Three months ago, it snowed in Cairo, Egypt for the first time in 112 years.
2013 was the largest one-year temperature drop ever recorded in the United States.
The extent of the Antarctic sea ice is at record highs.
It’s the Real Inconvenient Truth—right now the world is getting colder. And it’s likely to get even colder for the next 20 years—before a new, stronger cycle of sunspots begins, as they have for eons. They are statistically very, VERY accurate.
But there’s more, and it’s A Sad Truth: there is ample evidence that suggests private scientists and public servants have been manipulating the basic raw data that most everyone relies on to calculate climate change. (This story has great timing as the IPCC–International Panel on Climate Change–just released Part 5 of their most recent major assessment on climate science (even they can’t bring themselves to call it Global Warming anymore).)
There are some investment trends that come out of this new Truth, and some of it is as simple as get long snowmobile makers and get short lawn mowers. One trend is that Global Cooling should bring more seasonality in oil and gas prices, making energy ETF and commodity traders happy.
All of this is part of a new ground-breaking study completed by Unit Economics, an investment think-tank from Boston. They are a non-partisan group with no axe to grind on this issue; like me, they are here to make money for their clients. Show us a trend and we’ll figure out how to profit from it.
In Part I, you’ll understand the big swings in temperature the earth has experienced in the last million years, and the last thousand years, and the last 50 years. In Part II I’ll explain how sunspot activity directly correlates to ALL these temperature changes. And I’ll give you a hot, near-term investment trend to capitalize on this cool idea.
And in Part III, I’ll show you how some original research by Unit Economics has uncovered some disturbing data about the integrity of Global Warming science. And really, all they’re doing is adding to an already big pile.
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"Three months ago, it snowed in Cairo, Egypt for the first time in 112 years."
Did they achieve any credibility, by changing their so-called scientific term, "Global Warming", to "Climate Change"? - I don't think so.
Everything out of the ordinary, as far as weather and climate is concerned, and in the minds of the general public, where such events occur (snow in Cairo) is still due to "Anthropogenic Greenhouse Warming" and, the fight is on by the powers that be (wealthy) to have 'their' government puppets usher in another tax grab.
Climate Change is man made, and the Military of the "Super Powers" have been implementing these CHANGES since the 50s.
The Unintended Consequences of Sulfate Aerosols in the
Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
"Since the 1950s and 60s. The USA and USSR, have sought to control the climate, often for military reasons..."
"Undertaking a sulphate aerosol scheme could potentially cause many negative (snow in Cairo?) consequences on global environments."
"Destroying the New World Order"
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