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Marijuana- "Its not just for getting stoned anymore"

User or not, Marijuana prohibition is and has been hurting our economy and environment. Join, learn and educate others.

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  • peter b dunn

    Hemp fopr food clothing oil insulation ect ect....
  • truth

    Voters approve Arizona medical marijuana measure

    PHOENIX — Arizona voters have approved a measure that will legalize medical marijuana use in the state for people with chronic or debilitating diseases.

    Final vote tallies showed Saturday that Proposition 203 won by a tiny margin of just 4,341 votes out of more than 1.67 million votes counted. The measure had started out losing on Election Day by about 7,200 votes, but the gap gradually narrowed in the following 10 days.

    "Now begins the very hard work of implementing this program in the way it was envisioned, with very high standards," said Andrew Myers, campaign manager for the Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project. "We really believe that we have an opportunity to set an example to th
  • peter b dunn

    study cannabis kills cancer cells u k green eco news
  • bryan l

  • truth

    Gov’t hypes drugged driving threat, calls for zero tolerance DUID laws nationwide | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform
  • truth

    Willie Nelson After His Most Recent Pot Arrest: Let’s Start A Tea Pot Party!

  • truth

    "Marijuana Cuts Tumor Growth by 50%" on 12160:


  • bryan l

    Bob Marley died in 1981, officially due to malignant melanoma, a dangerous type of cancer that was found on his toe.

    A Bible verse that Rastafarians hold as very important is Leviticus 21:5 - "They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in the flesh."

  • truth

    Hemp Car To Make Record 10,000-mile Trip"Hemp oil has the same energy as diesel," Wirtshafter said. "Whatever your car does on diesel, it'll do on hemp. It's even possible to process hemp for a gasoline engine, but it's more complex."
  • bryan l

    Montel Williams busted with drug paraphernalia

    By Liz Kelly

    Montel Williams. (AP)

    Montel Williams was issued a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia at a Milwaukee airport on Tuesday.

    The former talk show host was busted with a pipe used for smoking marijuana, according to CNN. He paid a TSA fine of $484 on the spot and was released to continue his journey, which we assume involved him getting high ... in the air.

    Williams suffers from multiple sclerosis and has long been an outspoken advocate for legalization of marijuana.

    Recently, 700 Club founder Pat Robertson also voiced his support for the decriminalization of marijuana, saying, "I'm not exactly for the use of drugs, don't get me wrong, but I just believe that criminalizing marijuana, criminalizing the possession of a few ounces of pot, that kinda thing it's just, it's costing us a fortune and it's ruining young people."

    In December, Jeff Bridges admitted that he almost turned down the role of the pot-smoking Dude in "The Big Lebowski" out of concern for his daughters, even though he admits to being a longtime herbal enthusiast.

    And that's today's celebrity pot report.

  • bryan l

    By Stephanie McKinny

    Late this past year, Willie Nelson got caught smokin’ the ganja on his tour bus, and now it looks like Montel Williams is the latest star with reefer madness. The tall drink of chocolate milk was busted in Milwaukee on Tuesday at an airport by TSA officials when they found drug paraphernalia. That paraphernalia turned out to be a marijuana pipe in his carry-on luggage. Of course, Montel is no stranger to getting caught with the sticky-icky; he’s gotten busted in the past and had to pay fines as well. This time the fine came in the form of $484, which is probably chump change to the man who sells pressure cookers on late-night infomercials, right? At least he was smart enough to clean it out, because officials found no residue in the pipe, which could have been another fine altogether. He’s also an advocate for the use of medical marijuana, due to his diagnosis of MS back in 1999. At any rate, Williams paid the fine and was on his way. According to a couple of cannabis forums, it’s legal to bring a medical marijuana pipe on a plane as long as it’s completely clean, but obviously not – and what do they know, they’re probably all high anyway. But if they’re right, somebody tell this guy to get a damn card already.

  • truth

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

    Joe Rogan on The True Reason Pot is illegal



  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • truth

    Ron Paul says legalize marijuana CNBC 6-22-2011 12160:
  • truth

    Obama Administration Overrides 2009 Ogden Memo, Declares Open Seaso...

    The Department of Justice sent out a memo Wednesday instructing the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration and leading officials in the U.S. Attorneys Office to treat medical marijuana shops as top priorities for prosecutors and drug investigators.

  • Maria De Wind

  • truth

  • truth

    Cannabinoid Medicine

    4 votes

    (NaturalNews) Raw marijuana is illegal in the United States and is not approved by the FDA for medical uses though many states have broken away from the Union preferring to help rather than hurt people, as the federal government seems to prefer. The federal government is ignoring the science that has repeatedly demonstrated that marijuana is not dangerously addictive, is less harmful than alcohol, and in no way causes the social ramifications that got it banned for in the first place. Charlotte Smith said appropriately, "Heaven would smile if we would drop the use of the word 'marijuana' which was given as part of their propaganda against The Holy Herb of Cannabis."

    THC has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration because medical science confirms its use in a broad variety of clinical situations. Specifically a THC-containing drug called Marinol is FDA approved though it does not come close to effectiveness of natural cannabinoids. Synthetic copies of natural substances rarely if ever maintain the same pharmacological effects as the original and we know this to be especially true in the case of marijuana and the chemicals the pharmaceutical companies manufacture to simulate natural cannabinoids.


  • truth

    Ore. sheriff taking pot user gun permit case to DC

    MEDFORD, Ore. (AP) - An Oregon sheriff who lost a state legal battle to deny a concealed handgun license for a medical marijuana patient has decided to take his case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Jackson County Sheriff Mike Winters has argued that issuing the license would violate federal law, specifically the Gun Control Act of 1968.

  • Shaktas Na

    Does anyone know if we are getting an American version of Sativex?

    & For the hemp farmers:

  • Tara

  • Tara

  • Tara

  • Maria De Wind
























  • Maria De Wind

  • cristian david

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • truth

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • M. Wilson

  • truth

    U.S. Rastafarian Is Exempt From Probation Pot Testing

    Steve Elliott
    Toke of the Town
    It's not very widely known. But in a groundbreaking case, at least one American citizen, a licensed Rastafarian minister in Minnesota, has been openly smoking marijuana daily with a judge's approval for the past year and a half, despite the fact that he is on probation...
  • truth

    Gov. Jerry Brown today vetoed legislation that would have permitted the cultivation of industrial hemp in California...
  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

    Petition to legalize marijuana tops White House list

    Read more:

  • Maria De Wind

    User says her marijuana is ‘like a fine glass of wine,’ should be legal 

    By Frank Main Staff Reporter/ November 4, 2011 2:...

    Kate took the slim, white-painted metal pipe from her husband, Tom.

    Known as a “one-hitter,” the pipe was disguised to look like a cigarette, with one end colored light brown to resemble a filter.

    Kate held a Bic lighter. She fired up the pungent green wad of pot packed into the far end of the pipe and pulled in a lungful of smoke.

    She waited: One second. Two seconds. Three.

    Finally, she exhaled a thin blue ribbon and smiled.

    “I’m a lifer,” Kate said as she sat in her living room. “I’ve been smoking pot for 30 years.”

    Kate and Tom live in an upscale neighborhood in DuPage County.

    Like an estimated 17 million other Ameri cans, they’re regular marijuana users.

    They’re also among a growing number of Americans who support legalization of the drug. But they’re careful about whom they let know about their habit. That’s why they asked that their full names not be used.

    Kate, 48, smokes about five times a week after work and on the weekends. Tom, 52, smokes almost as frequently.

    They both have high-paying jobs in the financial industry. And they see themselves as connoisseurs.






    † The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found there were more than 17 million regular marijuana users in the United States in 2010, a 20 percent jump over just three years. The study also showed 2.4 million people ages 12 or older used marijuana for the first time in 2010 compared to 2.2 million people in 2002, a 9 percent rise. By far, marijuana was the most widely used drug, the survey found.

    † A Gallup poll released Oct. 17 showed 50 percent of Americans surveyed said marijuana use should be legal, up from 46 percent.

    † Another poll conducted last year by The Washington Post and ABC News found more than 81 percent of Americans surveyed said they support legalization of the drug for medical purposes.




  • Maria De Wind

  • Spydaman13

    Copenhagen votes to legalise marijuana

    Marijuana could soon be legalised in Copenhagen, after the city voted overwhelmingly in favour of a scheme that would see the drug sold through a network of state-run shops and cafes.

  • Maria De Wind

    Marijuana Medicine, the most complete visual record of cannabis culture ever published, explores the role of hemp in medicinal systems spanning the globe. Cannabis has accompanied the development of human culture from its very beginnings and can be found in the healing traditions of cultures throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

    Even today it is an important part of many Asian healing traditions: in Ayurveda cannabis is praised for its tonic and aphrodisiac qualities, and in traditional Chinese medicine it is cited as a superb antidepressant. It also remains a significant part of the healing and visionary traditions of Latin American curanderos and Brazilian, Nepalese, and Indian folk medicine. Modern research has confirmed the effectiveness of marijuana's application in treating such diseases as asthma and glaucoma.

    Christian Ratsch is a world-renowned anthropologist and ethnopharmacologist.

    First published in 1998.

  • Maria De Wind

    Two states want to reclassify marijuana.

  • Maria De Wind

  • ShivaShakti

    I am a member of Norml and ASA and I think the war on MJ is purely financial.

    From Hemp.Org

    Biodegradable industrial products. 

    Because hemp is rich in cellulose, research is being conducted into the use of hemp for the production of biodegradable plastic products. Plant based cellophane, recycled plastic mixed with hemp for injection-molded products, and resins made from hemp oil could one day be manufactured. BMW in an effort to make cars more recyclable, is using hemp materials in their automobiles. Hemp fibers are increasingly being used in industry as a substitute for fiberglass. The advantage of replacing fiberglass with hemp is that hemp is lighter, as strong or stronger, is biodegradable and is cheaper.

    Biomass fuels. 

    Hemp is a high yield fiber crop, producing more biomass per acre than most other crops. As a result, the hydrocarbons in hemp could be used as a renewable, low polluting alternative to fossil fuels that is non-polluting to our atmosphere. Hemp is excellent in producing alternative fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol. Hemp could be processed into fuel pellets, liquid fuels, and gas, reducing our consumption of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Both the seed and the fiber can be used, though the process varies depending on what you use.


    Hemp seeds contain all eight essential amino acids in the correct proportions required by humans, including Omega-6 (LA- linolenic) and Omega 3 (ALA alpha linolenic). Hemp has a balance of three parts Omega-6 to Omega-3, very close to the body's nutritional requirements. As regulators, the LA and ALA fatty acids provide stability and control the movement of all substances in and out of our bodies' building blocks. Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), another essential amino acid found in hemp, also stimulates the production of eiconsanoids, which are hormone-type substances. For this reason, many women find hemp oil in their diets helps relieve pre-menstrual syndrome and extreme symptoms of menopause.

    These are just three of the reasons are why the government doesn't want open patents on marijuana as hemp. As medicine MJ could shut down every chemical  pharma company in the world.

    If MJ was legalized Americans could instantly begin rebuilding their lives. No one would ever have to worry about a job again.