Barack Obama thinks he’s smarter than you.
So does Mitt Romney.
Your senator looks in the mirror every morning and sees a woman superior to you.
And your congressman views his judgment and wisdom as lofty – high above that of yours and your fellow citizens.
After all, it takes a certain arrogance to work as a centralizer.
At some level, most members of the Washington political class believe they have a divine right to rule over you. Oh, they may go to D.C. with idealistic notions of representing the people. But the dirty water of the Potomac soon washes those silly ideals away – if they ever really existed at all.
The 2008 economic crisis vividly illustrated the divide between the American people and those who hold office. Polling at the time showed Americans opposed the TARP bailout plan to buy “toxic” bank assets by three or four to one. But Republicans and Democrats, from President G.W. Bush to then candidate Barack Obama, came together in lock-step agreement with nearly unanimous support from mainstream media. Congress overwhelmingly passed the bailout bill.
They knew better than us! In fact, their wisdom even superseded the constitutional limits on their power. After all, President Bush needed to “abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system.”
"Destroying the New World Order"
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