I would agree with this. Digital TV is taking over the broadcast TV airwaves and anyone without these converter boxes will not be able to watch TV on their analog sets. Getting a digital TV is very expensive I know and its going to hit real hard June 12th of 2009. You might as well call this a TVY2K09. Around June 12th hurricane season is going to be around and its going to get really hard for people to get a signal on a cheap black and white TV set. I applied for a coupon around June 2008 and when I went to Radio Shack, they said they ran out and he said he would get them in Thursday. When Thursday came around I was there, they still did get in until around September 2008. I wish the converter box coupons should have had a expiration date until the date of the transition ends. As an update, 2 TV stations such as a public broadcast station and a My TVZ station went off the air on Feburary 17, 2009 and coming next NBC on channel 10 will shut off its analog signal around March 14, 2009. The transistion extension was supposed to be around June 12, 2009, but most TV stations tend to shut off around Feburary 17, 2009, now I cannot watch PBS or WTVZ on my TV in the kitchen, I have to get a converter box when I get paid even if I like or not. The analog TV audio receivers that cover 2 to 13 is going to be a dependable source for news and information and this June 12 when the hurricanes and thunderstorms, tornadoes approach people will hear nothing but white noise or is lucky to get a TV station from 2 to 13 and will survive the storm or not. Above all of this 2009 is going to be the biggest disaster in TV viewership and ratings will go completely down during the Summer of 2009. Not everyone right now will be able to watch PBS on their TV without that special "digital" box.
DTV should be called Super Disaster Television (SDTV).
Here is the complete "Bel Air Fire" episode of the TV series "When Havoc Struck" from 1978. Includes intense footage and dramatic interviews from survivors o...