Time Magazine: Uproarious Laughter Forces Headline Change as Ice Age Threatens the Magazine's Global Warming Agitprop

Time Magazine: Uproarious Laughter Forces Headline Change as Ice Age Threatens the Magazine's Global Warming Agitprop

Time Magazine sported its Statist regalia earlier today with a truly funny article entitled "Snowstorm: East Coast Blizzard Tied to Climate Change".

After the laughter subsided, visitors to its website noticed that the headline had changed to "Another Blizzard: What Happened to Global Warming?.

I emailed Time with a suggestion for a new headline -- "Serial Blizzards
That Resemble a New Ice Age Prove Global Warming Is Real" -- but have
not yet heard back.

In all seriousness, the text of the article is something out of a rejected SNL skit: it's just too preposterous.
Some of my favorite quotes?

• "There is some evidence that climate change could in fact make such massive snowstorms more common,
even as the world continues to warm." And there's also evidence that
eating five bags of pork rinds a day could cause you to lose weight,
but I can't quite prove that yet.

• "While the frequency of storms in the middle latitudes has decreased as the climate has warmed,
the intensity of those storms has increased. That's in part because of
global warming — hotter air can hold more moisture..." And stupid
people can hold more crap, but I digress.

• "But as far as winter storms go, shouldn't climate change make it too warm for snow to
fall? Eventually that is likely to happen — but probably not for a
while." Or at least not until we've passed Cap-and-Trade and the new
Lightbulb Bill.

• "As global temperatures have risen, the winter ice cover over the Great Lakes has shrunk, which has led to even more
moisture in the atmosphere and more snow in the already hard-hit Great
Lakes region." See, it's easy to follow: warming has shrunk ice cover
in that region while greatly increasing the snow cover!

No mention of ClimateGate. No mention of missing weather stations. No
mention of corrupted or intentionally destroyed data. No mention of the
glaciers that were supposed to melt next week.

Just the Democrat-Statist talking points, recited to an audience that's disappearing faster than a gallon of ice cream in front of Michael Moore's pie hole.

Time Magazine thinks its readers are really, really dumb. Perhaps the few
that remain are truly stupid. But I kinda doubt it. They'd be working
for Time if they were that dumb.


Views: 531

Replies to This Discussion

Yes everything is hearsay and conjecture, true.

Do you know your date of birth? Yes?

Were you self-aware at the time? No. So thus you DOB is hearsay and conjecture. The birth certificate does not count as it was not sworn under an affidavit of truth.

So you see, you KNOW the fact, it is accepted, but are you sure?

The only point I make is when an argument is flooded by disinformation from one position to such a degree it is rather telling (my opinion, not stated fact). But it does all remain hearsay and conjecture.

And as to cap-n-trade, I have an opinion, and there is remedy not a solution, the problem is so few right now have the guts to do it. Nobody can tell you how to fix the system, you will have to co-operate with others positively to achieve anything.

Happy smiling person just bubbling over with optimism and love.

; )
Yes, well, esoterically my date of birth may be of value but otherwise it's useless for anything other than determining chronological age.

The conversation digressed.

I will maintain that global warming might explain an increase in moisture in the air which then might explain the increase in precipitation we just experienced. For all I really know though it might also have been aliens.
I know, I'm just messing with you.

Great big smiley face blowing Jeff a kiss!
I know and I'm always smiling, this is the internet.

Hmm...Let's say a high-humidity air mass flows across a cold continent from the warmer ocean next to it and is met by a, Click Link: Frigid Air Mass Flowing South From The Arctic Causing...
So Steve, you're saying the globe is cooling?
It did fall all over the country dumbass. It just snowed in 49 of the 50 states.

I'm sick of your childish ignorance. I'm also better able to discuss my opinions than you and have no need to resort to attacks or name calling. But to step down to your level, I'm equally as sick of your bullshit. You bring nothing to this discussion but dirt and I don't have a shovel.
So are you saying that we're in a state of global cooling Greg?
Ok, well I'll agree with that for the time being. I think climate change is happening and I'm inclined to believe the globe is warming from all of the evidence I've seen and I also don't think man is causing it but I'm still unsure.It wouldn't be in the best interests of the oil giants to find out that the burning of fossil fuels causes global warming so really, I'm just still unsure what exactly is going on, as are the scientists.

The discussion here, which was provoked by my first comment I believe, seems to me to be based on my supposition that global warming could indeed have increased the moisture in the air which could have easily and consequently been responsible for the extraordinary amount of snow we just had. That seems to make sense to me, which is what the article posted here says, which people here seem to be laughing at. I'm unsure why because it makes perfect sense to me but I'm not a scientist and know very little about weather so perhaps I'm just wrong.
Thanks. In all honesty, being honest is the only thing that allows us to understand that which we don't.
OK guys, we've established global climate change is real and probably isn't man made, global warming is 50% part of this leave amazingly enough 50% cooling. It might fluctuate wildly, but even Jeff noted it's a self regulating system that will balance itself.

The sea is lower in the tropics due to evaporation, this actually just part of the planet’s own regulation method as far as I've read.

My argument is not the existence of the above, my argument is the argument that being the selective mainstream media.

And while we are on dirt why weren't these stories followed up on, other than in the alternative media?

April 2009

Further mentioned November 2009

Now why is nothing being done about the POLLUTION? sod the co2.

We can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the carbon credits scam is exactly that, not an issue. CAP-N-TRADE is a scam, and they will push it through anyway by constant application of bullshit through the mass media to ignorant dumbed down fools.

The answer I will give myself, money, power and a lack of accountability as they do it in international waters, who can bring a world consensus to tackle this attack on the eco-system? Or more to the point who should be.

It's not like these companies would lost out by using cleaner fuel, they just would not make as much, pure greed.

So why are we discussing carbon? Surely it's moot at this point. The elite have one set of rules for us and none for themselves and until we resolve that any "discussion" is moot. Too many are just sitting back and allowing this crap, remember the days before the absolute corruption when Greenpeace and their kind would have been all over this issue?
Yes, I do remember those days. In the face of 9/11, an illegal war in Iraq killing millions of innocents, an illegal war in Afghanistan doing the same, an illegal war in Pakistan doing the same and an illegal war against defenseless innocent people in Gaza, we are, as a group, ineffective at anything we do. We do not posses the ability, the cohesiveness or the political clout to effect any change whatsoever. Watch. In 2012 either Obama will win a second term or a Republican will gain power, a pre-selected Republican, perhaps Palin, perhaps not. Either way, the Democrats and Republicans are in charge in this country and nothing will change that, we're defenseless. Even Patriots that feel as though they have a handle on it because they're armed, don't. You can't fight predator drones and armored vehicles with AK47s or even grenade launchers. It won't come to that anyway. Americans are sufficiently dumbed down that we'll just move forward at a slow pace and the changes will be subtle but the changes will be there, like Cap-N-Trade. It's not a winnable war when you're trying to use truth to power. Power wins, unfortunately. We can only win with an appropriately armed military force and we don't have one.


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