In July, the Summer of 2010, over 1 million gallons of tar sand oil were spilled msnbc
into the Kalamazoo River in the Kalamazoo/Calhoun County area, including Marshall, Battle Creek, and Talmidge Creek.
John Bolenbaugh was an employee of Enbridge and he was being paid (a handsome wage) to clean up oil. John was fired when he refused to COVER UP OIL with mud, leaves, grass, etc. John continues to expose and document on video tape, the lie that is BIG OIL. For this he has had death threats, damaged brake lines and tires, and constant threats of legal action.
Several people in the Calhoun County area are extremely ill with seizures, serious lung disorders, and much more.
All help in the form of sharing information, mention in press or live radio and interviews with John are welcome by him. Please step up, hosts and listeners of Infowars, 12160, Blogtalk Radio, Intel Hub, Oracle, and all of you beautiful alternative news internet and radio groups! We love you and we are your base, so let's step up for this Honorable Navy Veteran Whistleblower and assist him now, when he has asked for our help!!
Long live Whistle blowers and people of Conscience!
Location: justice center battle creek michigan
Members: 57
Latest Activity: Feb 2, 2019
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Keystone XL Pipeline Controversy
While Big Oil, Labor, and Energy Department contemplate Big Bucks, the environmentalists are having nightmares imagining what an oil spill from these horrible, hazardous tar sands would look like. They don't have to imagine very far. They need only stop in to check out the Kalamazoo River to see what a one million gallon oil spill near a Great Lake, in this case, looks like.
Spoil: Doc. on the Great Bear Rainforest under threat by DIRTY TARSANDS AND OILSANDS
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Trudge on Denise and John. Thank you for the time you serve!!!
I found out through some reading I done that it is a company owned out of Texas.
Here it is Denise I knew I had read it some where.
Tesoro Logistics, a subsidiary of the San Antonio, Texas-based company that owns and operates parts of Tesoro's oil infrastructure, said in a statement that the affected portion of the pipeline has been shut down.
Gathered from:
Tesoro Corporation, a Fortune 100 company, is an independent refiner and marketer of petroleum products. Tesoro, through its subsidiaries, operates six refineries in the western United States with a combined capacity of over 845,000 barrels per day. Tesoro's retail-marketing system includes more than 2,200 retail stations, under the Tesoro®, Shell® ARCO® and USA Gasoline™ brands, of which more than 570 are company operated.
Gathered at:
Management Team
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Is it just me or does - Te(soro)'s look like Soros to anybody, or is this just one of the things that make you rub your chin and go hummmmm?
Did the spill in South Dakota, that was 7 football fields large, have anything to do with the same pipeline or company?
TransCanada and Department of Homeland Security keep close eye on activists
Quebec train derailment could boost Keystone pipeline
The deadly explosion of a derailed train carrying crude oil in the remote town of Lac-Mégantic, Que., likely will spark fresh arguments in the rancorous debate over the safety of the giant Keystone XL pipeline.
“TransCanada (owner of Keystone XL) and the other pipeline proponents are going to try to use this (accident) to boost their case but it’s a real double-edged sword for them,” Keith Steward, the climate and energy coordinator at Greenpeace in Toronto, said. “Pipelines and rail both have safety issues and both can be a hell of a lot safer than they are today.”
I am glad to see that someone has not forgot about Arkansas, I have this state close to me. Thank you John and Denise.
Would love to see the new footage. Thanks Denise.
let me know if they were and I will remove them for you. thanks, mystery
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