Ron Paul 1 day Tea Party Money Bomb passes Goal of 4 Million Dollars

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Ron Paul First, Romney Second, Newt Gingrich Slips To Third In New Iowa Poll

Hot off the presses from Public Policy Polling is a new poll which seems to indicate a major collapse in Newt Gingrich’s support in Iowa:

Newt Gingrich’s campaign is rapidly imploding, and Ron Paul has now taken the lead in Iowa.  He’s at 23% to 20% for Mitt Romney, 14% for Gingrich, 10% each for Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Perry, 4% for Jon Huntsman, and 2% for Gary Johnson.

Gingrich has now seen a big drop in his Iowa standing two weeks in a row.  His share of the vote has gone from 27% to 22% to 14%.  And there’s been a large drop in his personal favorability numbers as well from +31 (62/31) to +12 (52/40) to now -1 (46/47). Negative ads over the last few weeks have really chipped away at Gingrich’s image as being a strong conservative- now only 36% of voters believe that he has ‘strong principles,’ while 43% think he does not.

Paul’s ascendancy is a sign that perhaps campaigns do matter at least a little, in a year where there has been a lot of discussion about whether they still do in Iowa.  22% of voters think he’s run the best campaign in the state compared to only 8% for Gingrich and 5% for Romney. The only other candidate to hit double digits on that question is Bachmann at 19%. Paul also leads Romney 26-5 (with Gingrich at 13%) with the 22% of voters who say it’s ‘very important’ that a candidate spends a lot of time in Iowa.  Finally Paul leads Romney 29-19 among the 26% of likely voters who have seen one of the candidates in person.


Paul leads in Iowa

Newt Gingrich's campaign is rapidly imploding, and Ron Paul has now taken the lead in Iowa.  He's at 23% to 20% for Mitt Romney, 14% for Gingrich, 10% each for Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Perry, 4% for Jon Huntsman, and 2% for Gary Johnson.

Gingrich has now seen a big drop in his Iowa standing two weeks in a row.  His share of the vote has gone from 27% to 22% to 14%.  And there's been a large drop in his personal favorability numbers as well from +31 (62/31) to +12 (52/40) to now -1 (46/47). Negative ads over the last few weeks have really chipped away at Gingrich's image as being a strong conservative- now only 36% of voters believe that he has 'strong principles,' while 43% think he does not.

Paul's ascendancy is a sign that perhaps campaigns do matter at least a little, in a year where there has been a lot of discussion about whether they still do in Iowa.  22% of voters think he's run the best campaign in the state compared to only 8% for Gingrich and 5% for Romney. The only other candidate to hit double digits on that question is Bachmann at 19%. Paul also leads Romney 26-5 (with Gingrich at 13%) with the 22% of voters who say it's 'very important' that a candidate spends a lot of time in Iowa.  Finally Paul leads Romney 29-19 among the 26% of likely voters who have seen one of the candidates in person.


Money Bombs dropping all over in the Paul Campaign Chest! My support of Dr. Ron Pau Hasnever wavered one bit! He is the Man to Lead Our Country, back to the CONSTITUTION for theFTURE of the AMERICA CITIZEN of THE GREAT NATION as THE RFEPUBLIC OF THE PEOPLE ,BUY THE PEOPLE,AND FOR THE PEOPLE , UNDER GOD,THAT WE STILL DO TRUST....
Money Bombs dropping all over in the Paul Campaign Chest! My support of Dr. Ron Pau Hasnever wavered one bit! He is the Man to Lead Our Country, back to the CONSTITUTION for theFTURE of the AMERICA CITIZEN of THE GREAT NATION as THE RFEPUBLIC OF THE PEOPLE ,BUY THE PEOPLE,AND FOR THE PEOPLE , UNDER GOD,THAT WE STILL DO TRUST....

I  have  a  terrible  feeling  about  Ron  Paul  - if  he  wins!!  Call  it  intuition  or  Parinoid,  or  call  you  what  you  want  but  they  do  Not  want  him  to  win!!  These  Politicans  play  hard  ball  and  they  have  proven  that  with  J.F.K.

I  can't  put  my  finger  on  it  what  is  exactly  bothering  me.  But  something  is.  If  he  is  hurt  in  any  way  -  all  Americans  should  DEMAND  an  Explanitation.  DO  IT  FOR  YOUR  COUNTRY.

How  Ron  Paul  is  going  to  get  rid  of  the  16  Trillion  debt  is  beyond  me.  Polititions  are  not  going  to  be  happy  with  the  cut  -  backs  in  Government.   That  is  for  sure.

Lynn, first things first, we must do all we can now, in this critical hour to get him elected. We CAN win the Republican nomination if we ALL take action RIGHT NOW. Contact your local meetup and see what you can do to assist. We just raised over 4 million, and BELIEVE ME there is plenty of work to be done.

We need all good people to take action now! This is our chance. Don't worry about RP getting assassinated. JFK came at a time when no one would recognize the true culprits. NOW, if they did that, especially after Ron Paul winning the hearts and minds of the people, it would simply underline and highlight everything he stood for. He would become a martyr and people would seek justice; there is no place on this earth the agents of evil could hide.

KRYPKE:   You  are  right.  Back  then  we  never  of  dreamed  of  J.F.K.  being  Assassinated  and  who  was  involved. In  my  City  is  i  was  going  to  Future  Shop  to  pick  an  order  I  placed.  I  ended  up  on  the  highway &  I  got  terribly  lost.  Well  that  is  what  happened  to  J.F.K.  He  got  lost  in  pushing  and  showing  of  the  senior  people  because  they  wouldn't  follow  orders  and  with  that  going  J.F.K.  went  on  he  fired  a  few  of  them.  That  was  major  'Ouch'  in  their  'Chess  Game'  and  they  got  mad  and  fought,  relentlessly...  I  was  7  or  8  at  the  time  and  my  Mom  was  really  crying  and  I  asked  what  was  the  matter.  She  told  me  and  she  let  me  watch  the  Video  that  Shocked  the  world.  I  was  horrified  at  what  I  saw.  I  idolized  that  couple.  They  kept  blaming  to  cubans  as  I  remember...  And  that  stuck  in  my  mind.  As  I  grew  older  and  wiser  it  was  many  people  that  were  involved  and  Lindon  Johnson  the  leader  -  I  never  trusted  him.

Ron  Paul  is  the  greatest!!  And  I  truly  hope  he  gets  into  the  White  house.  It  is  time  for  Obama  to  go!!  It  can't  be  too  soon.   Now  would  be  nice  from  the  to  Obama's  to  "Get  out  of  town!!!"

Thank  you  for  responding  because  I  really  need  the  Imput  and  the  reassurance.  Thank  you  for  listening  to  me. 


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