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International Nuke Watch

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  • Burbia

  • Less Prone

    History Channel list eight spies who leaked nuclear secrets to the Soviets, but is careful to not mention some other spies.

    8 Spies Who Leaked Atomic Bomb Intelligence to the Soviets

    At least these are missing:

    Atom Spy Case/Rosenbergs

    Victor Rothschild Was a “Soviet” Agent

    A more inclusive list

    Spies Who Spilled Atomic Bomb Secrets
    Had this comment:
    "One additional thing you might mention is that after Klaus Fuchs was released from prison in Britain in June 1959, he went to Dresden, East Germany, where he taught physics. One of his "pupils" was Qian Sanqiang, the mastermind of Mao Zedong's A-bomb project. During the summer of 1959, Fuchs gave Qian the full details of the Fat Man or plutonium design atomic bomb and possibly information on the thermonuclear bomb as well. So Fuchs did not quit his atomic espionage work. This information was recently published in "The Nuclear Express" by Tom Reed and Danny Stillman (Zenith Press, 2009).

    Cindy Kelly
    President, Atomic Heritage Foundation
    Washington, DC 202-293-0045"

  • Barry Mundy

    Nuclear power is very dangerous. I believe it was Einstein who said that nuclear power is a hell of way to boil water.