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Marijuana- "Its not just for getting stoned anymore"

User or not, Marijuana prohibition is and has been hurting our economy and environment. Join, learn and educate others.

  • truth

  • peter b dunn

    agreement I use THC to assist with my pain relief re my left foot crush injury but my son thinks i smoke it for pleasure wait till he get old enough to suffer from arthritus and associated aches and pains when her gets older. My uncle died from smoking Menthole COOL ciggys (cancer) and he was against smoking pot because of his brainwashing from our local church........ I have a copy of woody harrelsons war on pot can upload if any 1 wants to view or havnt seen it .. if my uncle bob had of toked up a bit his longevity may have been increased. SHAME all of its wonderful uses .....
  • Just Another Mama

    Regardless of what my kids would tell anyone, I am not a stoner. Not saying I haven't ever smoked. I would have a hard time coming up with 10 occasions! Would I smoke if it were legal? Probably not. (Drinking is legal and I don't drink). I do believe that marijuana is beneficial to health. I do believe it has been banned by the government because there would not be much need for doctors or drug companies.
  • Just Another Mama

    I do agree it is God's gift for our health. It really pisses me off that we are being kept from the benefits because of greed.
  • Fred Black

    I stopped smoking pot over one year ago due to health problems which are hereditary and a result of heavy cigarette smoking but to which marijuana was exacerbating conditions. I smoked for 25 years and like the great Bill Hicks said:

    “I use to take drugs, quit and have nothing against them. This is not a very popular idea, but it’s the truth, I have taken drugs before and, ah, I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn’t murder anybody, didn’t rob anybody, didn’t rape anybody, didn’t beat anybody, didn’t lose one f*cking job, laughed my ass off and went about my day. Sorry”.

    No doubt members of this group are already aware of the info that follows but I thought it might be interesting to visitors.

    There is absolutely no good reason for the prohibition of marijuana, apart from the fact that keeping it illegal secures unimaginably huge incomes for drug cartels and other organized crime identities. Statistically alcohol and tobacco, both legal drugs, contribute significantly to the leading causes of death within Western society, whereas it’s very difficult to find any noted deaths attributed to cannabis, and yet it remains a crime to posses it.

    Again referencing Bill Hicks on “Just so no to drugs” commercials, he noted they are often followed by a commercial for Bud or some other alcoholic beverage company. “It’s ok to drink your drugs, we meant those other drugs, those un-taxed drugs”.

    Both marijuana and hemp have been used for thousands of years. What is the difference? Smoking hemp will not get you high no matter how hard you try; it has next to no Tetra-hydro-cannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient that produces the pleasurable effects derived in smoking marijuana.

    Prior to the Industrial Revolution, most rope, canvas and paper products were all made from hemp. For a short time, tree-pulp papermaking and synthetic fiber production became more cost-effective than using hemp.

    However in the early 1930's, the hemp decorticator machine revolutionized the harvesting of hemp and promised to reduce the cost of producing hemp-pulp paper to less than half the cost of tree-pulp paper. Hemp, a renewable resource, requires minimal chemical treatment to process as apposed to the sulphuric acid wood-pulping process.

    William Randolph Hearst, media mogul billionaire and huge timber acreage owner with massive paper-mill holdings, was not impressed. Hearst cleverly utilized his immense national network of newspapers and magazines to spread wildly inaccurate and sensational stories of the evils of cannabis. The infamous “reefer madness” campaigns from this era are now an amusing source of entertainment.

    Hearst was not alone in his scheme to destroy hemp production. The new techniques also made hemp a viable option for fabric and plastics, two areas of manufacturing which together with paper seriously threatened DuPont chemicals, which at this time specialized in the chemical manufacturing of synthetic fiber and plastics, and the process of pulping paper.

    In fact, Hearst and Lammont DuPont had a multi-million dollar deal in the works for joint paper making. So these two moguls, together with DuPont's banker, Andrew Mellon, bravely joined forces to stave off the bitter onrush of bankruptcy.

    They combined Hearst's yellow journalism campaign (so called because the paper developed through his and DuPont's methods aged prematurely) and the appointment of Mellon's nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to Commissioner of the newly created Federal Bureau of Narcotics in order to successfully stamp out the threat of hemp production.

    World War 11 brought a temporary reprieve in the anti marijuana propaganda in the US.

    Hemp for Victory – A presentation by the US Dept of Agriculture, encouraged farmers to cultivate hemp for the war effort.

    1942 – “Patriotic farmers at governments request planted 36,000 acres of seed hemp, an increase of several thousand percent. The goal for 1943 is 50,000 acres.”

    This direction was short lived, post war America saw a return to demonizing hemp and smoking quality marijuana, as if they were both the same product. Harry Anslinger successfully lobbied President Eisenhower to pass the Narcotic Control Act of 1956, which put marijuana in the same category as heroine and made it subject to the same penalties.

    In 1976 Jimmy Carter campaigned for the Presidency stating he favoured the decriminalisation of marijuana. AS President in 1977, he announced support for a change in law to end federal criminal penalties for the possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana. However, in what was surely coincidental, Carter’s chief drug policy adviser was caught snorting cocaine in what was named the “Quaalude Affair”. Carter could no longer appear to be soft on drugs and his proposal to decriminalise marijuana died in Congress.

  • luggnutz

    Had to stop that 2nd video at 33 seconds.....couldn't stop laughing.....can anyone say "Propoganda" !??!
  • peter b dunn

    Genesis ch 1 v 29-31 it was all very good.. thats good enough for me :-)
  • Just Another Mama

    We are also instructed to drink but not to have to much. People abuse their vices.... I do smoke cigarettes and I do think I abuse my use. I have bought tobacco seeds to grow my own but am hearing the government wants to put a halt to that. I do think home grown tobacco would be much better due to the fact it would not have all the chemicals added to it.

    Some people that take legal meds their doctor gives them abuse or even become addicted. They get to the point to where they think they can not live without them. I personally know one that begs, borrows, and steals the legal meds he has become addicted to.
  • Just Another Mama

    It must be the thrill of doing something "behind daddy's back". People do get addictions to their own hormones (adrenaline).

    Out of the handful of times that I have smoked, only once did I get the rubber bones (my daughters description she had gotten from a contact high) effect. Now and again I think about partaking but don't know why..... I mostly want to munch.
  • Chip

  • bryan l

    let's discuss the pros and cons of legalizing this blessed herb.
  • bryan l

    who would be allowed to grow it. and if its regulated, what might they put in it?
  • bryan l

    i agree, but like the flouride in the water. yeah everyone's happy pots legal, but they could use it to keep us dumbed down.
  • bryan l

    i know your not. and i don't think it makes you dumb. i'm very pro pot. i just think that if they put flouride in the water. high fructose corn syrup in soda. what would stop them from putting something in our buds. i agree, it shouldn't need anything extra. if i grew it my self i would know it's fine. but if say the government where in charge of the whole thing, and growing it yourself is illegal. how do i know they wont try to poison me with it.
    by the way if it's gonna be legal, i think the state should be in charge. you know, up to the state if it's legal in the first place. and then keep the federal gov out of our pot smoking business.
  • Just Another Mama

    You know, I thought that marijuana was illegal because the government could not tax it..... California city taxes weed to escape deficit -
  • Fred Black

  • peter b dunn

    re pot smokers dumbed down... what about carl sagan..? Anything on this planet; if you abuse it, it can have a detrimental effects upon ones system, So moderation, Less is more, (yeah tell that to the excessive over indulgent elitistic clepto corporate minded Cremation of care attendees/followers satanic mthr f..krs) Most people are content with what they currently have and are oblivious to anything not 2 meters within their personal space
  • I811st

    I know functioning Tar addicts that have no problems with productivity.On the otherhand there's amphetamine smokers around here that sit around high on speed all day ,and dont do a goddamned thing.being lazy is the same as being stupid,like Ron 'Tater salad'White says,"you cant fix stupid".

    Anyone else here use a Vaporizer? you can control what chemicals you want to release from the plant by adjusting the temperature.the bi-product is lightly toasted weed. not ash and smoke.when you burn the whole plant you re relesing dangerous carbons and chemical elements of marijuana associated with causing drowsiness,and slowing down motor functions. I save all my spent bowls and when i need to go to sleep , roll a spliff of that shit and it's over.goodnoyt.
  • peter b dunn
    Above a link to anarticle where thc can be used to combat swine flu.. as a losenge....
  • peter b dunn

    Dr. Robert Melamede Ph.D. and Cannabis Science Inc. Respond to an ABC News Report
    Mon Aug 3, 2009 2:58pm EDT Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+]

    Featured Broker sponsored link
    Dr. Robert Melamede Ph.D. and Cannabis Science Inc. Respond To An ABC News
    Report That Chose Controversial Twists Instead Of The Stated Facts From Proposed
    Cannabinoid Treatment For Swine Flu And Ignore Dr. Melamedes` Repeated
    Statements Against Flu Patients Smoking
    COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.--(Business Wire)--
    Cannabis Science, Inc. (OTCBB: CBIS) an emerging pharmaceutical cannabis company
    and its President & CEO, Dr. Robert Melamede Ph.D., the former Chairman (ret) of
    the Biology Department at the University of Colorado (Colorado Springs.) is
    responding to an article on the website. Please click to read the
    article in full. The article portrays the company`s proposed use of cannabinoids
    in the treatment of Swine Flu as hoping "to one day make marijuana available
    nationwide to kids and teens -- as well as adults -- in the form of a medicinal
    throat lozenge."

    Cannabis Science would like to Thank ABC News for giving us the opportunity to
    clear up common misunderstanding to the controversial issues surrounding medical
    marijuana as demonstrated in the their article. The article includes an
    interview with a "pulmonary specialist" who is not associated with Cannabis
    Science Inc. He is troubled by `giving out THC like water`, which is an action
    that Cannabis Science has never suggested or endorsed.

    It goes on to quote the "pulmonary specialist" as saying, "I don't think many
    parents would want their kids 'on drugs' for a mild, flu-like illness." The
    Cannabis Science influenza formulation has never been suggested to treat `mild
    flu like illness` in adults or children. It will be tested specifically to gain
    FDA approval for treating lethal conditions associated with any deadly influenza
    infections resulting in virally induced hyper inflammation.

    The article concludes with a quote from the same doctor who says, "No doctor in
    his right mind would tell a flu patient to go smoke a joint." Cannabis Science
    agrees completely. Publicly in its news releases, Cannabis Science has
    repeatedly warned all medical marijuana consumers to not smoke cannabis when
    they have an influenza infection and that in fact it could be deadly.

    Cannabis Science Inc., President & CEO, Dr. Robert Melamede Ph.D., responded by
    saying, "Some of the comments in this article are simply inaccurate. As an
    example, the article`s emphasis on making `marijuana available nationwide to
    kids and teens` implies our primary focus is `kids and teens` and leaving adults
    as secondary. This is not true. In fact, we have never mentioned, `kids and
    teens` in any of our public news release statements. We left this out
    intentionally because we believe this is a decision to be made by the FDA and
    subsequently upon approval of our drugs, by licensed physicians. In fact, what I
    told ABC News in my interview was that; our medical establishment routinely
    gives dangerous addictive narcotics to our children. If the use of medical
    marijuana would save the life of my child, I would have no qualms about using
    medical marijuana."

    Additionally, Dr. Melamede notes, "psychoactive cannabinoids are in human
    mother's milk. If God thinks it's all right to use cannabinoids in an infant's
    first food, who am I to disagree? We believe one of our formulations will
    prevent many deaths caused by H1N1 Swine Flu and H5N1 Avian Flu. If our
    formulation becomes an FDA approved drug and works in adults, we believe that
    all parents and their physicians should have the right to choose the best
    treatment for a child with a potentially deadly illness. Public health officials
    have warned that H1N1 may be comparable to the 1918 Influenza Pandemic that
    killed tens of millions globally and hit young people especially hard. We are
    optimistic that the FDA has not and will not be distracted by non-science-based
    hysteria and will treat cannabis-based medicines based on documented science as
    evidenced by its advancement of other cannabis-based medicines going through the
    FDA approval process now."

    About Cannabis Science, Inc.

    Dr. Robert Melamede Ph.D. is the former Chairman (ret) of the Biology Department
    at the University of Colorado (Colorado Springs.)

    Cannabis Science, Inc. is at the forefront of medical marijuana research and
    development. The Company works with world authorities on phytocannabinoid
    science targeting critical illnesses, and adheres to scientific methodologies to
    develop, produce, and commercialize phytocannabinoid-based pharmaceutical
    products. In sum, we are dedicated to the creation of cannabis-based medicines,
    both with and without psychoactive properties, to treat disease and the symptoms
    of disease, as well as for general health maintenance.

    This Press Release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of
    Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act
    of 1934. A statement containing works such as "anticipate," "seek," "intend,"
    "believe," "plan," "estimate," "expect," "project," "plan," or similar phrases
    may be deemed "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private
    Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Some or all of the events or results
    anticipated by these forward-looking statements may not occur. Factors that
    could cause or contribute to such differences include the future U.S. and global
    economies, the impact of competition, and the Company's reliance on existing
    regulations regarding the use and development of cannabis-based drugs. Cannabis
    Science, Inc. does not undertake any duty nor does it intend to update the
    results of these forward-looking statements.

    Cannabis Science Inc.
    Dr. Robert J. Melamede, President & CEO, 1-888-889-0888
    Corporate Communications
    Catalyst Xchange Corp.
    Donald Shaxon, 1-866-216-3269
    Brokers and Analysts:
    Wall Street International
    John Campo, 1-410-236-8200
  • I811st

  • Russell S.Wyllie

    At least California has the right idea about the use of marijuana- it is looking very likely that pot will be legalized for recreational and medicinal use in California because it can be regulated, make money for the State and prevent money going to dealers.... Alcohol users and tobacco smokers have a legal right to use their 'vice' in designated areas, and so should marijuana smokers.

    In defense of pot, it is not as addictive as alcohol or cigarettes. Marijuana should be used in moderation -(a pinch in a peace pipe is a moderate amount).
    It might not be right for everyone, but then again neither are alcohol or tobacco. Government know that tobacco and alcohol sales would drop if marijuana became too popular, as many people would realize that a little bit of pot is better for relaxing, as opposed to alcohol which just makes people 'lose it'. Nicotine is far more addictive and 10 to 40 cigarettes are smoked per person per day, which is far more harmful to the lungs than a little pinch of pot. Government knows this, and simply crush the marijuana debate and support alcohol and tobacco sales just to keep raking in billions of alcohol and tobacco taxes...
  • Russell S.Wyllie

    U.K. Govt sack Chief Drugs Policy Advisor who stood up for cannabis saying alcohol and tobacco are worse...
    The British totalitarian leaders are becoming more ignorant of people, medical experts and just want us to buy the evil tobacco...taxes,taxes,taxes...
  • Russell S.Wyllie

    Wish I could get some pot right now- this tobacco will end up killing me...I smoke 10-15 cigarettes a day compared with just one gram of pot per day. Government want our taxes, and want to kill off people with tobacco, and want to lower the population so they don't have to pay out benefits money...Sickos lead the World
  • Marklar

  • Localtarian

  • Localtarian

  • youhavetoforgiveme

    Not sure I agree with smokin' it...but I don't agree with Government's perceived right to control it. You would think that they would legalize it so that they can do what they do best: tax the shit out of it. Anyway...this page came across my desk and I thought that ya'll might want to have a look :)

    Cya :)

    Why is Pot Illegal
  • fireguy

  • Localtarian

    Beginning March 15th to Memorial Day, this might (hopefully) be appearing on the CBS "Super Billboard" (26ft x 20ft) In New York Time Square.

  • truth

    Marijuana is a piece of nature, that grows wildly throughout the whole world it even grows in the desert. We can not allow them to illegalize nature. But thats besides the point here are the medicinal benefits of the sweet Marry Jane
    -Marijuana's Key Ingredient Might Fight Alzheimer's
    -Marijuana may block Alzheimer's
    -Marijuana helps in battle against cancer: study
    -Marijuana May Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
    -Marijuana May Prevent Cancer, Not Cause It
    -Marijuana Prevents Alzheimer's Disease
    -Marijuana Good For The, uh, Brain?,2933,...ealth/diabetes
    Scientist: Marijuana May Treat Diabetes
    -Study's Show Marijuana May Help Solve Diabetes
    -Active Component Of Marijuana Has Anti-Cancer Effects, Study Suggests
    -Marijuana May Stall Brain Tumor Growth
    -Study's Find Marijuana Helps a Variety of Neurological Disorders.

    the fact is marijuana doesn't effect your brain in any way, in fact it helps it b/c your brain makes a compound called cannabinoids.

    And marijuana helps stimulate and braincells reproduce.
    -Research Suggests Marijuana Analogue Stimulates Brain Cell Growth
    -Active component of marijuana may fight brain cancer
    -Marijuana Ingredient Triggers Brain Cell Growth
    U of S Research Suggests Marijuana Analogue Stimulates Brain Cell Growth
    University Of Saskatchewan Research Suggests Marijuana Analogue Stimulates Brain Cell Growth
    -Marijuana Doesn't cause brain damage
    Scientists are high on idea that marijuana reduces memory impairment
    -Marijuana May Help the Aging Brain
    -Marijuana: Help Prevent Or Delay Memory Impairment In The Aging Brain?
  • john

    there's alot of good research ! And alot of reasons Big Pharma would want to keep it illegal. If it were 2 b legalized for medical use, and all of those ailments were reasons for MD's to prescribe MJ the pharmacuetical companies would stand to lose alot of money. Although growing medical MJ would have to b a profitable business........
  • luggnutz

  • luggnutz

  • luggnutz

  • truth

  • Localtarian

    The Green Rush
    A Documentary about the Marijuana Equivalent to the California Gold Rush. Growers from around the country flock to California to start their own grow-op's and to chase the dream of hopeful legalization.
  • truth

  • john

    lol...... that's a good 1. I actually had a cop ask me "what's this?" refurring to the drying basis on my kitchen table. I laughed and said "basil". They didn't believe me at
  • Localtarian

    Yes Tweek, it is worth watching, but, IMO. Not sure, can't recollect on your behalf, might want to check out just the first bit of it and see from there if you want to watch the whole thing.
  • Ya'aKov

    Any body in the Northwest area? Join one of these little groups and SHOUT~~
    Links here: Washington ... and Oregon.. and California for the Free the green; No Tax, No BS lobbying,... just free it up to the Entrepreneurs and watch the result...the Commienazisocialmarxists can Tax it on the finish end,... that will heal the financial world~~ LOL
  • Central Scrutinizer

    WOW..just found this group, glad to see there's hemp support!!
  • Central Scrutinizer

    Stop Roach on Roach Crime!!!!

  • bryan l

    ok, i guess it's about that time. for a little train wreck!
  • truth

    Portugal legalizes drugs. Crime/Usage falls.

    "The apocalypse never happened" as some predicted when the country of Portugal decriminalized ALL illegal drugs eight years ago. The country did NOT become a haven for drug use, and drug abuse & drug crime actually FELL.

  • truth

    End Marijuana/Hemp Prohibition


    “The Marijuana Conspiracy: The reason hemp is illegal” Link:

    “Uses for Hemp” link:

    “Hemp vs Cotton” link:

    “Hemp Building Materials” link:

    “Hemp For Victory” link:

    How Weed Won The West delves deeply into the culture and commerce of cannabis featuring California's ganja growers, medicinal marijuana patients and law reform advocates. Kevin Booth's vivid document from behind the front lines of the "war on pot" blows the lid off a multi-billion dollar industry on the verge. Danny Danko HIGH TIMES Magazine With California and the rest of the country going bankrupt, one business is booming. How Weed Won the West is the story of the growing Medical Marijuana industry, focusing on Los Angeles with over 700 legal dispensaries doling out the buds. Following the story of Organica, a southland dispensary which was raided by state and federal agencies in August of 2009, the film shows that although much has changed with Obama in office, the drug war is nowhere near over. Kevin Booth, producer/director of American Drug War, picks up where the last film left off and continues his fight against the hypocrisy of the War on Drugs. Intended to inform and entertain, this fast paced and even sometimes funny film features Texas conspiracy guru Alex Jones, Ethan Nadelmann head of Drug Policy Alliance, and a host of amazing characters including a former LAPD narcotics officer who now thinks all drugs should be legal.

    “How Weed Won The West P1” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P2” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P3” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P4” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P5” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P6” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P7” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P8” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P9” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P10” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P11” link:

    “How Weed Won The West P12” link:

    “Chemicals in Marijuana May Fight MRSA” Study Shows Cannabinoids May Be Useful Against Drug-Resistant Staph Infections. Link:

    “Marijuana effective in reducing pain, study shows” Montreal researchers establish scientific basis for medical use of drug. Link:

    “Lung Cancer: ?9-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits epithelial growth factor-induced lung cancer cell migration in vitro as well as its growth and metastasis in vivo” Link:

    “Pancreatic Cancer: Cannabinoids Induce Apoptosis of Pancreatic Tumor Cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress–Related Genes” Link:

    “Brain Cancer: A pilot clinical study of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme” Link:

    “Breast Cancer: Cannabinoids reduce ErbB2-driven breast cancer progression through Akt inhibition” Link:

    “The History of the Non-Medical Use of Drugs in the United States” Link:

    “Pot Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew in 1974” Link:

    “Grass: The History Of Marijuana” Great documentary on the history of the Prohibition of Marijuana. Link:

    Kenneth Dean Troxel (kdtroxel)