Good always conquers over evil !!!  When the going gets tough the tough get going...and....when there is nothing left to lose we lose it !!! A dying man will grasp at straws, is this not what point in life we are at ?  do we have anything left to lose ?  There are moles everywhere, nothing and nowhere is safe at this time, this is what they hope we will do, be too fearful to seek eachother out. Every person is already tracked, there is no where to hide, so in my opinion, just do whatever your gut instinct tells you to do, you are all wise and have knowledge beyond what you could ever imagine. Listen to yourselves and go with your gut.


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I will be making a separate post of this, but felt it should be here as well: 

I would be remiss to not say that everyone should be careful with their personal info. In particular, their home address, their personal telephone number and main email addy. Especially in the political climate today. There are plenty of nuts out there for whom even a mild conservative belief system is the same as mine (National Socialism). And, consider the idea that Republican members of congress have been shot at while they practiced softball. After the shooter was being egged on, and provided with info regarding the specifics of the time and place of the target, by the media. In addition to the fact that many police departments and judges are willing to overlook crimes of violence, as long as they are committed against members of the right wing. I know what I'm risking when I give out my personal info, make sure you do as well, beforehand. My advice, unfortunately, must be to err on the side of caution.

Or is it that the psychopaths in control are creating the illusion that there are nuts out there...?  I do ponder desiring rulers.  Why do You think the best social foundation includes rulers?

I know from personal experience. Back then, I had to use my home address on my public access television submissions. Four guys kicked the door in, beat the crap out of me, there were witnesses who identified the perpetrators, detective shrugged and said "There's nothing we can do". Later, however, that Norwood, Ohio detective (Steve Daniels) was busted back to a uniform cop because he shared DEA teletypes with drug dealers to get his daughter out of trouble, lol. However, many are not so lucky to get away with only a beating. People get seriously injured or killed, or fired, evicted, lose important relationships, etc.

It's just common sense, be careful who you share your personal info with.


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