12.160MHz - Resisting the New World Order / Building Your Business
Advertise on a social network where people both want and need EXACTLY what you are selling!
AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK, we know it, you know it and 12.160MHz (12160.org ) is shouting it out each and every day to make sure that everybody knows it. At no time before in our history have the people of the United States been attacked on so many fronts, freedom, liberties, chemical attacks in our food and water, plans for forced vaccinations, and rampant globalization with the ultimate goal of one world government and a loss of sovereignty for all nations and peoples.
As I’m sure you well know, shouting from the roof tops simply isn’t enough however. People must be prepared for the challenges that may face us in the future and time is getting short! People cannot be properly prepared without honest and hard working vendors like yourself fulfilling their needs for quality health products, wholesome foods, defense and survival equipment, clean energy products and a host of other goods and services.
After considerable research the administrative staff at 12.160MHz has identified company name as a true corporate patriot providing needed goods or services to the patriot community at a reasonable price. This is why we have contacted you about our new paradigm of accepting advertising from quality companies that care about serving their customers as much as we care about informing our members and even our non-member readership.
Obviously we could create a revenue stream from any kind of advertising but we are highly motivated to attracting advertising customers who are patriots that provide just the kind of goods and services that our members and readers both want and NEED.
By advertising on 12.160MHz you not only help to increase your sales, you also help us in expanding both our readership and membership (our primary goal in the decision to accept advertising). Not only does this help us to get the word out, it also ensures that a large portion of every advertising dollar you spend with us is used in a way that drives even more traffic to your ads that have already been placed on our site.
Who Are We?
12.160MHZ is a patriotic social network built upon the ning.com implementation of open social networking with many of the same features that other social networks offer such as blogging, videos, forums and personal pages. 12.160MHz users generally love to gather news and views from around the world that is of interest to the patriot community or which encourage members to take action on important political and social issues. With a host of talented members 12.160MHz members often post original alternative news articles and essays as well. Currently the content on 12.160MHz is completely user generated.
The network was started by a group of people who belonged to the now defunct infowars network that was formerly hosted on the Alex Jones website infowars.com and takes it’s name from the shortwave radio frequency on which the Alex Jones show is broadcast. When the infowars network became too overloaded with traffic to operate properly 12.160MHz was born. 12.160MHz is NOT affiliated with infowars.com, GCN, Alex Jones, or the Alex Jones show in any way however, except perhaps in spirit.
From humble beginnings 12.160MHz has grown quickly and has gained a reputation both in the U.S. and internationally as a place to find hard hitting news and views for those concerned about the advancing NWO agenda.
Current Site Stats:
As you can see here (http://www.sitemeter.com/?a=stats&s=s5012160mhz&r=33) , 12.160 has experienced a huge explosion of growth over the last year and we fully expect this trend to continue, especially as ad sales revenues allow us to promote the site more effectively. Until now our growth has been fueled purely through the voluntary efforts and enthusiasm of our members which now number over 1,000 signed up members who maintain a personal page and blog on our site. Further information on 12.160MHz site statistics can be found on Sitemeter at:
Now is the perfect time to put this amazing growth to work for your business and for the future of this great nation as well. Together we can help Americans from sea to shining sea to not only face the dark days ahead, but also to step boldly into a brighter future as healthy, self-reliant and sovereign citizens. We believe that the future of your business and the future of our nation are one and the same in the long term.
Advertising space is currently available on both our main page and in the right hand side bar which appears on all pages of the site including personal pages, blogs, the video section, groups and forums.
To take advantage of this opportunity or inquire about current ad rates please contact xxxxx@xxxxx.xxx for further details Today!
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