2012 Predictions


2012 Predictions

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2012 Predictions (Krypke's)

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Cryptocurrency Jun 26, 2013. 7 Replies

1- Obama gets reelected2- Revolution will continue to break out world wide.3- U.S and NATO forces will overhthrow another regime in the middle east or Africa. Somalia, and Syria are likely on the…Continue

Tags: ndaa, boogieman, hocus, pocus, nibiru

TommyD's 2012 Predictions

Started by TommyD. Last reply by Alex Daube Feb 23, 2012. 6 Replies

A.K.A. My Best Guess Given Available InformationContinued incremental-ism along the road to tyranny.Ron Paul wins Presidential ElectionOWS becomes American WinterI am proven wrong on all the aboveContinue


Started by wizanda. Last reply by Alex Daube Feb 6, 2012. 7 Replies

Though can show how half of the world is already following the Anti-Christ (being John, Paul and Simon) and with this being clearly prophesied in multiple religions globally as one; don't really want…Continue

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Comment by Paul M. Clements on December 27, 2011 at 6:02am

Senor Cespedes,

Unless you are a practicing Muslim, you have to be INSANE to think that Obumma is going to HELP you or the USA.  All the people Afro-Americans,  Hispanics, whatever, that voted for him thinking he would be their Messiah, and raise them to the higher echelons of power and wealth are sadly mistaken.  They will rue the day they voted for him, when they find out that he's a MUSLIM, working hard to destroy the US and turn it over to his Muslim Brothers, as part of their Caliphate. They will tolerate NO OTHER RELIGION, regardless of your skin color. All the Obumma voters will get is a terse "Thanks for voting for him, now get lost."

Comment by Carlos Cespedes on December 26, 2011 at 7:46pm

2012 We must have mercy with President Obama,he is not God but rest assured if

God come back through him we will have a better fate.It is time God return with someone we know in advance.Antichrist? I really believe in God and I thanks

the Christian for the gift I hope the new kids will love it as I did it.It is time to recognize God face to face,regardless we can not look straight to the eyes,but

what about sunglasses.Happy New Year...bois and girls

Comment by Timothy on December 26, 2011 at 4:26pm

The sad part is all the Experts say that Obuma Can't be beat, he has the GIFT of gab (placing words where they belong). If re-election is in his favor ? , then hang on because he was caught on video saying , he needed another 4yrs to put in place the sytem that he was elected to do. I predic "WW3 "  is'nt far off.

Just look at the papers, the way the USA is trying to provok Iran into doing something stupid and Russia and China saying they will attack any other country if they attack Iran.   The PREDICTION is " WORLD WAR 3 " in our life time.

Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on December 25, 2011 at 8:26pm

1- I think we will see old laws that have been passed but put to sleep awaken and used along with new laws to add more and more control and less and less freedoms.

2- OWS will slowly fade or bring about Martial Law, depends on what TPTB decide.  If TPTB feel threatened then they will back off enough to make people think they have won a victory. People will return or turn their backs. Another possibility is that the system comes down and a void created and replaced by one TPTB control, just as they do this one.

3- More and more, nature and the use of it, will become worse and worse. This will add to last year's food production losses and food will become more and more expensive.  We will see Feeding Stations here like there is in other parts of the world.

4- Ever increasing loads of information on both past and present. With that though will come loads of false information too and it will become harder and harder to disseminate fact for fiction, especially for those that are just now or recently began to investigate. Many will deceive and be deceived.  The web will be altered and managed according to what TPTB want.

5- Just as the troops appear to come home a false flag, or rather, another false flag will happen.This could lead to the 3rd W.W. and 1/3 of the population sacrificed first by war, then by disease.  BRIC will be at war with the USA and allies. NObody will win this war except TPTB and the USA and friends will be crushed. Israel, child of TPTB, will  sacrifice the inhabitants of, for power.

Not the end, but the beginning of the end.

6- Stock Market continues to rape, plunder, and pillage people until they have all they figure they can get.  Then TPTB will look at S.S., 401K, IRA, and precious metals to take hold of.

7- More and more genetic alterations on plant and animal life. Superhuman abilities and new species like in Antediluvian times.  More and more film, TV, & articles seducing the masses to pave the way for unnatural things, events, and people.  

8- 12-21-2012, The New Age will usher in and many will die or be imprisoned as TPTB convince cult members that 3 religions are holding back mankind from evolving to a higher ground of existence. It will usher in a war, then peace for 3.5 years, then all Hell will break loose. The best traps are where the prey doesn't realize it is a trap... until it's too late.

Comment by WE Party Mentor on December 25, 2011 at 9:45am
The Billionaire Summit (http://www.aunitedworld.net/buffett/) in South Korea will be a video-teleconference with specific billionaire philanthropists during the World Peace One (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EVjMbqP_ms) Showcase Events. WE are not asking these philanthropists for their money, only their advice on presenting this WE Consciousness (http://www.causes.com/causes/642429-we-consciousness?template=cause...) to the world.
Thirty-eight US billionaires have pledged at least 50% of their wealth to charity through a campaign started by investor Warren Buffett and Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Here is a look at some of those who have signed up to "The Giving Pledge" (http://givingpledge.org/#enter) project.
What's the 2012 Global Shift in Consciousness all about? http://www.aunitedworld.net/Buffett/video/view/172145/?topic=74027
Comment by P.J.Kelley on December 25, 2011 at 9:19am
Off topic-I read Lew Rockwell's site a lot and like it, but if he wrote those stupid newsletters the anti-Ron Paul cabal has been using to smea
r Paul with all these years, he should man up and admit it.
Comment by Paul M. Clements on December 25, 2011 at 5:36am

I predict that Obumma's people will create an incident, perhaps by sending federal troops in to remove "Occupiers" from some city, state, or federal property. The ensuing riot will spread across the country, because Obumma's people control the "Occupiers".  Obumma, as commander in chief of the armed forces, will declare martial law, and postpone the elections.  More "Executive Orders" will follow, as THE DICTATOR expands his power.  At some point, he will ask for assistance from Muslim countries, inviting their troops to come in and help restore order. He will declare Sharia Law, and suspend the Constitution.  Then the roundup of dissidents will begin, and the cattle cars will start moving toward the FEMA camps.  The body bags and coffins are ready, and the disappearances will start.  Following the Book of Revelations, we will have seven years of Obumma's evil, then Christ will return to fight the final battle.  When the righteous have been saved, the geophysical cataclysms will begin. The poles will shift, the tectonic plates will slide around crazily, the Earth's axis will change.  The Earth will experience earthquakes, volcanism, and tidal waves of unimagined magnitude.  The face of the Earth will change, and there will be ice where cities used to be.

Comment by FractalWoman on December 25, 2011 at 5:00am
World Peace, June 17, 2012.
Comment by wizanda on December 25, 2011 at 4:45am
Comment by TommyD on December 24, 2011 at 11:03pm

In all honesty, I refuse to give up hope for a positive outcome. We shape our future.


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