Good interview here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYSdFvB6YbA&feature=em-uploademail Caravan To Midnight - Episode 467 Former Burns, Oregon Fire Chief Chris A. Briels It's a pity there are so many communist, Hillary lefties, and foreigners commenting and distracting the real issues behind the scenes. Like on #Oregonstandoff and other places that seemingly hate anything to do with freedom, our rights, being individuals, instead of being oppressed by lefties, special interest groups, etc.
Sam, I concur.
Check this out. The "lefties" view of things is really collectivism at its worst. Group think. Herd psychology, what owners of us all (the FED with its shit money) want us to keep doing: Be divided.
Dualism comes out of collectivizing us into groups. We know better, especially knowing what's worst. What I do is avoid being sided or choosing sides, I define Collectivism and upgrade the definition of "individualism" from selfish and ego-based to INDEPENDENT FREE SOVEREIGN BEING, and that usually turns heads 180 degrees. lol
Thanks for the link, btw
OH boy.. NOW we are seeing stage 1 of the actual sting..
The left overs are the non theater players, the goal of the false flag operation from the beginning. Next on the menu, the supporters of the Oregon siege.. Paypal isn't as anonymous as you think, neither is the post office.. but we already knew that.
Emotions block those little warnings when we act upon them. Like heard in the video, they are lost to emotion and the FBI is exploiting that nicely.. The further down the emotional rabbit hole they go, the narrower the options become and the more they get stuck in arguments.
We are next.
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