Health chiefs are preparing to vaccinate the entire population against swine flu, it has emerged.In what would be the biggest vaccination programme of the last 50 years, experts are already drawing up a priority list of patients to be given immunity before the bug becomes more virulent.

It comes after the first British patient without underlying health problems died after contracting swine flu, taking the number of swine flu-linked deaths in the UK to 15.

Peter Holden, the British Medical Association's lead negotiator on swine flu, told a Sunday paper: "The high risk groups will be done at GPs' surgeries.
"People are still making decisions over this, but we want to get cracking before we get a second wave, which is traditionally far more virulent.

"If the virus does (mutate), it can get a lot more nasty, and the idea is to give people immunity."

He added: "But the sheer logistics of dealing with 60 million people can't be underestimated."

The latest swine flu-linked death happened at Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, NHS East of England.

Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson warned on Saturday that other healthy people were at risk of dying from the disease.

He said: "As with all flu-like viruses, some people are at higher risk than others. Unfortunately, people who are otherwise healthy could also become seriously ill or, sadly, die."

But Sir Liam added: "Fortunately, this particular new virus isn't nearly as severe as it could have been.

"If it had, for example, come out of the bird flu variant it would have been producing much higher levels of mortality."

Nearly 10,000 Britons have gone down with swine flu after it spread to the UK from Mexico.

The UK has the third highest case total in the world after Mexico, with 10,262, and the US, which has at least 33,902.

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HA.take your vaccinne minnie.gordon brown loves you lol....thanks for joining group minnie and for the links~peace

m1nn1ethem1nx1 said:
They'll have to catch me first ha ha!!

Sign the petition
Just say NO! People of the UK, Just say NO! and if it comes down to it, say NO1 with force

Diarrhoea and hiccups?swine flu with diarrhoea and hiccups?guess i may get some new underwear in and a load of extra strong toilet paper lol

m1nn1ethem1nx1 said:

THE number of cases of swine flu could catch up with the number of cases of hiccups and diarrhoea, given 10-12 years, doctors have claimed.

Hiccups and diarrhoea?As the department of health turned the panic knob back up to seven, GPs said there was a danger that runny tummies and spasmodic diaphragms could eventually be outnumbered if the RAF carpet-bombed all of Britain's major towns and cities with water balloons filled with swine flu round-the-clock, for a fortnight.

A spokesman for the British Medical Association said: "There are currently about three million cases of hiccups, some of them very nasty indeed.

"Meanwhile there are about four million cases of diarrhoea, all of them very nasty indeed.

"There is even a handful of people who have diarrhoea and hiccups, and that's one of the worst combinations you can get. Probably even worse than toothache and plague.

"But where is their leaflet? Where is their TV advert? Where is their desperate, pathetic front page of the Daily Mail?"

The BMA is proposing three large digital counters at Piccadilly Circus in the centre of London to display a running total of Britain's swine flu, diarrhoea and hiccup victims.

The spokesman added: "If at any point the swine flu total overtakes one of the other two you will either shit yourself or be so frightened it will cure your hiccups.

"As for all the swine flu, there's a good chance that I have contracted it and then recovered from it at some point between the beginning and the end of this sentence."
London Times Censors Mass Opposition to Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccine.................The London Times newspaper has apparently censored scores of comments on its own website that expressed vehement opposition to plans by the UK government to implement a mandatory vaccination program for swine flu.
Flu vaccinations 'in September'..A swine flu vaccination programme will start in September, Health Minister Michael McGimpsey has said.

Vaccines are expected to arrive in Northern Ireland in August.
Flu: Vaccination plan for children...Ministers are considering plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK against swine flu. If the plans are agreed, it would be the biggest mass vaccination since pupils were given jabs against smallpox in 1964.

The Department of Health (DH) stressed that no decision had been made on delivering the vaccination programme.

But a spokesman for the Department for Children, Schools and Families confirmed the proposals are being considered. He said: "All options are being considered. Schools have been used in the past for vaccination."

as always it is about the children, americans find it hard to wrap their brains around being a new nation kept in the dark of history most here who have grandparents who speak of this history. here they took the grandparents away in order to get health care now they are taking the children as they cull the ppl. down w/toxins and numb us w/fluoride. swine flue like anthrax they can put it any where.


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