Selling Madame War Horse

Kurt Nimmo
August 11, 2013

Dan Balz, writing for the former crown jewel of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, the Washington Post – a onetime media giant now a midget worth the fire sale price of a paltry $250 million – has come out swinging for Hillary in 2016.

“At this point, Hillary Rodham Clinton has been awarded the Democratic nomination virtually by default and declared the clear favorite to win the general election against her as yet unknown Republican opponent,” writes Balz a full three years plus before the election.

Presagious? Hardly. It’s not difficult to predict the establishment’s choices, especially when the competition out on the Republican fringe will consist of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.
Between now and the Iowa caucuses the Democrats will do a lot of Hillary Clinton wheedling and peddling along with a copious amount of Paul and Cruz bashing – expect a hearty playing of the race card – and the establishment media will do its part to gussy up Hillary as Madame President.

Maureen Dowd, the liberal polemicist for another newspaper drawing near the chopping block, the New York Times, writes that we can’t hear summer cicadas or ourselves “over the roar of the Clinton machine — and the buzzing back to life of old Clinton enemies” already preparing to do battle early this time around.

Dowd reminds us that Team Hillary ran a “shadow campaign” after she was appointed secretary of state under Barry. “Obama granted his former rival special privileges and allowed her to move Hillaryland, with all her loyal image-buffers and political aides, into the State Department intact,” Dowd writes.

2016 will be a watershed. The Republican establishment will attempt to counter Hillary with Condoleezza Rice, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or Paul Ryan, but all of these will play out as sure losers against Hillary.


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Replies to This Discussion

I don't know who on the Republican side could win against Hillary. My guess is that the Republicans will run another straw candiate like McCain and Romney. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Didn't happen with the Repubs in 2008 and 2012.The only way a Republican candiate can win is to run an all out fire burner campaign against Hillary.Forget about that losing Presidental Debate Crap. They need to decide who the candiate is going to be now and not have another primary met down. My guess, they are too stupid to follow my advice. I would love to see Herman Cain take on Hillary!!!!

I totally agree Herta! But people still love to live in the illusion that we still have a choice. It makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside being part of team repuke or demoho. They just want to be on a winning team, period.   

Well said Herta.  We need a 1,000 more like you to run for Senate, Congress or President.  Kudos.

but its "THEY" who are winning, and "US" who are losing ;)

"They" have already decided that bitch Hillary will be the next president - and "they" will set up the "cheating Computer voting machines to all vote for her.  It won't matter who the Republicans put up to run against her.  The Illuminati have this whole election thing rigged against American citizens (right from the Electoral College - what a joke) so they put into power their own hand picked evil Illuminati "goon" who will continue to destroy America and ramp up the Nazi New World Order.  Paper ballots and our own choice of candidate in a new party called the Constitution party would be a good start.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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