Fukushima Fallout Reached California Waters

September 22, 2011

Source: ABC News

Samples gathered between March 16 and March 26 showed abnormally high levels of radioactive elements.

The radioactive fallout from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant accident has spread as far as California waters, according to scientists from the University of California, Berkeley. March disaster events compromised the nuclear plant, causing radioactive material to run into the surrounding waters. Researchers subsequently found some of that same material in rainwater collected from the San Francisco Bay area.

Source: UPI

Radioactive fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant damaged in Japan's March earthquake and tsunami reached the San Francisco area, researchers said.

Radioactive material was found in the water in many areas near the nuclear plant after the March 11 disaster, but the global extent of the contamination had been unknown, a Public Library of Science release said Wednesday.

Researchers writing in the journal PLoS One say they collected rainwater samples in Berkeley, Oakland, and Albany, Calif., from March 16 to March 26 and examined them for the presence of above-normal amounts of radioactivity.

Measurable levels of radioactive isotopes of cesium, iodine and tellurium were found in the sample collected March 18, with levels peaking March 24 before returning to normal, they said.

The levels, though measurable, were nonetheless very low and posed no health risk to the public.

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The HAARP/Stuxnet Fukushima disaster, for the Israelis, will the be the gift, the ultimate distraction, that will keep on giving:


An Israeli firm provided security for the Fukushima Nuclear plant:

The Stuxnet virus, however, would not have to be deliberately insinuated into the secure server at any nuclear plant, which usually would not be available throug the Internet:

Meanwhile, the MSM is completely oblivous to this monumental planetary disaster:

A Fukushima Daiichi type nuclear disaster has been the subject of several movies in which individuals and organizations have postulated that a nuclear disaster is acceptable, even desirable (Fail Safe, Dr Stangelove, The Watchment).

Some considerations:

1. It will change the calculus and timeline for “Israel’s demise”, preempting the growing global chorus of Israel critics, many of whom will now be scrambling just to survive:


Many Jews, feeling threatened are leaving Israel, but will eventually realize return maybe the only option in an irradiated world:


2. The HAARP/Stuxnet Fukushima nuclear debacle may very well be the fulfilling of a threat Israel has made against the world:


However, an overt "Sampson Option" would only lead to Israel's annihilation.

3.It certainly taught the Japanese a lesson that they will not be able to “go it alone” in regards to the NWO, privately controlled central banking cartel. The pending collapse of Ford and GM will now be postponed due to cratering Japanese industrial output. The Japanese culture, over 35,000 years old, now faces annihilation.


4. The growing anti-nuke sentiment arising from the Fukushima, Fort Calhoun, Los Alamos disasters will only work in Israel’s favor, as it continues to hide its burgeoning nuclear arsenal, which now boasts missle defense technology stolen from the US.


Some of those behind the push for the so-called "war on terror" have been accused of spying for Israel.


5. The coming population crash due to induced environmental and economic factors (Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Fukushima nuclear debacle, food hyper-inflation, targeted under-employment will reverse Israel’s growing demographic marginalization due to the world’s burgeoning population.

6. A Review of global air mass circulation, vis a vis total available radioactive particles, looks to leave Israeli’s sphere of influence, Asia Minor/central Asia relatively unscathed by the radiation plume now covering the northern hemisphere (US, western Europe):


Due to these environmental disasters, the "livable" world will shrink. As a result, Israel will emerge as the remaining major world power (thanks to US subsidies), as the rest is reduced back to the stone age. Israel has built its own system of underground bunkers in the Negev desert. The reduction of the nation state to controllable territories wthout rule of law is one of the main tenants of the neoconservative philosophy.

7. Israel’s host and erstwhile ally, the United States, is disintegrating due to the Fukushima disaster, Gulf of Mexico oil spill, disastrous economic policies pursued in the wake of the so-called 911 attacks (inside job). For Israel, who looks upon the dominate US Christian theology as anathema to Judaism, a collapsed US would remove an eventual and persistent existential threat. The Japanese financial implosion will accelerate the US financial debacle.


Israel has no exposure to the toxic mortgage, as has the United States and Europe. With the continental US in chaos, it will impossible to support 800 military bases world-wide. Meanwhile, Israel and its "new friend" China will emerge as the new powers in the world.


Levels  started  to  go  down  and  return  to  normal???   What  the  Hell  does  this  mean?   Radiation  doesn't  just  simply  vanish  -  it  has  to  somewhere!!   Some  one  isn't  trlling  us  the  truth  or  is  making  false  aqusations.  I  have  been  following  this  news  story  and  this  is  the  first  I've  heard  of  something  like  this...

No  wonder  people  get  panicky  over  the  news  that  comes  out.   Levels  in  March  were  detected  &  peaked  March  24  and  now  pose  no  health  risk  to  the  public;  please!!!

Tell  us  the  truth...

I fear that the "experts" will keep raising the threshold levels until it's too late.


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