Brave woman,I like that. She is setting a great example to people out there to get your courage up and do what is your constitutional right.Excellent vid!
Imagine this: a seemingly voluntary, privatized gulag which has managed to eliminate the meddling middlemen of public accountability and free will and wrap it up in a little bow and give it to the public like a gift. Whatever it is that's watching, it's not human. It doesn't ever blink. What does a scanner see? Into the head? Down into the heart? Does it see into me, into us? Clearly or darkly? I hope it sees clearly, because I can't any longer see into myself. I see only murk. While it doesn't matter what I think, I kinda have to tip my hat to any entity that can bring so much integrity to evil.
"Mom, was my dad a bad guy?" four-year-old Joel Guerena plaintively asked his mother Vanessa after her husband, 26-year-old Jose, was killed in a withering barrage of gunfire during a SWAT invasion of their home. "They killed my dad! Police killed my dad! Why? What did my dad do?"
[Click link above to go there.] Paramilitary police are a relatively recent state invention. They’ve metastasized into a domestic occupation force, enhancing government, institutionalizing injustice, plundering with permission, Tasing with perversion, cloaked in full immunity, and not protecting people. Whatever you do, don’t call 911. As a mundane, your home is no longer your castle.
The cops are so bad where I used to live that if they could make a case aganist their grand parents they would. If you were walking down the street you would have to watch over your shoulder cause a cop might roll up on you and start harrassing you for no reson. Im finding cops these days a very arrogant,antagonistic,belligerant,and what ever else you can call them. They will antagonize you just so you will say something to give them reason to arrest you. Yes even here if a cop is called at least 2 cars,4 officers,will arrive,no matter what the call was about. Dont call 911 for anything,you will more than likely go to jail.
Thats how they got my name. But they have forced me to get to know them and know them I do. There is a 6'4" 240 swastika tattoo wearin nazi skinhead posing as a police officer in my high school in Scappoose Or. And do you know who the nazis hate more than the jews? The Native Americans, the "Windtalkers" kicked their ass in WWII right! So why is there a nazi in the high school in an indian village????
Jul 17, 2011
Jul 18, 2011
David Lee
you are tellin me ;) i know
Jul 18, 2011
Jul 19, 2011
'Why Did Police Kill My Dad?'
Click link above for full story.
by William Norman Grigg
Recently by William Norman Grigg: The World’s Largest Street Gang
"Mom, was my dad a bad guy?" four-year-old Joel Guerena plaintively asked his mother Vanessa after her husband, 26-year-old Jose, was killed in a withering barrage of gunfire during a SWAT invasion of their home. "They killed my dad! Police killed my dad! Why? What did my dad do?"
Jul 19, 2011
Once Again: NEVER Call the Police for “Help”
Linda Hicks, a 62-year-old Toledo resident, was murdered by Officer.... "Murder" is the only suitable description for the entirely needless shooting death of Hicks, a group home resident who suffered from schizophrenia, depression, and hypertension.
Someone at the domicile made the fatal mistake of calling the police to report that Hicks had a "weapon" -- a pair of sewing scissors.
Jul 19, 2011
Lew Rockwell interviews William Norman Grigg.
[Click link above to go there.] Paramilitary police are a relatively recent state invention. They’ve metastasized into a domestic occupation force, enhancing government, institutionalizing injustice, plundering with permission, Tasing with perversion, cloaked in full immunity, and not protecting people. Whatever you do, don’t call 911. As a mundane, your home is no longer your castle.
Jul 19, 2011
Alan K
Jul 19, 2011
David Lee
Thats how they got my name. But they have forced me to get to know them and know them I do. There is a 6'4" 240 swastika tattoo wearin nazi skinhead posing as a police officer in my high school in Scappoose Or. And do you know who the nazis hate more than the jews? The Native Americans, the "Windtalkers" kicked their ass in WWII right! So why is there a nazi in the high school in an indian village????
Jul 19, 2011
We needed a police state group on the site. Thanks for the invite and creating the group Thoraxe :)
Jul 20, 2011
Jul 20, 2011
Jul 22, 2011
Jul 22, 2011
72 Year Old Great Grandmother Tasered by Police Durring Traffic Sto...
Jul 22, 2011