I downloaded this info from an anonymous website on a free webhosting server some years ago. Shortly after I made my copies the site disappeared. Feel free to copy and repost this info anywhere you like.








Linda Newkirk has revealed time and again that the nations are all working together.




Below is the Brzezinski image that surfaced to discredit this info, note S.A.A.L.M logo is missing.

What deception has taken place here?  Which one is fake?  Who is the creep in the photo further on down?

We know the new direction to secure America has been creating a phony war on terror so that they could send all the USA’s best troops and equipment to Iraq and Afghanistan to be decimated and no longer available to defend America from the foreign troops who are going to take the guns and put the dissidents into mind-control re-education camps. All the while bankrupting the economy in order to pave the way for a one world currency and the ‘mark of the beast’ now to be ushered in by Obama, who is by the way, Evelyn Rothschild’s gopher, and as well I might add, the Antichrist of Revelation 13,


The following out focus image, indicates IMAGE A, may in fact be genuine.

Is it possible Bzrezinki is an Annunaki ‘shape shifter’ ???


His Holiness? Does anyone recognize his younger boyfriend on the left?


Heinz Kissinger and his better half? Does anyone recognize this person on the left?


Notice the S.A.A.L.M. Logo on Heinz’s lecturn.







An interesting excerpt from Linda’s website regarding Annunaki interest in the new DNA.

The January 29, 2007 conversation!

At that time, I heard two men, who were speaking in my living room. I was lying on my couch and in the Spirit, busily working with the DNA as the DNA was cleaning “stuff” out of my body, which Satan and the humans had put in the night before. On hearing them speaking, I asked our Father to let me see them; and He opened my eyes to behold a “giant” of a man! The first thing, which caught my eye about this “giant” was a huge ring on the ring finger of his left hand. It radiated a bright light; and from there I saw that this “giant” of a man was dressed in a cream colored suit. He had brought a chair with him, which had arms, but no back and he was seated on this chair. He was speaking with a human, a highly decorated military officer; and alongside the giant, this man looked like a child. I knew that if this giant stood up, his head would go out the roof of my living room, this roof being about eight feet tall; and later, I would see that this was indeed so.

The two of them were watching the new DNA as it worked and cleaned out my body! Then, I heard the “giant” say to the highly decorated military man, “I had no idea! We had received reports, but had not idea that it (the DNA) was anything like this! This will make them equal to us! Every one of them must be destroyed!”

Then, the highly decorated man said to this giant, “This is the only one we know of; but we are unable to kill her! We know that Yahweh will soon take his; and he will send others back! (like me!)

Then, the giant said, “We cannot get our ships through! Yahweh has as many as a million, if not two million craft out there! He blocks us in every way! We expect to lose two thirds of our people and possibly three, or more moons. (in the close transit to the sun!) We have contacted Yahweh and have asked him to let us through, but there is stone silence!”

Then, the giant went on to say, “Does she usually hear what is said?”

The highly decorated military man said, “No!’

To which the giant said, “Well, she does now!”

My Dear Ones, I would later find out that this giant is the King of The Annunaki and his name if ANU!! He has been around for a very long time! I have seen his name mentioned over and over in the writings of the ancient Sumerians! Most recently, I heard the words, “There will be no more place found for Anu as King of the Annunaki!” Surely, these words came from the Spirit of God; for at some point, and soon, I believe that this evil king will go to the burning pits!

The Second Annunaki Conversation   February 20, 2007

I had been working very hard in the Spirit, perhaps for eight or nine hours, almost straight, when I drifted off to sleep, but for perhaps only ten or fifteen minutes! When I awoke, I sensed a presence in the room and I “looked” in the Spirit to see two very tall men, one taller than the other! But, they were not only tall! They were huge! They were giants!

I recognized the man, who was on the left, the one, who was dressed in the cream colored suit. He had white hair and light-colored eyes! I immediately saw the huge, brilliant stone on his left “ring” finger and the mass of white hair on his head! I did not pay much attention to the second person, as the first one, the huge giant began to speak to me; for he knew that I could see them both!

The giant said to me, “What do you want from us?”

I replied, “I want nothing from you!”

Then, he said, “But, you have a new DNA and through this new DNA, which is similar to ours, you will be like us!”

I said, “Who are you?”

And, he said, “Anu!”

Then, I said, “This (new DNA) is our Father Yahweh’s choice, to bless the righteous humans, to bless those, who choose to do right with their lives; and it is only right for it to be so! For, these should not have to continue to be slaves for all of you when they have chosen righteousness! You must cease to choose evil! You will not be blessed as long as you choose evil! All of you must repent of your evil ways! I wish you no harm, no harm at all; but look what you have done to me! You have done a terrible thing and I have done nothing to harm you!” (end excerpt)










Linda Newkirk has went to a lot of effort to fully document the evil of these ‘off world’ and terrestrial satanists, while suffering great torture and persecution 24/7, for many years. The Annunaki brought in very advanced technology to help the satanists/reptiles in the US Military in their attempts to rip off the new 24 strand spiritual DNA that our Saviour is birthing into the earth through the Holy Manchild of Revelation 12. They do indeed use high frequency sound and light to manipulate the matter of this dimension. The new spiritual DNA from Jesus is going into the Supernatural Army of Joel Chapter Two.

The evil technology these miscreants employ is going to be used on many of you in the days to come during the Great Tribulation. Only Jesus is going to be able to help any of you survive any part of it. Your guns will not protect you from their interdimensional abduction methods. Come out of the world and turn to Jesus now.

Gathered from this site: http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/01/top-secret-annunaki-il...

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