I have given the topic of foreign invasion much thought over the years.  Read rumors of Chinese and Mexican troops already based within our borders, just waiting for the excrement to hit the fan. With the majority of our own troops spread across the globe and the militarized police force  being more concerned with domestic detainment and control...the scenario gets quite grim as I follow my thoughts to their logical conclusion.

When the shtf, most likely, most of our communication infrastructure will be compromised and many will be cut off from fellow patriots. While many of us know alternate methods of communication, most do not and that will be disastrous. Communication will be one of the most important factors in defending our land. The methods of communication vary and are greater than I could list in this post, I only mention it to stress it's importance.

Now understanding....this is also very important. Not only must we know and understand our enemy's tactics but we must also know their language. Whether it be invaders from China, Mexico, Russia, or any where else in this galaxy...we must be able to know what they are saying, thinking and planning.

For starters, I would suggest deep research into alternate methods of communication AND language lessons such as Rosetta Stone or others. I am currently working my way through the Spanish lessons and will be moving onto Chinese later (as I feel that these two are our biggest threat as far as invasion)

I would also suggest that several Northern European languages be studied as NATO and UN troops could very well be on our shores soon.

In summation, prepare however you see fit but please do not neglect what I have suggested.

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Radio Free America Announcer:

It's 11:59 on Radio Free America; this is Uncle Sam, with music, and the truth until dawn. Right now I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone: "the chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall", "john has a long mustache, john has a long mustache". It's twelve o'clock, American, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on, or behind the line, this is your song.
[the Battle Hymn of the Republic begins to play]

Thought you might appreciate that ;)

lol...I do...and I remember the movie thefirsttime around :) Seems almost comical now after all that history having changed and Patrick Swayze looking so...."pre-pubescent"....

Anything anyone can learn that may be helpful is surely a plus. In an invasion communication will be one of the first things to go. So it is vital that people have other ways to pass info. Person to person is always the safest but can be timely. Shortwave will be the way to go otherwise, as far as I know. Also, burst transmissions at prearranged times are always key to coordinating simultaneous strikes on enemy forces. Coded messages etc.

Comms YES, Learn Linux as you can do anything with it except watch netflix LOL!! Well at least thats the one that pisses me off the most. Games and many programs won't work in Linux but thats what dual boot is all about. It's very secure with a few min of tweaks and setting the firewall right, which make it ideal for use during periods of time when government will actively hack you. Contrary to popular con-theorist belief there are no backdoors except for the ones YOU create out of ignorance. Linux working with modems, ham radios of all kind even pre-pc will work!! just connect the audio line into your mic input and BAM you have a packet radio that can burst transmit encrypted data! add a directional antenna to beat some triangulation systems and be able to lower transmit power to further lower detection ability. 

I think it's a very good idea to learn how to use modems to access foreign Internet dial up as well as create networks amongst our selves. A box with 2 modems and two phone lines at each end could provide decent encrypted comms creating daisy chained machines over the phone lines, though I doubt you could talk live like a radio or normal phone when using encryption as decent algorithms would over load the bandwidth. you would record a 5-10 min message with pics, txt, any data, zip it then put it in an encrypted truecrypt folder then send it. I haven't done any research in this exact area but its a very good idea to have the capability to do this.


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