A Declaration of the Dissolution of the bond between its current state government
and the God Fearing, Constitutional-Right respecting people of the Commonwealth
of Virginia’s majority of The Public Weal in its like minded and later mentioned
Counties, Towns and Cities.
Since our time span as the Commonwealth of Virginia and the nation it gave birth
to in 1776, we have witnessed the slow degradation of our God given, unalienable
rights, consumed by the people who claimed to be our trustworthy governmental
representatives. This degradation, whether through purposeful or accidental
maladministration, has taken place over the many generations from the beginning of Virginia’s time as a sovereign state. These people who call themselves
representatives, who have ascended to power by the use of corrupted elections, over the past several decades, have created by usurpation, a system that has become controlled by money from sources outside of our Commonwealth and have forced the good people of Virginia, to again, dissolve the political bands which have connected them to the remnants of Virginia’s government, as it has finally declared our unalienable rights as nonexistent and our local governing bodies dissolved of their constitutional responsibilities for protecting their constituents.

In order for we Virginians who want to restore our culture, society and governmental systems that will again reflect the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God; we are going to exercise the right to do so and will declare the causes, which have forced us into a separation with our corrupted government, in order to begin that restoration of rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, by the powers outlined in the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Bill of Rights of Virginia’s Constitution.

That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. 
That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people; that
magistrates are their trustees and servants, and at all times amenable to them.
That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection,
and security of the people, nation or community; of all the various modes and
forms of government that is best, which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and that, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.

That no government, by any compact, constitution, governmental body or usurped
powers of loophole perceptions in man manmade laws, deprive or divest their
posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and engaging in their right of generational transmission of these beliefs to their children by their own and independent means.

We, hold these beliefs as our truths and are not ours to destroy but are ours to protect and proliferate by any means necessary as they are endowed by our Creator with innumerable, unlimited and unalienable Rights that among these are:
That Life, is the right to a natural birth and protection from eugenics minded servants of government with usurped powers and the protection of those in our community who offer ultimate protection of Life and guard against the usurpers. These rights are recognized by all of us to provide the highest assurance of the protection of life for all ages against any form of aided or supposed reasoning for a forced death, from the time of conception to the time of our natural death.
That Liberty, is for our personal endeavors from our first abilities to our last breaths as we deem to follow, as individuals in the light of the Ten Commandments, to include Free Speech in any place, at any time of any matter of subject and the right to defend our lives, families and properties from dangers and attacks from the criminal minded amongst and around us and from out-of-control governments.

That we have the unalienable right to use whatever means necessary to protect all of our innumerable rights, with the tools we feel appropriate, within our own individual abilities and judgement.
That Pursuing Happiness, allows us to be foundationally free of any taxation without our consent, and that we have the right to pursue as much personal wealth and entrepreneurism as is within the guise of the Mosaic laws from which our state and nation were built on. That we reserve the right and definition of values of the education of our children in the manner and matter of which we deem proper and that we have the right of generational transmission of information and culture that are not to be touched, or have tribute collected against or lies distributed to demonize 3 and destroy or history and culture, in the name of replacing us with people of other places who have no generational connection to these ideas of God given Rights, in the name of a conjured series of lies about the history of our nation. We owe the states and nations absolutely nothing in exchange for our rights to pursue happiness
as our founders delivered to us, with their resolves.

The history of the past two decades of the Virginia Government, that includes all
state wide elected and appointed servants, is that of slowly depleting rights,
destruction of public and private property, destruction of culture, destruction of
history, murder of the unborn, and continuously creating legislation that completely negates all of our rights by denying our Mosaic legal foundations with the direct obvious conclusion of establishing an absolute Tyranny over this entire State. To prove this, let these following Facts be submitted to a candid world.
The Virginia Government, in toto, in differing branches and levels of offices, has
broken its oath or disavowed and refused to recognize the powers of the public weal, via and not limited to the Constitution of Virginia, Article One, Sections 1 Equality of Rights, 2 People as the Source of Power, 3 Common Benefit, 4 and 5 Emoluments as in qualifications to become a candidate for offices separate from established political parties, 6 allowing financial political influence into our elections platforms from outside sources who have no interest in our community as it is not their own, 8 Criminal Prosecutions Clauses, 8-A Right of restitution in financial crimes raising artificial qualifications for the identification of a felony, 9 Ex Post Facto Law, 10 Search and Seizure, 11 Due Process, 12 Freedom of Speech and Assembly, 13 Infringement of Arms and non-funding of militia units, 14 Non Uniform practice of government, 15 Failure to preserve a Free Government, 15-A Failure to abide by the people’s will as defined by their amendment, 16 Setting aside emoluments for a specific religion, ahead of the rest of the religions, 17 Breaking the other rights not expressed but still existing; of the United States Constitution, via amendment 14, section 1, whereas, …No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws; that the following amendments list these items broken under the protection of Amendment 14 Section 1, as Amendment 1 Free Speech and Religion, 2 Right to Bear arms, 3 Electronic version of spying in our homes, places of employment and vehicles, 4 Red Flag law, Amendment 5, Due Process Red Flag law, Amendment 6, no speedy trial by jury with no actual law broken and unable to face their accusers

Red Flag 4 law, Amendments 9 and 10 not recognizing our state constitution as it describes our rights of prohibitional protections over the government, Amendment 12 attempted to secede from the union with actions in legislature to remove Virginia from participating in the election of a President through the Electoral College, Amendment 14 Section 1, accounted for above, Amendment 15 making laws of inequity for anyone to run for office not affiliated with a political party and political parties refusing to offer candidates across the state, without accountability, Amendment 19 the right to vote being abridged by massive election and voter fraud.

The Virginia Government, has obstructed free speech in person and electronically.

The Virginia Government, has obstructed our right to bear arms.

The Virginia Government, has forced upon the Good People of Virginia, a
population of people from foreign lands, to be used as leverage against her citizens to put downward pressure on the value, the skills and talents of our legal citizenry, to aid in profiteering for corporate interests and having doing so, without the majority of the people’s approval.
The Virginia Government, has legalized infanticide and forced all tax payers to aid
in supporting the crime, against the will of the people and refuse to allow it to be put before the people for referendum.

The Virginia Government, has broken with the current Constitution of Virginia and
the United States Constitution, by enacting ex post facto laws, turning law abiding citizenry into felons, in an instant.
The Virginia Government, by enacting ex post facto laws, denies the powers of the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution and their direct prohibition of such laws, thereby placing our state in a de facto position of secession from the United States of America.

The Virginia Government, uses tax payer funds, to engage in maladministration of
elections and the process of elections and blocks the oversight and public ability to review registrations and verify the accuracy of those who claim suffrage.
The Virginia Government, has engaged in maladministration of overturning laws
designed to preserve history in its true state and seen to the destruction of history in order to cover it up with lies about our nation that divide us and blur the struggles against tyranny and the lessons we can all learn from those struggles, regardless of 5 how any one person may be offended. It is our right as individuals and tax payers to view all history and not history curated by a government.

The Virginia Government, has allowed and promoted, the use of tax payer funded
lands to allow foreign companies to build toll roads and charge the citizenry for using their own property, while also allowing those foreign companies to keep all profits, thereby exposing The Virginia Government, as having given up or lost its once industry leading ability to build and maintain its own roads, with its own workforce under money that used to come from the General tax funds.
The Virginia Government, has dislocated the shared responsibility, that was agreed to in the 1970 Constitution, from all tax payers, to pay for state roads with money from the General Funds and has put in its place a gasoline tax, that divides tax payers into smaller groups and forces smaller groups of tax payers to share their wealth with others who make use of the roads when needed, even though it may not be a main stay of their own personal economy, thereby breaking Declaration number XIV “that the people have a right to uniform government”, such as all tax payers pay for public schools in their taxes as a shared responsibility, even though each tax payer, may not have a child in public school.
The Virginia Government, has made an inequitable political field for good
Virginians, who want to run for a public office, by placing arbitrary regulations in
front of individuals and rather support large political parties, who have no vested
interest in their community, but rather are only interested in their party platform first and their constituency second.

The Virginia Government, has allowed the two main political parties, to commit
election fraud, voter fraud, election outcome engineering and make fraudulent
campaign claims, which are verified and ignored by the Committee of Privileges and Elections, the Governor(s) and the Judicial system.
The Virginia Government, has created laws that ensure election fraud and protect the political parties from accountability in all matters except for the handling of
campaign funds, with no regard to the destruction of the integrity of the Virginia
election system and protecting them from investigation of guilt of malice or

The Virginia Government, has enacted laws that tax our energy sources, place fees on our lands and bodies and license requirements in the name of false science, to cloak the government’s intentions of shutting down our industries to enrich those of foreign and outside donors and enrich the political careers and fortunes of The Virginia Government, and those associated with it.
The Virginia Government, has enacted laws that increase its power of civil asset
forfeiture and the eradication of the right to privacy, property and the right to face
one’s accuser of a criminal nature through the use of Judicial Supremacy, breaking the Virginia Constitution, Article One, Section Two, whereby the people have the power over magistrates and those under them and those Amendments of the United States Constitution, which prohibit such Supremacy.
The Virginia Government, and the Attorney General of Virginia, have broken their
oaths to protect the Virginia Constitution, by refusing to protect the integrity of the people’s will of the amendments by the people to the Virginia Constitution.
The Virginia Government, in all branches, elected and appointed, in any of the
multitude of past examples of the past two decades, are guilty of breaking the
Virginia Constitution, Article 2, Section 7, in regards to creating illegal laws or
policies usurping the power of culture, religion, freedom of speech, right to bear
arms, right to personal property, being declared guilty by a secret court proceeding without being able to face their accuser, having homes entered without a proper warrant, not respecting any of the agreed and long standing prohibitions on all government in regards to the rights of the people as demanded by the United States Constitution and have conducted themselves with the utmost arrogance and disregard for the people’s existence as the people are the masters of their Government and their own destinies.

A Government, which acts like or takes the character in the spirit of laws to take the shape of a ruler of the free people it is supposed to be subordinate to, is in fact a tyrant and not a servant.
We have neither acted out nor have performed any acts of dissolution of our
positions against our domiciliary of Virginia, collectively or individually, to deserve such treatment from our servant that is the entire government. We have suffered representative cuckoldry by the modern political parties when we brought our grievances to them for representation in our constitutional platforms and forums. We have lowered ourselves to their level of indignity in the name of tolerance, only to discover that we in Virginia, have been their very target of destruction for many generations, as we are to be their beheaded trophy, and presented as a sign of conquest over our nation’s founding ideologies, to be displayed for the other states
and the world to see as their proof, that our founding words and agreements are
7 nothing more than words on paper. We must, therefore, agree in the need to publicly proclaim our reasons for abandonment of the current state government and the boundaries, which made up the previous Commonwealth of Virginia, and call for a Convention of Counties, to draft a new set of boundaries for those parts of the old Virginia to map a new Virginia and a new constitution to drive a new form of government. We must form a government more obedient to the people, void of political party pedigrees and ancestral claims of power by blood line dynasty or usurped judicial supremacy.

Therefore, we who have chosen to step forward from the ranks of the common
Virginian, as Freeholders with the power of our recognized suffrage, assembled in
meetings across the Commonwealth of Virginia, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the recognition of our moral power, do, in the Name and by Authority of the good people of like-minded Virginians, through the powers listed in the Declaration of Rights, sections one, two and three, the Virginia Constitution’s Article One, sections one, two and three and the space allowed us in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, solemnly publish and declare, that these united counties, towns and cities are of right ought to be, free and restructured into a new Virginia, that any allegiance to the State Government, run from the City of Richmond, is to be totally dissolved.
That a convention of counties is to be called up by our mutual Congress of Counties, who stand firm and together on the issue of our Constitutional Rights. This Convention should have at least one representative and no more than three per delegation. Each delegation will have one total floor vote on any resolution. Towns will be counted as one with each county and Cities will be counted as one Delegation per City, thus each county and each city will have one floor vote. The new Virginia

Government, will respect and agree to fund all who have served the state and those who currently serve the state to date, in a non-political function for their pay, pension and promised health benefits, as they are not responsible for the directions of our former government. The new state will retain the powers of the old in instances of contract alliances, establishing commerce, protection of its borders, and to do all of the other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. 

For support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor from this day April 23, 2020.

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