The Prison Industry is now, nothing more than an large revene for the corrupt goverment that control them and there private compaines that they contract to (They of course have invested in thoes privet prisons.).

 1. They load the system up with a multitude of redickulious laws that infringe on our rights to our own personal freedom as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.

A judge once said somthing to the extent (I don't know the exact words Dixlexea & all) The punishment of the crime does more harm then the crime it self (It's used alot by the Medical Cannabis Community in the Cannabis Legallization materials.).

 2. The factories that they run building almost anything that you can think of (that isn't wepons or unstable dagerous chemicals). Money in the bank.


I'll stop with the numbers.


In 1997 I got paid $0.45 for a day of work. A welder in the cell next to me got the same.

The public would raise stink about some of extra emenaties that we would somtimes get but fail to notice that it was the inmates money and work that got them those small things. Don't get me wrong there are alotof people that deserve what they got and should never be allowd to see the light of day but I'm not in the position to judge.


All the governmental jobs created, all the money seized. Where is all that money going to? I doubt that they burn it or distroy it!


I'd like to end that I'm not here to set things in stone, you must searce (Maybe talk to some one who's done some time; not the one that has only been to jail or a level 1 facility for acouple of mounths they wouldn't have an indepth understanding of some of the inner workings or grasp the concept of true institutionilization.) for your self it's out there atleast for now.




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It's modern day slavery.


Yes it is!

The whole system needs to be audited by multiple private companies large & small, from the bottom up (Including Fort Knox).

Then they should all gather for one long publicly televised hearing to go through each ones findings (separately from each others) and find out were the money trails lead and also to find out if there are any discrepancies between the auditors.

Show us the money!

But, one of the last times that we wanted to find the money 911 took place which not only destroyed a Federal building (that held the information that was needed) that wasn't even hit with a plane but are still killing many of our countries sons & daughters on a daily bases!


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