Attn Fox News Viewers -Think they stand for your right to own Guns?

Attention Gun Owners: So you think the folks at FOX are on your side?

FOX Network's Frank Luntz now licking Bloomberg's boots.

Here's an editorial from Wedsday's L.A. Times, wherein we find more evidence that Frank Luntz makes for an adroit capo.

Gun control's NRA supporters A poll finds surprising support among NRA members for some aspects of gun control.Gun control is one of those culture-wars issues on which liberals and conservatives often don't even seem to be speaking the same language, let alone coming to consensus. Gun owners -- especially the hard-core enthusiasts who belong to the National Rifle Assn. -- are often thought to oppose any restriction on their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. Except that, according to a recent poll, they don't.

The gun-control debate is replete with suspect polls and fishy statistical analyses, so when Mayors Against Illegal Guns set out to survey gun owners, it knew it would be accused of putting a liberal slant on the questions. That's why the group, a coalition of 500 mayors started in 2006 by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino, hired a conservative pollster to do the job: Frank Luntz, an occasional commentator on the Fox News Channel. Luntz surveyed 401 NRA members and 431 gun owners who don't belong to the group, and came up with some surprising results.

When asked whether they supported or opposed a "proposal requiring all gun sellers at gun shows to conduct criminal background checks of the people buying guns," 69% of the NRA members and 85% of the nonmembers were in favor. This goes to the so-called gun-show loophole, which allows used-gun merchants to sell firearms without doing the background checks that are required when selling new guns. Attempts in Congress to close this loophole have died after meeting strong opposition from the NRA.

Gun owners also were asked whether they agreed or disagreed with this statement: "The federal government should not restrict the police's ability to access, use and share data that helps them enforce federal, state and local gun laws." This goes to the Tiahrt Amendments, provisions attached to federal spending bills that interfere with the ability of police agencies to use federal gun-trace data. The NRA is a big supporter of these amendments, but it's out of touch with its members; 69% of those polled agreed there should be no federal restrictions on trace data, as did 74% of gun owners as a whole.

Why are the NRA's leaders more absolutist than its members? At least in part because they have a financial incentive. It's a common practice by the NRA to send out mailers when a firearms-related bill is proposed that exaggerate its provisions and claim that lawmakers are out to grab guns from law-abiding citizens. Inciting hysteria is a surefire way of increasing contributions, but when NRA members learn that these efforts are really focused at keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, they tend to support them. Knowing this won't change the behavior of the NRA's leadership, but it should help give lawmakers the courage to stand up to the organization. By simply countering NRA propaganda with facts, they can persuade liberals and conservatives alike to back sensible gun-control measures.

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Replies to This Discussion

Mainstream channels are owned and ruled by the oligarchs.
I'd like to ask a simple question.
Who's their client? You or the advertisers?
Hey James! You are a dipstick! There is NO such thing as a sensible gun control proposal. You are as bad as those who would take our rights away! Screw you and the horse you rode in on.
I will tell you the same thing that I have styated for years. I don't give a rats ass what legislation is passed, I will never abide by ANY gun control legislation. So, if you think my gun rightsd should be mpeded, why don't you come for them yourself. You won't get my guns, but I will give you my ammo, dumbass!
I am ow leaving the group, because I have been suspect of your beliefs for a while, and you have now confirmed where you stand.
Don't ever get in my crosshairs, you wad!
In the Spirit of Liberty,
Ok whats up your butt ?I did not write the article, I just posted it. I posted what I thought was an interesting article, we have too many "fox news is great" members on the site.
I hoped it would show them they are NOT a friend to freedom and liberty.
Why do you wait till now to question me or this site? I and others await your questions.

GO if you wish but your over heated response leaves me to consider
not giving a flying F.
James , I am a little miffed at the too many? " fox news is great" comment as news orgs go they are better than all of them imho , the other parrot news folks are wasted space and air time , many times on Fox I have been shocked at peoples comments that were not edited out , such as " if they run our currency and dept up and crash the world economy this would allow them to issue a one world currency " I get my news from your site and Fox ( mostly glenn beck) thats about it ps we once had a[ not wanted ] power plant to be installed down the road ; they did a phone survey and the questions were skewed and the survey said .... we wanted the power plant , but the people said NO and we won !! in LA a pistol permit has NOT been issued since the 70 s hows that working out ? The article was probably intended to water down the NRA stance / comments as a group who does not even know what it stands for [ house divided / no one agrees on nothing] etc

Buy a firearm at ANY gun-show or dealer for that matter and you will go through a background check.

The only way you do not, is through a person to person sale where they know each other and it's legal in the state that they are residing in.

I DO NOT LIKE IT but I abide by it.

Furthermore "Good luck trying to get them from me." 



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