WWCR wants us to submit a reception report to WWCR via mail, so you can get a QSL card from them. My reception report will be possibly submitted as soon as possible, I may possibly email it to them cause of postage reasons, but if not possible, I will have to write it out as best as I can. My reception is much clear, and get this I heard it in my local pharmacy using my Grundig G6, the reception was very clear. Has anyone tried to copy 12160 kHz in a place of business? My Signal is in the S meter range is 7 and there is some fading, but not bad. I was able to hear the program all the way through the end of the Alex Jones Show. Back early in the winter I was not able to hear it at all, I think the solar activity is picking up causing the reception to improve.
**This video is a selected clip from the full-length film, "The Heavens and the Earth: The Final Card"*WATCH the Full Movie HERE!*The Heavens and the Earth: ...
The Seven Noahide Laws, often seen as a precursor to a global system of judgment, stand in stark contrast to the teachings of the New Testament. Jesus Christ...