CNN Reports Ron Paul At 0% While CNN Online Poll Shows Him At 75%

While the online poll conducted by CNN shows Ron Paul as the clear winner with 75% of the votes, CNN reporters pull a fast one by citing a lesser known poll hosted at National Journal claiming Ron Paul came in at 0%.

CNN discards their own poll in favor of another poll that shows results more to their liking.

This is overt propaganda.

The National Journal poll cited by CNN now shows Ron Paul in the lead with 33% of the vote.

Call CNN NOW!!!!: 404-827-1500

Views: 141

Replies to This Discussion

Undeniable Proof of The MSM's Hatred of Ron Paul and Contempt For Our Intelligence
I know right?!
Can you give us the link to the CNN online poll?

I will try to get it, I wonder if it is still up?


what a bunch of WANKERS CNN Really are!!!  They are an insult to the American People!   Stop watching that waste of Space Wanking Channel!

Cheated?! LOL! Disgraceful?  Cheated as in a game and that's how the elite see it. You bet! More serious allegations are befitting! I call foul, I call BS and I call court!!! The People's Court! I've had enough of so called MSM making a mockery of us all. The ones behind ALL the propaganda are the middle men, the MSM news. Screw attacking the Bilderbergs and their little private meetings. FOCUS, IMHO should be on their mouthpieces! The Public Media which if you do even a little investigation you will find has been hijacked by elite corps and banksters for decades now. How long are we going to take this twisted BS mainstream media drone as reality?! People are eating this Sht up! they don't know better. This streaming BS into America's living room has GOT to stop. How? I don't know... any suggestions?

In his Book Circle of Intrigue Texe Marrs wrote in 1995: ie: before anyone heard about "hanging Chads" in Florida

"The majority of citizens know little or nothing about the plan of the Illuminati. In democratic nations the gullible masses are led to believe that their votes decide elections, that they choose their own leaders. What nonsense! These deluded men and women are painfully oblivious to the horrible truth: that unless a man has the endorsement of the masters who rule behind the scenes, he has no chance whatsoever of winning high office. And unless a politician covertly promises to support the goals of the Illumined Ones--which include the subversion of Christian morality, and the promotion of environmentalism, globalism, and the gradual end of American sovereignty---he, or she will never be elected.

CNN is just pulling their version of crap that Fox got caught doing after Ron Paul won this years CPAC

Caught in the Fox-Trap! Fox News Caught in Blatant Distortion of CP...

Trends forecaster and social commentator Gerald Celente has slammed this week’s GOP presidential debate hosted by CNN as a “disgraceful” indication of the decline of America.

Monday’s debate in New Hampshire was characterized by softball questions and discussions of non issues, culminating in the hosts asking each member of the GOP field to name their favourite style of pizza.

Other questions included “iPhone or Blackberry?”, “Pepsi or Coca”, “Dancing with the Stars or American Idol?” and “Spicy or mild?”

“It’s disgraceful, CNN is the ‘Cartoon News Network’. Only somebody with a child’s mind would ask such mindless questions.” Celente told RT in a riveting interview yesterday.

“It’s the presidential reality show. We just saw it live.” Celente added.

“To ask such childish questions at a time when I get letters everyday from people who are losing everything. People that have had jobs for 35 years have no work at all, they’re losing their homes, our soldiers are getting killed, the wars are draining the Treasury, and a little clown asks ‘what do you like – deep dish or thin crust? Leno or Conan? Come on.” Celente said.





Lol 0% is not even mathematically possible. How could he possibly get 0% when he has an entire campaign of supporters that just donated over a million dollars!!??


This country is not paying attention at ALL!! Educated people just sitting there...


I know children smart enough to know better.

I found the CNN poll results. Check this out.


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