Can the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) pull you out of line without any rational reason, quiz you on where you are going and why? And if you choose not to answer, does that make you “hostile?” One newspaper writer from the Midwest found out the answers to those questions on Monday when he experienced the TSA’s new “chat-down” while waiting in line at airport security.

Is TSA Chat Down Program Unreasonable Search?: Interview with Steve Gunn

Photo credit: AP

Muskeegon Chronical writer Steve Gunn was returning home after a few days at a music festival in Colorado. Steve’s travel agent had him flying from Denver to Detroit and then connecting to a flight from Detroit to Grand Rapids. This is a common pattern in air travel. Customers fly from one big city to another and then catch a short flight to their regional airport. It happens hundreds of times each day in Detroit alone.

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2 of three TSA goons I spoke with recently while traveling tried this with me, and they were hyper aggressive at  getting my attention.  I said only, if I were you, I would speak to a radiologist about all the radiation your absorbing here each day. That left them speechless and I just walked away.

  1. I am going to have to remember that one!

Thanks, I mean, I did the research :)

Plus, I  went to my radiologist and asked her thoughts on these machines.

She said , and I quote... "I will not go through it...I won't let my children ever go through it".

Thanks James, If they die of cancer, perhaps that is a just reward for the TSA agents who are too much of a Lugen* to know or care what is happening to their bodies. You gave us all a great answer that all should be allowed to use. 

After all we have to share good information. right.?

Like this ......

" I said only, if I were you, I would speak to a radiologist about all the radiation your absorbing here each day."

Here is more from another source I will share.

          Well we are told that the Navy Seals did it, It would be nice if it were true, but the billboard is real.

* Lugen, a polite word to discriibe a person with a quite low, but functional IQ. Like a TSA agent.


Nathan, James, Can we establish a set of "One Liners" to use on TSA agents and publish it in 12160. I know they will read it but...

How about this One.

"When you tavel to see your parents, do you bother to thank them for having you?"


"Its Lugens like you that really "Make My Day" and when they ask you what a Lugen is, tell them you are happy to explain, and do so.

Here it is again, " Lugen, Its a polite new word to describe a person with a lower than average IQ."

and then say no more because ' you never insult a TSA' ...

                                                  Has he discover a Lugen at the TSA? Possibly

Do I see a map of North America on the Lugen's computer screen? Yes I do. Well not of Canada and ALL of South America.... I wonder... what the computer program does with the gentleman's passport infomation when the TSA L...n swipes it. They say a picture CAN say a 1000 Words

Why they have naked body scanners.


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