Michele Bachmann campaign chair and Iowa state senator defects to Ron Paul


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Michele Bachmann campaign chair and Iowa state senator defects to Ron Paul

An Iowa legislator who was state chairman of Rep. Michele Bachmann's (R-Minn.) presidential campaign in Iowa left her side and endorsed Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) on Wednesday night, dealing a significant blow to Bachmann's campaign.

"If you are as frustrated as I am with what's been done by the ruling class, I urge you to join me in supporting Dr. Paul," state Sen. Kent Sorenson said in a statement sent out by Paul's campaign.

Sorenson is "leaving his post as Iowa chairman for U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign here," according to the statement. "The resignation and endorsement take effect immediately."

Sorenson's announcement seems to be a total surprise to the Bachmann campaign. He appeared at a Paul rally in Des Moines just a few hours after appearing with Bachmann at one of her events, according to The Washington Post's Dan Balz.

Sorenson is a Tea Party firebrand who was elected to the Iowa state senate in January after only one term in the state legislature. He owns a cleaning company and is father to six children. His decision to support Bachmann earlier this year was a big pickup for the congresswoman from Minnesota.


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Which hopefully involves the gutters of Tel Aviv

Bachmans just a dodo. She parrots msm talking points because she thinks with her emotions and not her brain. Every debate she participated in, 90% of everything that came out of her mouth was some emotional dribble. She defends Israel not because she is wittingly some political tool, but because she simply doesn't know any better and she's trying to win an election.

Now Gingrich is evil scum. The Gingrich that stole Christmas is plotten' on the prize. Romney is a textbook narcissist politician. He's rich, full of himself, and will follow the Bush/Obama agenda to the letter because he is a complete sellout.

But having a dodo speaking dodo to a crowd of dodos could work to our advantage. Lord knows I cant speak dodo....

Using the term Lord, dodo and Ms. Fakemahn in the same sentence seems a little scandolous

It's been more than evident that herself has no brain, she is a puppet, and frankly, who would want their hand up her back side, which is substantial, but just as vacuous as that thing on her shoulders which has as much wind.

Sorenson is akin to Israeli's batch as well, could not trust them as far as I can spit into their vacuous mugs.

So shoot me that I endear the term vacuous for these criminal frauds

Good research Maria. You should blog Bachmans response. I can see this as another MSM tactic to attack the campaign.

Blogging her would be a waste of typing to the enemy, and how do I answer the knocking, persistent knocking at my door?  Or is that just responses?....hey I lived in the woods most of my life this internet is new for moi

By letting her know what you really think about her ? 

I think less of her than my belly button lint.


I am quite sure that even the most recessive gened, in-bred hillbilly could see through the weak ass attempt at spin control that this (mis)represents.


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