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2013 Predictions

What are your predictions for 2013?

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> 2011 Predictions by members of 12160

  • Amaterasu Solar

    Prediction:  NDAA signed, shattering earthquake on New Madrid (caused by fracking and created deliberately) such that the Great Lakes are connected to the Gulf of Mexico by a large waterway north/south.

  • T. HuMaN


  • Exposure

    I predict that in 2013 there will be more targeted assassinations in the guise of crackpot Sandy Hook type of killers!

    Released FBI documents reveal plans to assassinate OWS activists;

    Jason Leopold, an investigative journalist for Truth-Out, has obtained FBI documents – through the Freedom of Information Act – relating to Occupy Wall Street. Most of the pages in the documents are redacted, and show concerns of cyber threats against the financial sector. However, there are questions of assassination plots against Occupy activists in Houston, Texas. Because the documents have redactions, it is not clear who or what group was planning the assassinations.

    On page 61, the section reads: “An identified [redacted] of October planned to engage in sniper attacks against protesters in Houston, Texas, if deemed necessary. An identified [redacted] had received intelligence that indicated the protesters in New York and Seattle planned similar protests in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin, Texas. [Redacted] planned to gather intelligence against the leaders of the protest groups and obtain photographs, then formulate a plan to kill the leadership via suppressed sniper rifles.”

    The bottom of page 68 and the top of page 69 reads: “On October 13, 2011, writer sent via email an excerpt [redacted] regarding FBI Houston’s [redacted] to all IA’s, SSRA’s and SSA [redacted]. This [redacted] identified the exploitation of the Occupy Movement by [redacted] interested in developing a long-term plan to kill local Occupy leaders via sniper fire.”

    According to internal documents newly released by the FBI, the agency spearheaded a nationwide law enforcement effort to investigate and monitor the Occupy Wall Street movement. In certain documents, divisions of the FBI refer to the Occupy Wall Street protests as a “criminal activity” or even “domestic terrorism.” The Huffington Post - full read:

  • Tara

    My prediction: There will be no lack of DOOM in the New Year ;)

  • Amaterasu Solar

    T. HuMaN Have You seen My solution to fiscal woes?

    An Open Letter to the Revolutionaries:

    Shall We Humans join in a solution? You decide.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    end of the bernanke monopoly paper around spring?

  • Paul Jones

    I foresee Global #h!t hitting fan action in the coming year, followed by Nibiru about next Christmas time. My gut feeling about Nibiru is that the Earth will be primarily severely showered and destroyed with Fire (comets and debris) along with other proposed planetary effects, eg: storms, tsunamis, flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes and I guess etc etc etc! but my main gut feeling is that this place is gona burn! Regardless to whether these events occur I recommend to all to continue seeking truth and 'trying' to live a life of goodness and righteousness..

    Your personal choice and decision is NOT Judgement!

    Good people are free, make your choice, apply your decisions.

    Praise Goodness, Peace and Equality.

    Goodness derives from God and Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Exposure

    Were'nt that meant to have happened in 2012!?

  • apeman2502

      I predict no less than one person will see the commonality of the foreign based attacks on the U.S. since and including the 9-11-2001 attacks. Said person will recognize that the Mossad's payroll originates in The City of London, and the 9-11 attacks, Fukushima sabotage and destruction, HAARP, Wall Street looting, LIBOR, Freemasonry, Knights Templar, Anders Breivik, propaganda instead of news with the 'American' corporate news media, all emanate from the same House of Filthy Lucre. The rest of the readers at will be pulled back into the bucket to be with the rest of the crabs who pretend to read for the in depth, concise and timely reporting featured therein.

  • Patriot Horse

    Great idea James... this will be a hot group! Great stuff so far...

    Hmmm predictions for 2013,  Ok, since i'm not an expert  in such high and mighty things, I will predict the latest hairstyles for  the following women:

    Billary "The Bob" Clintonski- THe Bob  haircut- this will allow to FINALLY BOW before the Japan President and say, :Hari Bow:

    Michele Obama- She will wear the famous "Up-do" seeing as her hubby supposedly was diagnosed once in his life with worms, now she can balance her wifely duties looking for his "Down-do".



  • Paul Jones

    hehe, thats amusing Patriot Horse :)

    note re my previous somewhat doom monger sounding prediction earlier: Maybe a bit O.T.T, but Ive been following Nibiru stuff for some time now, and there's some interesting sightings coming out. Personally I believe it exists and that most predictions to its arrival to have been premature.. Well as we all realize, only time will tell.

  • DTOM

    Drawing on what Exposure said, more false flag "lone nut" multiple shooter ops in early 2013 - this time using pump action/ mag fed semi shotguns and bolt action guns. 

    I don't think it's any co-inkydink that the BATFE were 'accepting comments' in 2012 with regards to banning certain types of shotguns that fail their loosely defined 'sporting purpose' test -

    The PTB will waste no time, they have a deadline at the end of January, to initiate the open destruction of The Bill Of Rights.

    IF the PTB initiate open door-to-door gun confiscations, I am inclined to think that that gunowners will be VERY forthcoming in their opposition - to put it diplomatically.

  • truth

  • JustHere999

    Hmmmm .... Predictions predictions... We (the sheeple) will be complacent and confused about the goings-on in the government as usual... They've only been working on this slow NWO takeover since about 300 years after the Jesuit doctrines were compiled and censored into a bible to soothe the people into compliance. So yeah .. False flag stupidity.

    I also predict tightening budgets and starving Medicare eligible people. As if we aren't already starving, the GMO foods will look like delicious poison food.

    I expect some dramatic things will happen that the media will use to take tho general public's minds off the real issues as usual... Lots of sports and entertainment stuff to lull us into where we are expected to be as a populace.

    I'll probably do okay with my garden though... Seeing as how it isn't really as easy as it used to be to buy bacon, ale, and steaks.

    The people in this forum will likely do okay since you're all apparently awake.

    Andddd it'll be business as usual with all the governments of the world as expected.

    I hope you all take part in learning all that you can about survival and gardening.... I'm gonna quit Facebook on New Years because ... WHO REALLY CARES (٩͡[๏̯͡๏]۶ฬнσ  Ⓒαяεş٩͡[๏̯͡๏]۶) about what kind of latte my cousin got at Starbucks anyways?

    Enough ranting, I feel that those with an IQ will kick butt this year and the only people whining will be the clueless ones.

    Thanks for reading :P

  • npd1969

    I believe that the feds will keep on acting like the devil on steroids.  There will be more of the shooting events so the feds can demonize gun owners. 

    I think the lying and dying dinosaur media, will cause Nobama to suspend or just revoke the 2nd amendment.  This will lead to a civil war when some officials will try to physically repossess firearms. 

    The economy will continue to suck and more liars on cable corporate news will say that people who cannot find a job will repeatedly called Lazy or just wanting something for 'free'.

    Israel will carry out a series of false flag events in the US to blame on Iran.  In this multiple hundreds of thousands will die or hurt severely.

    When the US is conned into attacking Iran, then China and Russia will come to the defense of Iran.  During this time there will be more propaganda shoveled by the lying and dying corporate media.

    The feds and some states will declare martial law and find that it will be nearly impossible to implement this drastic measure.  At this time, the so-called UN Peacekeeping forces will be inserted into certain parts of the US.

    People will begin to start use and listen to shortwave radio to listen to different voices throughout the world.

  • Robert Carobene

    A major false flag attack that will change many thing!

  • truth


    I feel that 2013 is going to be The S&IT Year.    A year that is like 2009, 2011, and 2015.   It's another sucky year!

  • Exposure

    Haha, nice JibJab vid James...

  • Elaine Morris

    Obama will be found dead in his bed.

  • Elaine Morris

    This is just a segment of this article.  Please, read all of it:

    Obama is in serious trouble … on multiple fronts.
    First, he has purposefully interfered with the Global Settlements, the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation and in turn the Global Financial Reset effort. Through all of the stories of Obama’s rants, meltdowns and temper tantrums (see past WH articles for details), he has been rational enough to methodically interfere with the progress of the United States and the World with the Global Financial Reset. In the end, he has completed the work of the New World Order boys very well, but even the NWO boys are concerned as the Cabal is very aware that one of the standing dominoes just turned sideways. This could be the downfall of the cabal if they don’t grab control and formulate extreme measures to counteract the Obama situation.
  • mystery

    We can all say hello the list! LOL welcome to the surveillance of you and me!! Are you prepared to be the resistance? 

  • Roy Patterson

    My Predictions, for 2013 was that Obama was going after our Guns. These recent shooting just gave him and his left-wing communist friends the Ammo they need to try to convence the dumb, stupid public that guns are the problem.

    Guns are not the problem. The real problem is the lack of mental health care for the mental ill in this country. All the last few shooters were known to have mental problems and nothing was done about them. Instead of the states and federal governments refuse to admit they droped the ball when it comes to mental health treatment for the mental ill in this country, so they blame the guns. The sad part of this whole debate that a lot dumb, stupid citizens believe them.

    Why you ask, wouldn't our governments want to treat the mental ill in this country? It's all about money. They don't want to get these people off the streets and give them the treatment they need because it cost too much. So here we sit and wait for another shooting and again blame the guns.

  • Anon-T

    here comes I have joined this!

  • Exposure

    Have a funny old feeling in me water so to speak, that a major fuck-off earthquake going to hit the US, - and on par with early 1900's San Francisco one!

  • surfer joe

    i've bin prepreprepredicting that israel will prepreprepreempt iran for the last 3 years....but i BiBilieve its this year...(i know i said that last year) ive lost 3 bets but it really looks like the shit's gonna hit the fan this war 3...i really hate to say this and i hope to all the gods and the prophets jesus moses mohamad buddha sidharta yaweh zeus minerva pope ex benedict that it never happens...its Never too late to make Peace...sigh...big SIGH....but looks like all hell is gonna break lose this year...this year will be the Friday the 2013 Year...and im not superstitious in the least...where is the love? 

  • surfer joe

    Where the flock is the love?