Another scientist has pushed back against the doom-and-gloom climate change predictions from the United Nations and other governmental agencies.
Dr. Leslie Woodcock, emeritus professor at the University of Manchester (UK) School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, is a former NASA scientist along with other impressive accomplishments on his distinguished professional resume.
In an interview, he laughed off man-made climate change as nonsense and a money-making industry for the green lobby, which approaches the subject with a religious fervor. Explained Woodcock:
“The term ‘climate change’ is meaningless. The Earth’s climate has been changing since time immemorial, that is since the Earth was formed 1,000 million years ago. The theory of ‘man-made climate change’ is an unsubstantiated hypothesis [about] our climate [which says it] has been adversely affected by the burning of fossil fuels in the last 100 years, causing the average temperature on the earth’s surface to increase very slightly but with disastrous environmental consequences. The theory is that the CO2 emitted by burning fossil fuel is the ‘greenhouse gas’ causes ‘global warming’ — in fact, water is a much more powerful greenhouse gas and there is 20 time more of it in our atmosphere (around one per cent of the atmosphere) whereas CO2 is only 0.04 per cent. There is no reproducible scientific evidence CO2 has significantly increased in the last 100 years. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean anything in science, it’s not significant…”
"he laughed off man-made climate change as nonsense and a money-making industry for the green lobby".
A money making industry? - Follow the money! - Can you?
Feds can't track green spending, says watchdog
NASA-Funded Group Doctors Sea Level Data
HSBC: Climate Business A $2 Trillion Industry By 2020!IgUqc
Bloomberg Shills Carbon Tax to Fight Terrorism
Are you insured for climate change?
NASA Charged in New Climate Fakery: Greenhouse Gas Data Bogus by John O'Sullivan, guest post at Climate Realists
Obama’s Science Adviser: Don’t Call it ‘Global Warming’
But we do need to clean up our act, and our planet too.
Geologist Informs UK Govt On Climate Change Lies
Added by robertk1968 on May 11, 2012
I had seen this video (above) sometime ago, and had kept a link to it, and was going to post it here on 12160 - Its always encouraging when it becomes evident that someone else, or others, have come across the same information too.
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