All the concrete flooring turned to dust. and steel beams were blown some hundred feet to the sides of the Twin Towers.   This can not occur due to a pile driving event from only the weight of the upper floors, as gravity only pulls straight downward.  Only an explosion could have thrown the steel outward as it did.  

blown outward some 500 to 600 feet at 50 to 70 mph, including a 20 ton structural perimeter beam.  


9. The whole top floors of one of the Twin Tower buildings, some 15 floor tipped some 22 degree to one side.   These floors were interconnected like a solid block and therefore, the center of gravity of this large chunk of falling building should have fell onto the ground in one big piece off to the side of the building.   This is basic physics.   Once an object has its center of gravity moving that far off center it must continue to fall over.  That is what "center of gravity" is all about.  It means gravity will pull an object to fall over after it crosses the center of the weight of the whole object.

What  did happen to this big chunk of upper floors is they appeared to melt like a cub of butter on a hot pan.  From the bottom up and as the bottom of this cub turned to dust, the center of gravity changed, so it did not fall over off to one side of the building.  
Here is a simple experiment.   Balance yourself on one foot and see how far you can tilt before you fall over.    Basic physics.

10.  You could see on video tape with your own eye the bright flashes of orange light as explosions go off and grayish smoke puffs as all three WTC buildings collapse.   In the case of WTC 7 you can see the explosions moving very rapidly up the side of the building in a video tape.

11. WTC seven was not hit by an airplane and had very few fires.   There was an explosion on or near the stairway on the sixth to eight floor causing the stairway to fall down and almost killing two guys and trapping them inside.   This was prior to the south tower collapsing .

12.  Fire fighters were order to leave the area around WTC 7 and told it was going to fall down minutes later.     Larry Silverstein said they decided to PULL IT.    Live TV reported WTC as just collapsing yet we can see it still standing in the skyline behind the reporter.   Shortly thereafter, it did collapse.

12.  118 witnesses reported hearing explosions.   Workers in the Twin Tower's basement  felt an explosion that pushed the floor upward like in an earth quake.   The explosion was in a lower basement level and a worker came up from below with massive burns.   A few seconds later these workers hear the impact of the airplanes on some 80 floor up the building.

13.   A live TV broadcast of the south Tower showed the nose of the alleged 767 (UA 175) airplane coming out of the side of the building and instandly the TV broadcast "fads to black."   The way we have a record of this is someone had their VCR recording the live TV broadcast.     The fad to black was done to censor a faking of this impact that was being filmed from a helicopter.   The plotter screwed up.

14.   Video tapes of UA 175 flying across the sky before it hit the south Tower on analysis of the jet's speed by four scientific institutions, shows the 767 flying at around 500 mph.  This is an impossible speed at this low altitude.   At something over 320 mph the jet's nose will start to uncontrollably go upward and the pilot has to slow down to regain control of the aircraft . This is because over 320 mph in the thick air of low altitude, the wings produce too much lift.

15.   No human pilot could have flown into the Twin Towers at 320 mph with a 9 mph cross wind.  Just a very slight pressure on the airplanes steering wheel and the pilots would have missed the buildings. 

16.   There  is a lot of evidence that video tapes of UA 175 impacting the south tower were faked.   There is also the possibility that a 737 jet flew into the tower as one expert claims the jet engine that landed on the sidewalk was in fact a 737 engine.   Now this is the kind of expert testimony that requires to be taken under oath in a public Congressional investigation.

17.  No 757 hit the Pentagon because there is no holes in the side of the Pentagon where the 9 foot tall jet engines should have crashed and there is not enough damage to the outer wall of the Pentagon, and the FBI or National Transportation Safety Board refuses to release the serial numbers of any of the four 9/11 jets and also refuses to release the serial number of the flight data recorders that were recovered from the Pentagon and from flight UA 93 around Shanksville, PA. 

confirm these serial numbers agree with the federal registry identifications of all commercial civil aircraft.


No large piece of 757 wreckage.

April Gallop a US military woman was working some 30 feet from the impact hole and inside the Pentagon and was not burnt by jet fuel, but was thrown downward due to an explosion

a.   First responders stated there were no jet fuel fires and they did not smell of jet fuel, but did smell an explosive called cordite.


b.   Official DoD autopsy report - no Arab DNA found in any of the AA77 remains. 


18.  The radar data was faked showing jets flying at over 500 mph and like the AA 77 flying like a fighter jet.   No background returns.


19.  Over 13 eyewitnesses report the allege AA 77 flying on the wrong side of the CITCO gas station, thereby making it impossible to hit the Pentagon.

20.  NO  757 flying at some 300 mph into five light poles and not crash or have a wing torn offbefore it hit the outer wall of the Pentagon.   Its wing fuel tanks would have exploded.   A cab driver lied about the light pole falling onto his cab.   His cab was damaged to make it appear the pole fell down at the time of the Pentagon explosion.  Taxi driver Lloyde England admitted to lying on video tape.  

21.  A 757 can not fly any lower than 30 feet above the ground and at maximum speed of 368 mph YET the impact was into the ground floor of the Pentagon.

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The officials lied about the exit hole in the third ring from the outer wall, the C ring. There three hole blown into the C ring wall by the fire and rescue guys. Most of the damage was in the outer E and D rings.


.It is impossible for a 757 to fly into a 15 foot hole of the ground floor of the Pentagon and have 95% of the damage on this ground floor.   There was very little damage to the second floor because aBoeing 757 is 43 feet tall when measured vertical stabilizer on the tail of the airplane.  The Pentagon was 73 feet tall, so there should have been some damage to the outside wall on the third floor, but there was none. 


There were no marks or damage on the wall of the Pentagon that should have been caused by the long wings of the 757.  The windows were not even broken where the vertical stabilizer should have smashed into them.   


The six foot tall spools of wire also that should have been smashed into the Pentagon by the 757s engines which hang below the wings and the lawn in front of the impact hole was not damaged by the jet engines flying so low.  


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22.  There was an explosion and fire very close to the Pentagon helipad air traffic control tower and fire station.   This is where a little bit of aircraft wreckage was photographed.  Fire from this explosion put black sot onto the outer wall of the Pentagon.   Then there was some 30 to 40 feet of the outer wall of the Pentagon without sot on it, and then the alleged hole where allegedly the 757 hit.   

23.  A piece of carbon fiber landed inside a passing car thru her sun roof.   We have a photo of it. It is not a part from a 757, but could have come from a cruise missile or an A-3, Skyhawk fighter jet.   Pentagon office workers were immediately ordered to do a police call of the crime scene.  They were photographed and one eye witness reported being part of the group ordered to pick up and shut up small piece of something.    Why was there such an emergent need to use non- trained crash investigator or police for this task?  Why the hostile attitude to those doing the police call.

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24.   There were very high levels of radiation noted downwind from the Pentagon are a scientist reported to officials warning them of the immediate need for hazmat experts.  Dr. Janette Sherman, 77, worked for a Radiation and Public Health Project, who lived 12 miles downwind from the Pentagon   and on September 11, 2001, she turned on the Geiger counter that she uses in the work and it showed an extremely high reading more than eight to ten times higherthan normal background radiation.  

They also called the EPA, HAZMAT, and FBI and told them to "Get all those emergency response workers suited up. They need to be protected."  On September 13, 2001, EPA called back concurred that there was radiation at the Pentagon.  "Yup, the Pentagon crash rubble was radioactive, and we believe its depleted uranium…"  

     So where did this radiation come from?  Leslie M. Nichols, product spokesperson for Boeing's 767 stated that,  "Boeing has never used Depleted Uranium (DU) on either the 757 or the 767." 

After a week from 9/11 there were still high radiation levels of 75 to 83 cpm, 33 miles northwest of the Pentagon in soil readings.   Cindy Folkers of the Washington-based Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) said normal background radiation levels for outdoor should have been between 12 to 20 cpm.  

Photos show wreckage workers wearing protective masks and AirForce hazmat people reported to the crash site.  12 inches of dirt of gravel over the lawn during clean up?



25.   Data spread sheet released by the FAA or NORAD due to FOIA request, this data from the flight data recorders was faked and a 767 or 757 can not fly at some 500 mph as is shown on this data spread sheet.   If the AA 77 had flown the way this data indicates , that is, making a diving maneuver with the diver nose downward , too many  G-forces  (of around 33 times its normal) would have torn off the wings of the aircraft as the pilot went to straight and level flight in order to fly over a small hill and into the Pentagon.  

Based on the faked data from the AA77 flight data recorder, this jet sustained 11.2 G's needed to arrest its descending dive.


Also at 500 mph at this low altitude may have caused the wings to be torn off.  airspeed of 460 mph at any altitude runs the risk total structural failure  These air speeds at sea level are well above the maximum operating speed of the Boeing 767-200. 

If the wings are supporting 100 tons of jet in level un-accelerated flight and then the airplane encounters turbulence, the loads carried by the wings, attach points and all of the other supporting structures can virtually instantaneously experience an increase of 30%-40%-50% or more in one direction followed by a change in the opposite, or combination (twisting) direction. It's very hard on equipment; all of this happening at close to the speed of sound.

 These kinds of speeds can only be reached in a diver from higher altitude and again there is a very high risk of the aircraft braking apart due to excessive air pressure resistance.   The jet engines can not push the a 757 thru the air and keep it moving at 500 mph because the engines are not that powerful   Pilots can increase the engine speed in an emergency up to some 420 mph, but safe speed at this low attitude in thick air is below 368 mph and to get these big jets to land, the pilot has to go so slow, shut the engines almost off, as to allow the jet to fall onto the runway at some 150 mph or less.   Tricky business.

The alleged hijackers (the pasties) could not fly a small single engine airplane.  It takes years of flying to learn how to fly a large commercial jet.   

Now what are the odds of two alleged hijackers flying  767s, but they are too stupid to have learned the difference between the PA system switch from the radio transmit switch?  There is no way in hell a pilot can fly an airplane without knowing where the radio button is.  


26. The video tapes of the radar pictures shown on the air traffic controllers radar monitors was also faked, because it lacked ground clutter after the alleged AA 77 hit the Pentagon.  

27. NIST falsified their data in making their computerized presentation showing how it happened and did not give a reason(s) as to how the WTC buildings collapsed due to fire.  In other words they could not explain free fall acceleration in there computer modeling without lying about the data.   It was their duty to make sure this does not happen again, so we could change our building methods.  

28.  ATARs data shows 9/11 jet or jets still in the air after it allegedly crashed. 

28.  Two eyewitnesses, guys cleaning up the wreckage, reported finding the flight data recorders and/or cockpit voice recorders in the Twin Tower wreckage and giving them to the alleged FBI.   Yet, FBI reported that these black boxes were not found.

29.  WTC building six exploded and was not damaged by the collapse of the north tower because it exploded before the north tower fell down.   It was alleged this building was destroyed by the north tower.   We have paramedic fire fighter reported that he was running for his life from the south tower collapse and actually saw the flashes of light from explosives inside WTC Six as he was running past it.


30.   It is a crime to lie to the FBI and Ted Olson has not been charged.


Dr. David Ray Griffin  presented extensive evidence that reported cell phone calls from the 9/11 airliners from approximately 10 reported cell phone calls from United 93, could not have occurred, because the cell phone technology at the time did not allow calls to be made from airliners flying at a high altitude (Flight 93 was at 34,300 to 40,700 feet when the calls were reportedly made).


Ted Olson said his wife Barbara reported that the flight had been hijacked, and the hijackers hadknives and box cutters. And that she further indicated that the hijackers were not aware of her phone call, and that they had put all the passengers in the back of the plane. About a minute into the conversation, the call was cut off. Ted Olson tried unsuccessfully to reach Attorney General John Ashcroft. Shortly after the first call, Barbara Olson reached her husband again. She reported that the pilot had announced that the flight had been hijacked, and she asked her husband what she should tell the captain to do. Ted Olson asked for her location and she replied that the aircraft was then flying over houses.

Another passenger told her they were traveling northeast. Ted Olson than says he informed his wife of the two previous hijackings and crashes. She did not display signs of panic and did not indicate any awareness of an impending crash. At that point, the second call was cut off." - 9/11 Commission Report


The FBI had in 2006 presented, as evidence in the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui (sometimes called "the 20th hijacker"), a report on phone calls from the four airliners. According to this report, there wereonly two cell phone calls from United 93 low-altitude , and they were made at 9:58, shortly before the plane crashed, when it was down to 5,000 feet.

smoke showing path to crash of 93, big plume upper right denotes initial explosion before going down

all indications and evidence point to AF missile fired

(plane crashes DO NOT create 8 mile debris fields)

 photo newimage5.png

photo evidence UA93 was shot down

Barbara Olson made a call to the Justice Department, but it did not go thru and it was disconnect after zero seconds. 

31.  Former National Security Council counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke says three former top CIA officials -- George Tenet, Cofer Black and Richard Blee -- knowingly withheld key information about al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar.   At least 50 CIA officers knew about this, but Clark customer of all US intelligence on terrorism was not told.   On Sept. 8th Clark was in a intelligence meeting withGeorge Tenet, Cofer Black and Richard Blee and they did not mention this very actionable intelligence because they knew Clark would immediately start a nation alert for these two alleged terrorist.  He would have also started a investigation as to how or why his was keep in the dark.   The FBI, Immigration and the State and Defense Departments had been informed on Sept. 8th but not Clark.  This is more evidence pointing to why we need a new investigation of 9/11.

32.    There were some 14 or 15 military war games being conducted on 9/11 which cause the FAA air traffic controllers to be confused about real vs. "exercise"  blips on their radars

The FAA head Jane Garvey said at one point they suspected up to 11 hijackings on 9/11 and they couldn't determine which were real, which were simulated.  Also the war games Vigilant Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, and Northern Guardian were in progress.


     The Air Force war game Northern Vigilance was an exercise that pulled Air Force fighters from the east coast of the United States up into Canada and Alaska simulating an attack out of Russia.  Furthermore, there was an Air Force war game going on in Arizona and New Mexico, and also the Air Force had fighter jets enforcing the no-fly zone over Iraq.   So all of those fighters were rendered useless as the 9/11 plot unfolded. 


     Only one war-game exercise, Vigilant Guardian, was mentioned in a footnote to the Kean Commission report, however, it was deliberately falsely described as an exercise intended to intercept Russian bombers.  The truth is was a hijack exercise in the northeast sector.


    There was also a "live-fly" Air Force exercise Vigilant Warrior that was being run by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Richard B. Myers) and NORAD.   This war game involved at least one real commercial aircraft being flown to simulate exactly the kind of airliner hijack emergency that actually happened on 9/11, commercial jets used like missiles and flying them into building.  Major Don Arias of NORAD confirmed this information.  

As part of the exercise virtual radar signals were displayed on the screens of the operators in air defense headquarters. These signals didn´t represent real planes in the sky but were only digital points, so called "inserts", to make the war game more realistic. In plain words, the radar data was intentionally manipulated. Therefore, assuming 9/11 might have been an inside job, the exercise could have been a useful cover for blurring the real radar picture and weakening the air defense very effectively.

According to the tape recordings of the air defense there were virtual inserts on the screens as long as 9.30 a.m., meaning almost an hour after the first call to the military.  Actually it seems as if no one really stopped the exercise as long as the hijackings were in progress.

The "Washington Post" reported that Flight 77 turned exactly at a small zone of poor radar coverage. According to the official account they became totally invisible for about 9 minutes, just as the plane turned. And so they allegedly got lost to air traffic controllers. So this radar gap could have been the destination of the unexplained detour.  How should the alleged hijackers have known that the radar gap existed, where it was located and when they would have arrived there?



33.    7 July 2005 London bombings Why is it that the London bombs go off just as the Congress is debating extending the Patriot Act?  The thing about intelligence analysis,  is that it is looking for patterns that defy the common sense rule or statistical probability that the event(s) were not due to chance.

And a coincidence,  another astronomical event occurred when the British secret service, with a company of 1000+ officers, were conducting a terror drill based on a scenario in which the exact same targets, would be attacked at the exact same stations, at the exact same time, you are absolutely oblivious to reality. That is an astronomical coincidence.


John Loftus, a terrorism expert and a former prosecutor for the US Justice Department, has revealed that the so-called mastermind of the July 7th bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, is actually a British intelligence asset. Loftus revealed that the so-called Al-Muhajiroun group, based in London had formed during the Kosovo crisis, when fundamentalist Muslim leaders were recruited by MI6 to fight in Kosovo, as he explains, "Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo.

Efraim Halevy, director of the Mossad from 1998 - 2002, inadvertently gave away his intimate knowledge of the 7/7 terror operation by revealing in an article he wrote for the July 7 edition of theJerusalem Post that he knew the bombings were simultaneous.

The British authorities spent the next two days claiming that the three Tube explosions were spread over a period of 26 minutes from 08:51 to 09:17 before revising the story to simultaneous explosions.


34.  On the morning of September 11th. Vice President Dick Cheney or his immediate staff were conducting, coordinating and/or controlling war games.  The following war games were called national special security events, wherein  the US Secret Service is the supreme US agency for operational control with complete authority over the military and all civilian agencies.

On June 1, 2001, a document was issued changing the earlier DOD procedures for dealing with aircraft piracy (hijacking) or request for destruction of derelict airborne objects.

 This change now required Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld have the responsible for issuing intercept orders and stripped the authority from the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO), at the National Military Command Center (NMCC).  

Rumsfeld did not go to NMCC he was photographed aiding victims of the attack.


35.  That is, NORAD confirmed it only had eight fighters on the East Coast (the North East Air Defense Sector) for emergency scrambles on Sept. 11, 2001 in case of an attack by the Russians or in case a civilian airliner went off its flight plan or got hijacked. Pentagon left what seems to be ayawning gap in the mid-section of its air defenses on the East Coast - a gap with New York City at the center.

36.  The odds that FEMA had a exercise such that its emergency response unit was deployed to aNew York City pier on 10 Sept. and the New York City Emergency Operation Center was at this location on 9/11 not in WTC 7. 

37.  What are the odds, of a group of Israelis were arrested after they were observed dancing on top of a white van was they watched the Twin Towers burning or collapsing from across the Hudson River.  The van was marked "Urban Moving Systems." When the FBI got suspicious, when they found maps of the city, certain places highlighted, $4,700 in cash in a sock, and foreign passports. The cops bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they smelled explosives. The FBI seized the prints of the photos of these Israelis had taken, showing one of them celebrating with the WTC smoldering in the background.   These dancing Israelis worked for a Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems.


     "A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System's Israeli owner, Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country for Israel. He was in such a hurry to flee America that some of Urban Moving System's customers were left with their furniture stranded in storage facilities.

     "The Jewish weekly The Forward reported that the FBI finally concluded that at least two of the detained Israelis were agents working for the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, and that Urban Moving Systems, the ostensible employer of the five Israelis, was a front operation. This was confirmed by two former CIA officers, and they noted that movers' vans are a common intelligence cover.  The Israelis were held in custody for 71 days before being quietly released.


38.  According to Carl Cameron of FOX news, throughout late 2000 and 2001, a total of 200 Israeli spies were arrested. It was the largest spy ring to ever be uncovered in the history of the United States. The Washington Post also reported that some of these Israelis were arrested in connection with the 9-11 investigation.   However, FOX pulled the investigative series after Zionist groups complained to FOX executives. FOX even remove the written transcripts of the series from its website!   The FOX series and other mainstream news media sources revealed that many of these Israelis were army veterans with electronics and explosives expertise.

    Why were Israeli explosives experts, posing as "art students" roaming the halls of US Federal buildings?

    Some 200 Israeli spies were uncovered, among them many military members, electronics experts, wiretapping and phone tapping specialists, and explosives experts with the skill to needed to do a controlled demotion.  The FBI official told FOX's Carl Cameron: "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about the evidence that has been gathered. It is classified information."

     Mossad spies were also trailing and harassing CIA officers assigned to track people like alleged hijacker Mohammed Atta, especially in Fort Lee, New Jersey where Atta lived for a while.  These Israelis art student/spies came very close to the later alleged 9/11 hijackers. In the town of Hollywood, Florida, they identified the two flight school students from Hamburg and alleged hijack pilots, Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi.  These Mossad spies lived in the vicinity of the apartment used by these two, observing them around the clock.

     FBI agents were tailing Israeli agents in the United States - who, in turn, were living and working in close proximity to the Al Qaeda hijackers. 


39.  The FBI was stymied (the covert operation blow) by leaks via the secure FBI and Justice Department communications systems set up by Israeli telecommunications companies such as AMDOCS and Comverse Infosys. Also Israeli software companies had permitted Mossad unfettered access to credit card and telephone records of US (FBI) counter-intelligence agents.


40.  The technology behind the Daschle letter, later the Leahy letter, was very sophisticated. Trillion spores per gram. That is super-weapons grade. Second, tied in there was a special treatment to eliminate electrostatic charges so it would float in the air. You have to have special equipment, special treatment, special everything. The only people who would have the capability to do this would be individuals who either are currently employed by the Department of Defense or the CIA doing biowarfare work, or had been employed by the Department of Defense or the CIA doing biowarfare work. And would probably have access to one of the government's biowarfare labs. This stuff is so dangerous. You could not do it unless you were wearing one of these space suits. And there are only a handful of these labs in the country.

Silicon was used in the 1960s to weaponize anthrax. Through an elaborate process, anthrax spores were coated with the substance to prevent them from clinging together so as to create a lethal aerosol. But since weaponization was banned by international treaties, research anthrax no longer contains silicon, and the anthrax being studied at USAMRIID by Bruce Ivins and in his lab at Fort Detrickcontained none.


Joseph Michael said, that from three letters sent to the New York Post and to the offices of Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, spores from two of those showed a distinct chemical signature that included silicon, oxygen, iron, and tin; the 3rd letter had silicon, oxygen, iron, and possibly also tin. The anthrax bacteria from Ivins' flask (labeled RMR-1029) did not contain any of those four elements. Michael's electron microscopes images show the attack anthrax contained spore clumps, unlike professionally militarized powders.

In late 2002, when the FBI found significant quantities of tin in the mailed powders, it set out to find its source. By 2003, the bureau was calling tin "an element of interest" — echoing its terminology for human suspects. The trouble with such conjecture is that the FBI spent years testing for tin in microbiology lab supplies — and reported none, according to bureau documents.

So these facts do not point to the FBI's claim that Ivins was the person who mailed the letters.

41.  Dr. Larry C. Ford allegedly killed himself on March 3, 2000. His friends and colleagues stated that Ford claimed to have worked for the CIA. They had heard Fords description of some of his missions with the CIA on more than one occasion that he had told colleagues that he had also worked with the US biological warfare program.

Investigators received information that Ford had buried anthrax in a gold mine. Nine months following Fords death on November 3, 2002, the New York Times reported that police found the doctors business card and directions for making chemical and biological weapons, including anthrax, in a gold mine in Nevada.

Dr. Larry Ford, 46, a Mormon, had degrees in biochemistry and medicine working as a gynecologist. Ford was also an infectious disease researcher and started a company called Biofem Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in Irvine, California headquarters.

Mid-1980s Dr. Ford had worked for the US government makes several trips to South Africa.



42.  After former Georgia senator Max Cleland's appointment to the commission in 2002, he became the chief critic of the White House stonewalling over releasing documents and lack of cooperation.

Cleland said the Bush administration was purposely stalling the investigation because of the 2004 election. Cleland said, "As each day goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before Sept. 11 than it has ever admitted."

In November, after the White House set conditions for the examination of documents Cleland said, "If this decision stands, I, as a member of the commission, cannot look any American in the eye, especially family members of victims, and say the commission had full access. This investigation is now compromised."

In December 2003, Cleland stepped down from the commission to become a member of the board of directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States.

43.  Information that matters about suspicious banking transactions on 9/11

Black Eagle Fund, the Shadow CIA and the relationship to Sept. 11th parts one to four






44. The US Senate called it the United in Strengthen America Act

In the House they called it the Uniting and Strengthening Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (aka USA Patriot Act) of 2001.   

And the purpose was to point out that anyone who would criticize it was unpatriotic.

Ashcroft said, are those who would scare people with phantom of lost liberty… He means we are traitors.

The bill came to Congress from the White House with the request that they hold no hearings on it, so there would be no public discourse.

The 36 members of the House Judiciary committee unanimously voted for a bi-partisan bill.  The bill was printed at 3:45 am on the day the bill was to be voted on by the full House at 11 am.

The White House secretly changed the wording of the bill that was printed.  It contained wording that had been rejected by the Judiciary committee.

This was what the justice department called the "hold until cleared policy." These people were kept in solitary confinement for 23 out of 24 hours per day and no contact with the outside world, sometimes without blankets, lights kept on 24 hours.   These arrest were consider secret and they were held for months with no probable cause that they had broken any criminal laws.   This policy was decided and  authorized only by AG John Ashcroft and based on nothing in the Patriot Act.   Ashcroft goes on TV to tell America that he has "detained" nearly 1,000 people (immigrants, none arrest for any crime).

Then in November the Justice Department refused to give out the daily total of these US person detained/arrested with probable cause.   "We will never know how many people were arrested in the first seven weeks alone."

Vincent Cannistraro former CIA Director for Counter Terrorism and Operations Analysis said they Bush Administration authorized the arrest of immigrants based on their Arabian race or Muslim religion.   And this never uncovered any terrorists.

These detainees were flown back to their country of origin, some who had fled seeking political asylum in the US and returning them, put them at risk of torture or death.

The Justice Department's IG criticized these actions.   

Dennis Lormel, Chief  FBI Terrorist Financing Operations was responsible to using banks to spy on Americans without probable cause.


45.  The likely people who Masterminded 9/11 - Explosive Connections (Updated Version)


46.  Seven fake Terror alerts used by AWOL Bush to win re-election - the fear factor and his poll numbers

August 20, 2009 Tom Ridge reveals that Attorney General John Ashcroft and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld argued in favor of raising the threat level because it helped Bush's opinion poll ratings.

Neither Mr. Ridge nor any of the department's security experts thought the message warranted any change in the nation's alert status.


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