170403 My 12160 Rant on Economic Independence and Cooperation

Thanks for the invite Less Prone!

Straight into it;

(Not good at driving on the internet. But, I'm learnin'!)

After 22 plus years "on the roads" of Astrayliar (Australia), ie., 22 years homeless (it's complicated) and having only last November gotten my 9 year long "forests project" of a hut for back of my 4x4 on - back of the "ute", it does seem I'm destined to live and go out this way, in perhaps 8 years, at 70y/o.

But much time to think on "off-grid" living, has me reckon that we're better living as Nomads.

Sure, employed folks really have to have a settled life, to be able to maintain the necessary routines of workaday lifestyles.

So, as we mostly have to work somehow, somewhere for an income, Nomadism can't, at this stage, be for the majority.

Thing is, with much study of Philosophy and economics, and of myself, as per "desires" and who makes us desirous of mainly unnecessary commercial product, it's clear to me at least, that peeps really do not need I say upto 90% of the "possessions" we gather around while ensconced in the typical "nuclear family types of housing.

Yep. I'd prefer a patch of land. But that's another story. (Ask the Vatican!)

After years of being outside of society, you look back in, and see it better, for what it really is.

IMO, our modern, typical western mainstream social models, very much glued around the nuclear family housing model/s, are possibly the biggest woe for our planet.

They're massively INefficient, come to use of resources, utilities, services and everything relevant for a group of peeps to sustain economic and happy lifestyles.

Other than going in the opposite direction to what is the most selfish housing model possible - aka nuke family housing - and expecting ha ha everyone to share bedrooms in dormitory styles, and all the other rooms, because we do need some personal space, perhaps just occasionally, Living in mobile accom, whether our own bus, or the like, should be much more economical for those who aren't stuck to high-speed lifestyles as in cities, etc.

But, I know places to "camp" each night, in high-pop nations, are limited, and most peeps couldn't live anything near how I'm now used to. (A shower? Whats that?)

I guess my point is, the modern western housing, and other versions of everyone having their own nuke family house, is the least economical, all-round, for the people and for the whole group, aka the nation.

Then we look from the global view, and see it's what is killing the planet's environment, purely because the nuke family house models, "lure" us to want to fill them, with mostly (90%) of product which are costing the planet so much, in essential resources, like NATURE.

Westerners, especially Americans and Australians, but all 1st worlders, have been led down the sewer of commercial over-consumption, of things that don't really make us content. In fact, they ARE DESIGNED, and marketed, to do the opposite.

That's, how cRapitalism works, and relies on, for big corp, to keep profits rolling in.

Very, uneconomical, at the end of the world.

That's why being Nomadic, where and when possible of course, is the other end of the spectrum of uneconomic/economic living.

It can, in suitable regions, have many benefits too. like NO RENT, etc.

Solar power on the roof, with modern low-voltage devices and appliances, reduces outgoings massively as well.

In Australia, we're currently being taken to the cleaners by "utility" corporations charging the earth for electricity, gas, water and sewerage etc etc.

I guess it's similar in north America too?

All the cries of "austerity measures" out of Europe and such, and all the various politicians trying to sell policies for more power more energy etc., seem never to go to, the points that peeps are simply over-consuming energy at ridiculous rates, esp., in 1st world, spoiled-brat nations.

With the massive advances in electrical device and household appliances becoming less energy-consumptive, I ask "Do we (in Australia, our power grid runs 240 volt AC) need such a high level of electricity supplying us?"

Even in the US, at 120 volts AC (Y/N?), one thing modernity has brung us, is the efficient low voltage products.

Therefore, does the system not need and be able to reduce 1, the amount of electricity being pumped around, and 2, campaign for peeps to lower their energy requirements?

Dunno? 22 years on the road, sorta starves one of all the luxuries, so living minimalist, seems entirely logical , Mr Spock.

Granted, being forced out of the workforce in '95, then onto an Aussie govt pension, just enough to sustain fuel and food, and MORE BEER, every fortnight, does, by comparison to say, the Homeless Vets of the US (Fucking disgusting tragedy!), make this Nomadic lifestyle tenable and possible.

I'm inclined also to suspect static living, in high density localities, does increase the likelihood of peeps going nuts. So...






Views: 86

Replies to This Discussion

Nomad living style is best suited for a scarce  population where nature provides enough food without agriculture. It won't work for us all. We are too many for that. It is true that we live under a spell of consumerism. In the old days you saved for commodities that you wanted to purchase but nowadays we are programmed to get all at once and pay it later. That is necessary for the corrupt money/debt system to continue in existence.   


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