I am sick of the Obama Wars!  Ron Paul speaks out!  He is also going after FEMA and Federal Reserve.  And this has always been his stance, not a new thing to win votes as far as I can tell. If anyone else has something different to say, please lets discuss.


Here is the video from 3 wks ago:

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Earlier today I was watching some of Ron Paul's 'predictions' videos from over 10 years ago.  As you said, this has always been his stance.
I have no problem with Ron Paul .He a straight American shooter and he has been for years. I will vote for him.
I am sick & tired of Obama Himself. I am astonished how this man by going against the Constitution, he gets more power, by saying more lies to the American people, he gets more power, by committing acts of treason,he gets more power. Is the whole world gone mad? Is there any hope for Americans? You tell me.
Carmine, I get physically sick when I see him in videos or on TV.

I'm also sick of these endless wars, but Obama didn't start them - he's just continuing them. The president's Bush began these wars, and the DemoPublicans are at fault here.

I also get sick whenever I see Obama's rotten face on TV, so I just turn the channel.


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