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Marijuana- "Its not just for getting stoned anymore"

User or not, Marijuana prohibition is and has been hurting our economy and environment. Join, learn and educate others.

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  • TommyD

    she's trying to see Alaska...

  • TommyD

  • TommyD

  • Exposure

    Much to the misconceptions of “Cannabis smoking” as being some kind of a “hippy person’s” favourite pastime and activity, - it’s good to see many a President of the US of A, having a done and no doubt still may do, - spark up the occasional Scooby Doo!  

    George Washington; Who without a zoot, him teeth would give him hell.  James Madison; Love of the Chinese weed, is what he loved to give others just to please.  Thomas Jefferson; It can be said, that without he’s Hemp, who knows if he would have understood the true meaning of democracy.  James Monroe; Loved a blow, and especially so whilst in gay Pari. Andrew Jackson; along with his Cannabis and his boy’s, marched much lighter and with joy. 

    Zachary Taylor; and his Sabre, shared many a zoot with many troop and in many a jolly war.  Franklin Pierce; like that of Jackson and Taylor, gave his troops many a favour; as would he and them cry; “Cannabis is - about the only good thing” - that could make us sing, and came out of that bloody war.  Abraham Lincoln; true or false, is said have endured the occasional roast. 

    John F. Kennedy; in constant pain - was to legalise the weed, for he knew of its medicinal purposes.  Jimmy Carter; was no peanut, with his constant grin who knows where’d he’d been, as like that of Kennedy he was too try to legalise it.  George W. Bush; despite constant denials [what’s new], refused to confess to the rest: “...because I don’t want some little kid doing what I tried”. [Because someone should have pointed out to him, the question was in reference to his smoking of Marijuana, - not his alcoholic problems, or snorting of cocaine.]  

    Billy Boy Clinton; more like a simpleton; when he confessed; “I didn’t inhale...nor had sexual relations with that woman”. However, when it comes to the present day president, Mr Obama; he’s smoked plenty of the Gunja, as he sensibly confessed unlike the rest, that he did of course partake; “I inhaled frequently. That was the point”, - and this is our point entirely; “Legalise the Weed” if you please, - as like that of my 86 year old grandmother, who like Washington and Kennedy, too started smoking and baking with Cannabis in the 1960’s, and did so right up until her death and when technically and sadly in the ‘eyes of this mad, mad law’, - she died a criminal for doing so... RIP Gran, you’ll lil wooden pot, is still regularly used X.    

  • TommyD

    There are several cool places around the nation where I have smoked.

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • TommyD

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • TommyD

    That proto pipe looks nice..gonna have to check into getting one of those....

    I find it rather streange that when Dr. Banner gets angry, he turns green...when I start to get angry, I turn to GREEN

  • Maria De Wind

    Its a classic, I'm surprised you don't have one or several already, they fit into a jeans pocket like a hand into a glove. I used to give them away as gifts and all my friends loved them, sold them a bunch more! Lol.

  • TommyD

    I have seen those around over the years. I thought that it might be a new and improved

  • Maria De Wind

  • TommyD

    yeah, some things are in no need of improvement,lol

  • ShivaShakti

    That Mustang! :)

  • Robert Doyle SR

    NEW HERE, OLD Knowledge and still learning rapidly of the miracle we humans are so opposed to. A plant that is geneticlly linked to our human body forms for life with medical protection naturally is self destructive behaivour. End the USA Drug War on itself must stop.

  • Maria De Wind

    Welcome Robert!

    Soon you may conclude that 'GOV'  "We Humans" equals not

  • Maria De Wind

    It is legal where I live now, for EVERYONE! : )

  • Robert Doyle SR

    Nice Art Maria.

  • TommyD

    Gotta say...I'm feeling pretty awesome right now.....

  • Maria De Wind

  • TommyD

  • Spydaman13



  • TommyD

  • TommyD

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • TommyD


    I stopped in the local tobacco shop to pick up a couple of glass bowl stems and screens for the asskikker. I was inquiring about different smoking apparatus and mentioned the word bong....only to be told that it is a $1,000 fine to mentione that word in an establishment that sells "water pipes" much for freedom of speech

  • TommyD

  • Robert Doyle SR

    The medical needy who are not in tune with self supply to benefit from the natural homeopathic cannabis plant is just plain old ignorance or collusion by our U.S.A. Congress,  White House, Dept of Justice. The seperation of Government and the Populace is so wide and prevelant it may never meld into a collective thought and knowledge base. We have enjoyed the many benefits for about 50 yrs. and been actively putting efforts into NORML & other ways of promoting restoration of sanity and science into the subject. We have been an analyst for varied subjects yet none so clearly exhibits all the prompts toward bribery &/or collusion to keep on keeping on the path of insnaity in American governence of (drugs). ~2012~ is finally here, perhaps we can sieze the dysfunctional FED Govt. in peacful revolt, perhaps not. The Truth escapes the current crop of politicos, as well as a minority of vocal Americans.  DEMAND HONESTY, overthrow and overgrow GOD's PLANT in the places we the people own with the GODS the thumpers are so well known for promoting as their personal saviour. Really going ahead to true Liberty often comes with a process of confusion/clarity, work/relaxation, so we must keep on keeping on. THE Largest Cash Crop in the Americas is illegal yet maintains widespread availability and popularity. We the People can reuest of our representatives the restoration of sanity. Call 202-225-4236 and tell the Cong Lamar Smith who wrote the SOPA Bill, has another, HR1981, to stop his treason. Tell him to bring the HR 4206 to the floor, not continue holding it off the calender, as he has done since midsummer 2011. NAMASTE Y'all


  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

    I had babies today !

  • TommyD


  • TommyD

    Coolest Movie Scene Ever

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • TommyD

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • honeygirl

  • Maria De Wind

  • Spydaman13



    This photo has been condensed to pixel width 420:

  • TommyD

    Saint Bob....

  • TommyD

    I have the perfect is stuck at 4:20

  • Spydaman13

    awesome! I have the perfect birthday... April 20

  • TommyD

    Well I know what you get for your birthday.....