

I/we propose that any member of a secret society, should be banned from also being permitted to be a member of government or its related bodies, i.e. our town halls, the judiciary, military and the police etc. – as it’s without doubt a major conflict of interest. – This currently abhorrent state of affairs where anyone involved in our governments etc. are allowed to be also members of a secret society that require death defying oaths to be sworn, – whereas the blindfolded initiate, and with a dagger held to their heart, swears to be 100% allegiant and committed to the Masonic agenda, – and over and above that of all else. The potential for corruption and dodgy deals makes a complete mockery of our democracy and justice system. Our government and its representatives; via our town halls and justices of law must be free from commitment to these highly influential groups if they are expected to maintain a shred of credibility and earn the public’s trust and respect once again.


Website: http://
Location: London
Members: 14
Latest Activity: Apr 22, 2018

The "founder" of a cause; BAN MEMBERS OF SECRET SOCIETIES FROM SERVING IN OUR GOVERNMENT AND ... has been banned from Facebook. Feathers are being ruffled; as it's getting more difficult to communicate with the other members of this cause, as some people have been deliberately putting the spanner in the works. Firstly; Facebook have closed the account of the founder of this cause; Jay F Kay, - and that's why there have been no more News Bulletins for the last week. Jay F Kay, is in fact my brother, we have been interested in Freemasonry and secret societies for many years, though I'm the one who mainly writes about the subject. He, Jay F Kay that is, - is obviously not my brother’s real name, and a play on words; on J. F. Kennedy's name, whose famous speech exposing his concerns about the infiltration of secret societies within the US government, - and when not longer after, they killed him. My brother works for a major conglomerate in the city of London, - one of its founders is responsible for helping establish colonialism, many if not almost all the board of directors are Freemason’s, if they linked my brother with me, he’d be out on his ear the very next morning! He’d be a one in ten, a sophisticated reminder as to how things really are in the private City of London, - a place that has two Mayors, the real one being; the Lord Mayor of the City of London Alderman David Wootton, and the ‘pretender’; Mayor of London, being Boris Johnson.

We have wanted to start an e-petition on the governments own website, so I did that last year, - though getting people to sign up, has proved very difficult, and has proved to be hard work to get enough people to go there and sign-up. Then a Portuguese friend, of a friend of mine, told me back in November 2011, that there was a political storm brewing in Lisbon, and that corruption was rife, - millions in Euro’s have gone missing or have been badly ‘mismanaged’, which is a favourite excuse of theirs, - as all they have really done, is stole it, - and all from our public purses. Rumours were/are spreading like wildfire, that those government officials involved in these scandals, are also members of that secret society; known as the Freemason’s. We then discussed setting up a cause via Facebook’s - ‘Causes’, - and I was going to use my name and just do it alone in that sense, though it was pointed out to me, that I have made a lot of enemies, and anyone who has read some of my blogs, or comments and posts, will see I’ve had major conflict with many a person who is pro, exactly what I’m against, so it goes without saying, it comes with the territory, - that I’ve also had some nasty life threatening emails, some from actual Freemason’s, with one suggesting; “I better watch out, in case of some Health & Safety accident, doesn’t come my way”. - Like I’ve said, my brother can’t, and refuses to use his real identity on Facebook or any other forum on the internet, - so he has often used the tag; Jay F Kay, and of course we’ve colluded and worked off each other, - just like many others do on the internet in general. He has used my Facebook account for a couple of years, - and like millions of others on there, he used the alias name; Jay F Kay. And this is why we thought it would be best if he starts the new cause; BAN MEMBERS OF SECRET SOCIETIES FROM SERVING IN OUR GOVERNMENT AND ...

Under that name, as it’s quite a memorable name, - and my brother, as Jay F Kay, had not made many enemies on the internet, - unlike that of what I unfortunately have, so we agreed to put Jay F Kay as the founder. Anyway, a 1000 or so members later, “someone” had reported to Facebook, that I was using two names, and that Jay F Kay was one of them. We have tried contacting Facebook, explaining what the situation is, and they said the only way the issue can be dealt with, is by my brother submitting his personal ID, and a full portrait picture of himself. I have just explained my brother’s job situation, - and he will not risk losing his job, a position he’s worked for the last 25years, and has only 8 years to go before he retires.

So there you go, “they” have closed Jay F Kay’s Facebook account, thus we have lost the voice of the “founder”, - via the actual cause site. This is the only way the cause administrators, - which I think you can work out, is mainly done by me, - with some positive input from my brother aka; Jay F Kay, and other friends. So not being able to address you all is obviously a hinder to our cause, as we can no longer supply News Bulletin’s to you all at the same time. The present alternative, was, - and which is a very slow and laborious task, is for me to contact the current cause members one by one, it’s slow enough to do this as it is, and would take a lifetime to include the briefest of messages, - I have had to do this via Facebook, by sending a ‘Friend Request’, - and now “someone” else has reported me to Facebook, who in turn have threatened to close my account if I continue to do so, as it’s against the rules to contact someone if you don’t actually know them, - though you may do so, if they perhaps might share the same kind of interest to you, and thus my reason for contacting only these kinds of people in the first place, - such as those whom have signed up to the cause.

Many good causes, attract the trolls of those your cause may be undermining, - they sliver their way in under the door, and wait in the wings ready to pounce at the first opportunity to strikeout and inject their venom to the cause. They’ve done it to many, and still are to other great causes and groups, such as Wikileaks, Anonymous and almost every Occupy Camp movement or protest cause etc. And the same applies to the 1,000,000 people for 9/11 Truth, and the 911 Truth Movement Facebook groups, whose administration have banned me, and for just trying to post our cause. So this is getting serious and rather dangerous, as here we have big truth movements with 50,000+ members, whom many believe these cause’s are fighting for a ‘Public Inquiry’, though I can assure you, even if there was ever one granted, under this present and corrupt system, the ‘Truth’ will never be discovered, as how the hell can you have members of secret societies, investigating ‘brothers’, from the very same secret societies? - So we already know the outcome these kinds of whitewash inquiries will yield. The administration of the these so called ‘truth movements’, have exposed their true colours by banning me, as what it shows to us, they don’t want our kind of cause from getting off the ground, thus they are there as a ‘front’ for the movement, - thus helping prolong the fight for justice, as opposed to the justice they proclaim they so dearly want. - So beware people, understand what we’re all up against.

In addition, and in just over 3 weeks, “they” have managed to get Jay F Kay banned from Facebook, therefore the cause’s founder and spokesperson. – These so called “truth movements” have banned me. And now my account is under threat from Facebook. So if anyone wants to receive updates, I don’t care if you know me or not, send a ‘friend request’ and I’ll befriend you. I urge people to spread this cause as far and wide as possible, invite as many friends as you can to join us. Help keep an eye on it, to see if it’s still there, as it’s possible they could close it down all together, and if this is to happen, we need to mirror the cause, and as it currently stands, “every member” is an administrator, so do use the comments section to relay your messages. Though saying that, this is throwing caution to the wind, and I urge people not to turn this issue into a race or religious cause, - as it’s not, it’s purely political as far as the cause is concerned, - as members of secret societies are from all creeds and of colour and religions, and where inside many a Masonic lodge, you’ll find a Jew, Muslim, Catholic and Protestant standing shoulder to shoulder with many a man, and from many a race and religion. So please do not fall for this black propaganda, as what this cause is asking for, is not rocket science and can easily be carried out; which is for us, all of us, whether you’re White, Black, Yellow, Purple or even Green, - want to live in a world, where our governments are open, honest and as transparent as possibly can be, and not in a nepotistic culture of secret societies, - and whom almost every single member of these establishments and their related bodies, - are also members of the very ‘same secret society’.

This cause is paramount to many other causes, if they are too ever to become possible and made to come about, - and we are not alone - as here’s where the conflict of interest comes into play, and why Jack Straw made the following comment in 1998; “Membership of secret societies such as Freemasonry, could raise suspicions of impartiality and objectivity”. Though this is what we are up against: "We don't intend to publish lists of people... - We object to that, because we regard that as an intrusion on personal privacy, but we do encourage people to be completely open about their membership". – Duke of Kent. - And to dispel any myths that this could never be possible, then let’s remind them, that on the 11th January 2012, Portugal’s Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho, announced guidelines to all their politicians in government, - in which they are to declare their membership of the Freemason’s.

We can most certainly turn things around, - though one vital issue, that seems to keep conveniently being overlooked, - or when mentioned on many a forum, it's seems to kop-a-deafen' - yet the 'truth' of the matter, and as painful as it is, which is that if you don't take away the main cancerous growth, then the remainder of the body will ravished with the disease and illness. – Like what has been said before, virtually all of our world governments are run by "people", who are also virtually all members of the same secret society, - or indirectly connected to it,- and unless this fundamental issue isn't addressed, then all else is a folly and pure farce to the greatest degree. - I understand this matter is very sensitive among many on the Facebook arena, - so called "Truth Movements", whom don't seem to like having to confront the "Truth", and the reason for this, - in which we are aware of, many people are members of so called "secret societies", fraternities, soroties and other clubs in general.  And that many a well educated person, whom we could say, is more likely to be "middle-class", as opposed to working-class, - and so seem to take such a proposition of a ban on members of secret societies, from also being able to serve as members of our governments and their related bodies, - as a personal threat to their own existence. Though let me assure them this is very unlikely to be the case, unless of course you are a member of government, then of course such a ban would. Though we cannot be expected to go out on peace rallies or protest marches, and to join in an 'Occupy Camp' - somewhere in town near you; - if we are not going to sincerely and honestly tackle the actual source's of what's continuously causing such wars and corruption within our societies, that leads onto all these problems; thus wars, marches and protests will just forever be on the carousel of life, and we are never going to find the solution. - Yet it really doesn't have to be like this, and why the following cause has to be considered, - it of course might not be the precise solution, though this is a good way to bring it to the attention of a wider audience of people, as we need groups of educated, open minded, spiritual and above all; truth seeking individuals, that can come together on this issue, - and from the most widest spectrum from concerned individuals from all around the world.

We seek those kinds of people with creative energies to help us work on the finer details concerning this issue, - that we propose, - no we urge, followers of all truth movements to adopt. - As the likes of Anonymous, Wikileaks, and of course all the “Occupy Camps” and “Truth Movements”, - should be able to use this as a critical negotiating tool, - as by us confronting this issue of “secret society” members, - also being members of our governments, - thus in direct conflict of interest, and the real reasons they have been elected and appointed to serve us the public in the first place, as opposed to having to be obligated to their secret societies. - Contact your own PM and MP, member of Congress, or whoever the right people are in your own countries, - most have Facebook pages, - asking them; “Are you going to adopt the same guidelines, as that of the Portuguese Prime Minister?” - And that the bare minimum we should expect, - is a public registers, that list members of clubs, including secret societies, or societies with secrets, such in the case of the Freemasons, - and where the public can consult such registers, to see if there is perhaps any conflict of interest.  As let me remind you of those 13 members of the British Army Management Board, when in 1991, they were ‘all’ Freemason’s. The board comprised of a mix of politicians, and top army officers, - this board, and many more like them, exercises authority over all forms of appointment’s, ranking and promotion in the army and procurement deals and contracts that are awarded to companies, well known for their ‘illegal’ activities, and whom have been fined millions of pounds for such offences, - like that of BAE Systems. - Perhaps now we know why it’s going to cost the tax-payer to build Britain's controversial new aircraft carriers £7bn, compared with the £5.2bn cost disclosed by the Ministry of Defence in 2010, - and up from the £3.9bn budget announced when the contract was originally signed in July 2008. The BBC reported on the 28th April that; one defence industry veteran said the final bill was bound to be nearer £10bn, though a government official insisted that was way over the top.

But here’s the real problem, because this is just ‘one’ project out of 1000’s, - our roads, railways, social housing, schools, municipal buildings, hospitals and the whole NHS service and many other groups, organisations and establishments, - that are too overlooked and run by a handful of ‘trusted persons’, whom probably are still to this day members of a fraternity that admits it’s a society with many secrets.

This request; that members of the government and their related bodies, should have to declare their involvement with the Freemason’s is not new, and in some cases and professions; ‘voluntary declaration’ is asked, - though who’s policing it, and why volunteer if it’s not a legal requirement? The crux of the matter is, - and for real transparency to begin to happen, then we the public have the right to know, who is, and who isn’t a member of a secret society whilst working for our governments, and more important, their resignations from either their appointed positions, or their membership from the ‘secret society’, such as the Freemasons. A law is required, so that a complete list and register of names are available for public scrutiny.

- JOIN THE CAUSE – Based on compassion, love a unity - for real openness & justice – the solution is: the world needs transparency in its governments – we want to live in an open society fit the 21st century - not trapped in circa 1776. – Help give light and awareness to all of men & women, - and not the privileged few! -                                        

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Comment by Exposure on January 9, 2012 at 10:53pm

Thanks guys for joining up, it would be good if you have any secret society and political info, and/or when it comes about - post them on the group site here, and perhaps,, where you can see and communicate with the main members of this cause.  We are really relying on you guys and others, as this can only work as a collective, each using or own devices and ways of getting this cause of the ground. We need help to try and build this group up, - as it's not so much the membership that is important, though of course it is, - but it's the sheer numbers that will only make something like this to ever come into fruition.  My brother and I, started the main cause; Ban members of secret societies...etc. less than 12 days ago, there is already almost 900 members.  Considering this has had no publicity, that's quite a high number, and reflects that members of the general public, and not members of secret societies, have had it, up to our hind-teeth, - with all these constant wars, and with trillions of dollars, pounds and Euro's, being forever stolen from our public purses, - so it's no wonder we all have had enough of this shit. 

     Our ‘cause’, is purely a political agenda, on our own and the people’s behalf, - we should have no interest, if people choose to run around half naked with their trouser leg rolled up, or what someone's beliefs are - should also be irrelevant as far as this cause is concerned.  I mention this, due to the fact, that because we are proposing; - that members of "secret societies", should have to resign, if they wanted to enter the realms of government, or its related bodies.  Then of course, this kind of cause will attract much criticism, - these secret societies have millions of members, - their foot-soldiers will try and hit back, attacking each and every post we make regarding this matter, as after all its many of them, we are saying should have to resign.  They will accuse us of being racist, and remind us what Hitler did to many Freemason's during WWII.  Though isn't it ironic, as not only did the West help many top Nazi's escape, via the Ratlines, - many of their descendents, are now members of Congress, - and among the richest families in the USA.  The truth is, Hitler loved Freemasonry, and of course he never acted alone, as he was placed into power, by the same Illuminati cabals, whom placed Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt and Mussolini into their positions of power, - they just happened to be the new kids on the block in the political stage at that time in life, as that's what it is, a 'stage', and all we see upon it, is pure theatre. - The true reason Hitler did what he did with the Freemasons, was, one; he crushed all opposition, and two; he realised how wealthy they were, - they just happened to be mainly Jewish, though I can assure you, he would have done exactly the same thing, if they were green eyed monsters, Hitler didn't care, he just badly needed the cash to fund his own lust for power, and that suited his mentors down to the ground.  Besides, today's Freemason's, come from all creeds and races, religion isn't a issue, so we don't fall fail of the; "It's a Jewish thing" line, we don't buy that.  – if anything, it's more like a Albert Pike, Illuminati thing, and just part of their three world war plan.  So no, we are not racist, as we are fed up with all denominations of secret societies. 

     All we really care about is bringing into fruition, a true and honest transparency of our governments, - nothing more – though this presently cannot be obtained - and this is the reason we have to get this problem and cause, out to the masses and onto the world stage.  We have to make it so well known, that we know so much about them, and that we are not going to give up and go away - until we have total transparency in our town halls, our buildings of administration, our courts, judicial system, the military, police, and particularly, our governments.  Don't be put off, keep at, and try and spread the link to the main cause, and this one, as far and wide as possible.  We are far from computer geeks, and perhaps we could do with some on board, - as we need to get as many posts, blogs and articles going, that relate as to why this cause needs to be addressed beyond all causes, as otherwise all others are a farce.  As how can we be expected to continue to live in a world, that has members of secret societies, investigating and policing other members of the same secret societies?  The conflict of interest, is so great, it's baffling as to why we have not yet had a revolution. Then again, it just goes to show you, what masters of deceit, they really are, - as let's not forget here, - you're average person on the street, knows nothing about secret societies, or the Freemason's, and what they do know of them, it's all good news; great pillars of society, full of famous members, headed by royalty, and raise millions for charities and children’s burns units etc. - How could you not like these guys, why you must be a monster, if you want to go around attacking such good guys, - and that therefore our cause and argument is weak.  And this is true of 95% of the fraternity, though that 5%, still leaves hundreds of thousands, out of the millions of its members, - raising havoc all around the globe, - besides, without the 95%, the 5% wouldn't even exist.

Comment by Exposure on January 9, 2012 at 6:06am

Message to the White House - The President of America...

Good Morning Mr President! - I just love the thought of all those who will be spitting cornflakes on this devastating news, don't you? Portuguese Prime Minister, who has introduced guidelines - to disclose goverment members - whether they belong... to Masonic lodges.  Full story; 
Comment by Exposure on January 9, 2012 at 6:03am
Comment by Exposure on January 9, 2012 at 5:44am


Portuguese Prime Minister, who has introduced guidelines - to disclose goverment members - whether they belong to Masonic lodges. This is great for the cause, and is vital to seize this opportunity, as we can add pressure on the government to consider doing the same over here in the UK, the USA, Europe, and wherever they are.

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