Marijuana Users Are Safer Drivers Than Non-Marijuana Users, New Study  Shows

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New York (PRWEB) April 06, 2012

In a recent study,, a national  quote provider for online car insurance quotes, cites a strong correlation  between traffic-related accidents and marijuana use. The study, which looks at  statistics regarding accidents, traffic violations, and insurance prices, seeks  to dispel the thought that “driving while stoned” is dangerous.

In  the study, points out that the only significant  effect that marijuana has on operating a motor vehicle is slower driving. says, while referencing a study by the US National  Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), that driving slower “is  arguably a positive thing” and that driving under the influence of marijuana “might even make you a safer driver.”  A similar study by the NHTSA shows that  drivers with THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) in their system have  accident responsibility rates below that of drug free drivers.

In fact, a recent study shows that use of medical marijuana has caused  traffic related fatalities to drop by up to nine percent in states that have  legalized its use.  This study, titled “Medical Marijuana Laws, Traffic  Fatalities, and Alcohol Consumption”, conducted by Mark Anderson and Daniel Rees  in November 2011, shows that increased marijuana use amongst adults has  decreased alcohol related traffic deaths in said states.  This study provides  solid evidence that marijuana is not only a safe substitute for alcohol, but it  also makes for more safer drivers.

“Marijuana users often say that when they are high, they feel like they are  driving 80 miles per hour but actually are only going 30 miles per hour,” CEO James Shaffer says, “when somebody is drunk driving,  on the other hand, they often feel like they are driving 30 miles per hour but  are actually driving 80 miles per hour.  This is what makes alcohol dangerous  behind the wheel, and marijuana safe.”

As an auto insurance quote provider, says that  marijuana use can also have an indirect effect on insurance rates.  Because of  the correlation between marijuana use and accident responsibility rates, they  say, marijuana users, as a whole, can expect to see lower insurance rates than  non-marijuana users. 

“The hypocrisy of it all is that if you get caught driving under the  influence of marijuana, you will be fined and perhaps thrown into jail.  What's  worse is that your insurance rates will definitely increase due to the traffic  violation,” says Mr. Shaffer, “What law enforcement agencies and insurers do not  understand is that driving while high is actually a safe activity.  I guess the  key to safer driving is to use marijuana, but to do it under-wraps.” is an auto insurance quote provider operating out of  Manhattan, NY.  In business since 2008, they offer free insurance quotes online  to United States users. In addition, releases reports  and studies on the automobile and insurance industries. Recent reports released  by them include “How  Biking Instead Of Driving Can Help You Save On Auto Insurance,” “How Does  Your Income Affect Your Insurance Rates?” and “Women Are Bad Drivers – Fact or  Fiction?”

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Replies to This Discussion

Well we've known THAT all the time but it is good to have the establishment's backing up empirical knowledge with a stats backed study

yeah and i can't wait for my insurance rates to take a dip because of this...


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