January 20, 2020 in Richmond, Virginia
This is a 6 part series
Part 1. Prelude: Immediately after the 2019 election, Democrats declare war on gun owners and the Virginia political map changes color, from mixed red and blue, to pretty much solid green
VCDL had been screaming to anyone who would listen, that the election in November 2019 was not going to be business as usual. It was going to be absolutely critical, more than ever before, that gun owners support pro-gun candidates and vote.
Unfortunately, too many gun owners either weren't registered to vote, were "too busy" to vote, thought their vote "wouldn't count," or simply were not listening or paying attention to what was going on around them.
Mostly through court gerrymandering, the Democrats squeaked out a win in the election, giving them a narrow, but complete, control of everything. They (and Michael Bloomberg, who bought them) now owned the House of Delegates, the Senate, the Governor's office, the Lt. Governor's office, and the Attorney General's office.
There was no longer a firewall at all to protect Virginia's gun owners from whatever horrendous gun control might be introduced in the General Assembly in January, 2020. The only hope was the courts would uphold the U.S. and Virginia Constitutions - a fight that could take years and would be extremely expensive.
And the Democrats wasted no time in making it clear that law-abiding gun owners were going to get hit, and hit hard.
Michael Bloomberg wanted the millions of dollars he had donated to help Democrats win their elections, be repaid by passing strong gun-control in Virginia.
Besides paying back Bloomberg, there were two other reasons Governor Northam had made gun control a major agenda item. The Governor wanted to take attention away from his racism, and even more importantly, comments he had made during a radio interview where he came out in support of state-sanctioned murder of babies who survived an abortion and were born.
Dr. Mengele would have been proud of Northam's calm and clinical description of how the murder of a living baby would be performed. But Virginians, even those who are pro-choice, were disgusted and horrified.
So to begin implementing Northam's agenda, Senator Dick Saslaw pre-filed SB 16, which redefined "assault weapons" to cover a wide variety of common, semi-automatic firearms and outlawed all of them. SB 16 also banned magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, suppressors, and bump stocks. After July 1, 2020, all those items would be contraband and the state would not compensate gun owners for them, even if destroyed or turned over to the police. Mere possession of those items after July 1 would be a FELONY. SB 16 was a top agenda-item for Bloomberg.
Law-abiding gun owners, who had legally bought their guns and had no intention of harming anyone who was not trying to harm them, could have their firearms confiscated and be headed to prison.
Other bills to pacify Bloomberg included: One Handgun a Month, Universal Background Checks, Red Flag laws, prohibitions on children having access to firearms, drastically reducing reciprocity with other states, more restrictions on ranges, and allowing local government to have complete control over the possession, carry, transportation, and storage of firearms! That wasn't all the bills, either.
The wildfire continued to burn across the state, until 96% of the counties and 94% of the state were sanctuaries. That number continues to grow. Currently there are 147 sanctuaries!
The map of Virginia is now almost totally green (the sanctuary color), including many areas that tend to vote Democrat. The message was clear, with both Democrats and Republicans hearing it. The Republican Party actually woke up in the middle of the movement and began registering tons of new voters at these hearings. The number of speakers topping over 100 in some cases. The gun controllers were pretty much no shows at these hearings.
Thanks to all of our Lobby Day speakers for doing such a great job! In order of appearance:
Thanks to EM Matt Gottshalk and his team for putting together fantastic video coverage of Lobby Day 2020!
Matt said that all day long people, seeing that he was with VCDL, approached and thanked him for all VCDL does.
Click here to watch the official VCDL Lobby Day video.
As soon as the Democrats won control of the House and Senate, they immediately began saber rattling at Virginia's gun owners. The Democrats pre-filed a gun-confiscation bill and started talking about passing Red Flag, Universal Background Check, and One Handgun a Month laws. They also wanted local governments to be able to infringe on gun owners.
The Democrat's gun-control agenda was aimed at peaceful gun owners and not criminals.
Voters in Virginia were taken by surprise, as the local Democrat candidates for the General Assembly had not said a word about any of that while campaigning. Nor was anything said about gun control being a top priority.
The saber rattling started a massive Second Amendment Sanctuary movement across the Commonwealth. Over 105,000 angry gun-owners showed up en mass at their local government meetings starting in early to mid November and going through December and into January! During that time 147 counties, cities, and towns became sanctuaries! That is over 96% of the state telling the new General Assembly to stay away from gun control.
Only a small handful of citizens wanting all that gun control bothered to show up at any of the local government sanctuary meetings, while thousand of gun owners did show up. That's because most voters did not vote to support gun control. Michael Bloomberg is the puppet master in the gun control push. He spent millions of dollars to purchased the loyalty of the Democrat leadership and succeeded.
Normally a newly elected General Assembly gets a "honeymoon" period, as Virginians give the legislators some initial breathing room to do their job.
Not this time. The General Assembly's honeymoon was over in a few days, long before they were sworn in or had a chance to vote on anything, Resistance to their gun-control agenda exploded across the state. I have never seen anything like it.
The coverage of VCDL's Lobby Day 2020 was more intense than any the organization had in a very long time. The closest was the "Bloomberg Gun Giveaway" in 2007, which had been covered by most of the main stream media nationally.
The Lobby Day coverage changed over time and expanded to be both national, and even international, as Lobby Day approached.
The last few weeks before Lobby Day, the media was mostly focused on the supposed attendance by white supremacists, ANTIFA, and the like. Basically, the media was saying "the sky would be falling" in Richmond on January 20, with violence expected.
Thanks to that intensity in the coverage, all eyes were on Richmond, as the country watched with bated breath.
The media was then forced to show the country, and the world, the impossible (according to the media script on guns): over 50,000 well-armed citizens peacefully assembled for Lobby Day and the associated rally. No bloodshed and no violence. One lone arrest: a woman for wearing a mask who refused to take it off when the police asked her to do so. Local media marveled at the fact that the areas where the crowds were kept were cleaner after the event than before the event!
I was approached by many people in the General Assembly for days afterwards, congratulating VCDL on the success of that historic rally. Gun controllers, meanwhile, had a lot of egg on their face for their unfounded fear-mongering.
Over half of the gun-control bills introduced in 2020 were stopped. A total of 16 gun-control laws were passed, varying in importance. Almost all of those laws were watered down from their original form, some significantly. Lobby Day and the powerful Second Amendment Sanctuary movement made that possible, as the Democrats had the votes to do whatever they wanted.
That said, in spite of the fact that many of the gun-control bills were watered down, make no mistake about it, gun owners in Virginia LOST rights at the hands of the party of gun control. I hope gun owners will remember who voted for your rights and who voted to make you a criminal in upcoming elections.
A recap of the gun-control laws that passed and the gun-control bills that were defeated can be seen by clicking here.
Full video of the Lobby Day Rally can be viewed by clicking here
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