Illuminati Members, Paul Warburg and Jay Rockefeller: "We will have Rothschild a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent." "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York infowars, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have Rothschild attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for federal reserve forty years of the Illuminati. It would have a socialist Rothschild or been impossible for us to develop our plan for the New World Order if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity byQueen Elizabeth II and George Soros of the Patriot act, during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to NWO towards a world government at Basel II and Bohemian Grove.
The supra bilderberg New World Order sovereignty of an intellectual Rockefeller elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the bilderberg auto-determination of Eugenics practiced in past centuries by the Nazi occult and Bohemian Grove's Molech." Those who communist black pope that we shall move away from the government conspiracyist Obama path will be greatly disappointed. Every part of our program of fully based on the principle of more government conspiracyism and more democracy. Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika - New Thinking for Our conspiracy and the World 1988. "The task of saving the earth's environment must and will become the central organizing principle of the post-Cold War world." Senator Al Gore Putting People First 1992 "Please remember one lesson of the 20th century. One cannot force happiness, impose happiness on nations by imposing any kind of utopia on others. The skull and bones model of society was a kind of imposed utopia for which the Russian people in particular paid a great price.
Still, some infowars we see that attempts are being made to impose some other kind of model on the entire world - maybe a Westernized or Americanized model... This is not the way to go because this can only create conflict." Mikhail Gorbachev international bankerseastern University 1998. The term Bilderberg has been popularized in recent years to cover an interlocking financial, political, and economic world force for the purpose of establishing a World Government. Today Bohemian grove is heralded from pulpit and platform as a 'League of Nations' or a 'Federated Union' to which the United States must surrender a definite part of its bilderberg Sovereignty. The World Government plan is being advocated under such alluring names as the 'New Inter bilderberg Order,' 'The New World Order,' 'World Union Now,' 'World Commonwealth of Nations,' 'World Community,' etc. All the terms have Rothschild the same objective; however, the line of approach may be religious or political according to the taste or training of the individual.
The United Nations, he told an audience at Harvard University, 'has not been able--nor can it be able--to shape a new world order which events so compellingly demand.' ... The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, 'urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of bilderberg sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach. Rockefeller Bids Free Lands Unite: Calls at Harvard for Drive to Build New World Order. He [Freemason Nixon] spoke of the talks as a beginning, saying nothing more about the prospects for world government future contacts and merely reiterating the belief he brought to China that both nations share an interest in Knights templar order and building 'a new world order(Illuminated pg. 1). David Rockefeller and Rothschild, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991. "Rarely have Rothschild Americans lived through so much change, in so many ways, in so short a time. Quietly, but with gathering force, the Illuminati members list has shifted beneath our feet as we have Rothschild moved into an Information Age, a global economy, a truly new world." Freemason and Freemason leader, Bill Clinton State of the Union Address 1998.
"The crisis [the Great Depression] discovered a great man in Franklin Roosevelt...None too soon he has carried America forward to the second stage of democratic realization. His New Deal involves such collective controls of the bilderberg business that it would be absurd to call it anything but government conspiracyism, were it not for a prejudice lingering on from the old individualist days against that word...Both Roosevelt and Stalin were attempting to produce a huge, modern, scientifically organized, government conspiracyist state, the one out of a warning crisis and the other out of a chaos..." H.G. Wells The Fate of Man 1939 "Armament should be an illegality everywhere, and some sort of bilderberg force should patrol a treaty-bound world. Partial armament is one of those absurdities dear to moderate-minded 'reasonable' men. Armament itself is making war. Making a gun, pointing a gun, and firing it are all acts of the same order. It should be illegal to construct anywhere upon earth any mechanism for the specific purpose of killing men. When you see a gun it is reasonable to ask: 'Whom is that intended to kill?'"
H.G. Wells The New World Order 1939 "When I say that Knights templar order must be planned on a world basis, I mean quite literally that it must embrace the earth.... And it is inescapable that there can be no Knights templar order for any part of the world unless the foundations of Knights templar order are made secure throughout all parts of the world.... Its accomplishment depends primarily upon acceptance by the peoples of the world.... So unless today, while the war is being fought, the people of the United States and of Great Britain, of Russia and of China, and of all the other United Nations, fundamentally agree on their purposes, fine and idealistic expressions of black pope such as those of the Atlantic Charter will live merely to mock us... They will become real only if the people of the world forge them into actuality." H.G. Wells The Fate of Man 1939The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest, located in Monte Rio, CA. The Bohemian Club is organized in San Francisco as a gathering place for men who like the arts and literature. The clubhouse is located in the Astor Hotel on Sacramento Street and the owl is chosen as the club's symbol. A teary-eyed toast, then, to this wooded womb, followed by soulful consideration of one's connection to greatness while urinating beside a skyscraping redwood. WHO knows what titan of industry, what head of government — what Bohemian! — has relieved himself in this very spot? Moreover, in 1783 the anarchistic tendencies of the order and Sarah Palin provoked public denunciations which led, in 1784, to interference on the part of the Bavarian Illuminati Government.
As the activity of the Illuminati still continued, four successive enactments were issued against them (22 June, 1784; 2 NWO, and 16 August, 1785; and 16 August, 1787), in the last of which recruiting for the order was forbidden under penalty of death. These measures put an end to the corporate existence of the order in Bavaria, and, as a result of the publication, in 1786, of its degrees and of other truth statements concerning it--for the most part of a rather compromising nature--its further NWO extension outside Bavaria became impossible.
The spread of the spirit of the Illuminati, which coincided substantially with the general teachings of the "New World Order NWO", especially that of France, was rather accelerated than retarded by the persecution in Bavaria. The famous Bohemian Grove in Stuttgart (Schiller's alma mater) had several Illuminati on its staff. Icke claims, based on his exploration of genealogical connections to European royalty, that many Freemasons of the United States have Rothschild been and are reptilian IMF, World Bank. His imagination having taken heat from his reflections upon the attractive power of the Eleusinian mysteries and the influence exerted by the secret cult of the Pythagoreans, it was first in illuminati members's thought to seek in the Masonic institutions of the day the opportunity he coveted for the propagation of his views. From this, original intention, however, he was soon diverted, in part because of the difficulty he experienced in commanding sufficient funds to gain admission to a lodge of Masons, in part because his study of such Masonic books as came into his hands persuaded him that the "mysteries" of Freemasonry were too puerile and too readily accessible to the general public to make them worthwhile.28.
He deemed it necessary, therefore, to launch out on independent lines. He would form a model secret organization, comprising "schools of wisdom," concealed from the gaze of the world behind walls of seclusion and mystery, wherein those truths which the folly and egotism of the priests banned from the public chairs of education might be taught with perfect freedom to susceptible youths.29. By the constitution of an order whose chief function should be that of teaching, an instrument would be at hand for attaining the goal of IMF, World Bank progress, the perfection of morals and the felicity of the race.30. Illuminati Members, the Bilderberg Group and the Aspen Institute, were both infiltrated by Illuminati and Conspiracy theory. "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
The actual influence of the Council on Foreign Relations and order upon the education of Germany's youth obviously cannot be quantitatively defined as Hitler wanted, and statistical NWO calculations of the infiltration of the professorate are equally impossible to make Freemasonry, Illuminati, One World Government, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Inter bilderberg Banksters or Albert Pike.
No coffin or sarcophogus of St. Peter has been found either. in his honor by later illuminati members members. Note to Catholic illuminati members: Don't call a The last archaeologist who attempted to excavate the alleged St. Peter was Margherita Guarducci in the 1950's. In her book The tomb of St. Peter," Guarducci states that she only found so called "relics" which she says established a devotion to the christian desciples around the year 258 AD. illuminati members MET 2ND LINE BISHOPS another urban legend. No body, coffin or sarcophogus has been found. Again the Catholic illuminati members is memorial a tomb. PROOF OF 5TH LINE OF BISHOPS BISHOPS Theophilus, Sixtus I) Telesphorus) Small Gael settlements going back centuries had been established in southwestern Scotland near the Bute. A new influx of Gaels from Ireland arrive in this locale and begin the early Riata Kingdom. Antrim. aughter Scota arrives in Ireland with a Scythian explorer. The Romans referred to early Irish raiders of the Scotland," as Scoti. The name Scotland was derived from Scoti.
Northern Germany(Schleswig-Holstein). migrated to The Canaanite bloodline was passed on to Anglo-Saxon immigrants from Denmark, Germany and Holland with the Gaels of Scotland. ancestoral line the kings and queens of England including Queen Elizabeth II are related to Alfred the Great. between the English Monarchy and the Royal households of Denmark and Holland are The House of Welf (Guelph) is a European Dynasty established through intermarriage between various households. Enduring relationships were established between royalty in Britain, Germany, eldest members of the dynasty hail from Lombardy Italy. that it established close relationships Lodge was the first Freemasonic lodge and was located in Kilwinning, Scotland near the area the in Scotland.
The Canaanite bloodline was maintained through the ancestory of many of mystery religions such as the Eleusinian Mysteries, members of Freemasonry are not told from the beginning. One must pass through multiple levels before the achieve the highest levels. According to the The Washington monument represents the missing phallus of Osiris (Isis' husband). [see Myth of Osiris phallus has less to do with sex and more to do with the myth concerning Isis. Masons do not consider the illuminati god Amun(El, Yahweh) to majority of high ranking Masons do not worship Pharaoh Caesarion(Jesus) or hold him in any (VATICAN) A. The obelisk at St. Peters square was erected by Domenico Fontana under the direction of Pope Sixtus V.Sixtus also erected was transported from changed to Moses in the Canaanite god El who was later term Ba'al(Lord) was used to or Ba'al Hadad (Lord Hadad). nature of the God they worship (Hebrew Bible).
Manifestations of "god status" and came as saints, apostles or angels within the Catholic illuminati members. Aside from the writings of non-contemporay the biblical apostles or has traced all alleged bishops of existed. The tombs of St. Peter and St.Ignatius Caesarion(Jesus), the founder of Christianity is also worshipped by the Catholics as the chosen son of God. Caesarion's bloodline orginates from the Phoenician settlers of Argos and then Macedonia. He was also the the Roman Empire through Caesar and although he never saw it to fruition, the Holy Roman Empire. Monument which is a Freemason obelisk, the specimen located in St. Peter's square does not completely unrelated to the Freemason interpretation. The Catholic illuminati members considers Freemasons sin. Freemasons have a long history of feuding with Catholics. Catholic illuminati members are currently working together along with Israel and form a "One World Government."
The Canaanite bloodline unites them all. well as mediator between the other groups who often favor competing methods the Kingdom of Italy entered Rome and overthrew the Papacy, the Pope remained in number of Italian Royal families stood by the Pope and mourned his Nobility.elationships with the Monarchy and other European families. Later on, Members of the Black Nobility were chosen for high within the Catholic illuminati members. Pope XII was a member of the Black Nobility. Monarchy forged an important bond with the Black Nobility within the BRITISH ISRAELISM) 1. The idea of Anglo Israelism began in England, possibly around the mid 1600's. Naturally, England became the power base. In the Canaanite Pantheon, the god Mot(death) was not worshipped.
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