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Marijuana- "Its not just for getting stoned anymore"

User or not, Marijuana prohibition is and has been hurting our economy and environment. Join, learn and educate others.

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  • Central Scrutinizer

    on the edge of Decriminalization only I fear...fed idiots looking @ a cash cow in the mouth and still hollering poverty

  • Maria De Wind

    @ H●ȴȴɣѾͼͽᵭ Those "Winston Products for Education" are from the 60's !

    Guess we've come a long way

  • Maria De Wind

    The History and Future of Cannabis Day

    The Origin of Cannabis Day

  • EDOGZ818

    I wonder if they make crab grass illegal, will an armed SWAT Team assault properties & start mowing the lawn?

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

    American soldiers in Vietnam find a unique way to smoke marijuana. Though soldiers laughed at the novel method of getting blown away, when parents and congressmen saw this film on TV news in November 1970, they not amused.

    Under pressure, the US military initiated a major marijuana suppression, but only succeeded in driving ever-more soldiers to smoking heroine, which was odorless and easier to conceal. A tobacco cigarette would be rolled between finger and thumb to loosen the tobacco, and the cigarette would be partially emptied. A five-dollar plastic vial containing 250 milligrams of 95-percent-pure heroin then would be poured into the cigarette and then smoked. Thousands of soldiers were now returning home addicted to heroine. Uncounted among those wounded-in-action, they were in just as much pain.

  • Maria De Wind

    Vote Yes To Legalize Marijuana!

  • Eric Price

    A friend of mine who lives in Maui recently saw a helicopter hovering over his plants, and 2 Maui police repelled down a line into his garden where he had some 10' tall plants. He accosted them with his camcorder and told them he had permits for them all (he has a state marijuana card due to being injected with the H1N1 Virus while stationed at Ft.Dix in the US Army back in the mid 70s. This Nazi like experiment left him with severely damaged disks in his spine and other serious injuries. He is 3" shorter due to the damage caused to his spine and that causes him chronic pain. Hence the marijuana card. The cops left him alone. This is as it should be. This is indeed a medicine given to us as a gift from God. Anyone who doesn't believe it should watch "Run from The Cure" The Rick Simpson Story  This medicine must be legalized immediately. I am a friend of Marc Emory, the "Prince of Pot" who was wrongly extradicted from BC Canada to the US where he is in a US Prison on trumped up charges for selling seeds world wide. See  Marc is a really decent guy! He does not belong in prison! He was helping a huge number of people who needed medical marijuana, so they made him a political prisoner. He and I once drove all over downtown Vancouver BC putting up Ron Paul yard signs, not as crazy as it sounds since theres a huge number of American expats living there who vote by absentee ballot. We have a Ron Paul Meetup group in Vancouver and were very active! We even handed out Ron Paul literature on the Sky train, people looked at us funny and said snarky stuff like "aren't you in the wrong country?" We'd reply "Nah! Revolutions No No Borders!!!"

  • Maria De Wind

    Our Nonna, who has been cooking Italian dishes for over 70 years, teaches us how to prepare Medical Marijuana Butter-Leaf Flour. With this flour you can then bake the best Medicinal Cannabis brownies or cookies or any other dish.
    Aurora Leveroni is Valerie Leveroni Corral's mother. Valerie is the co-founder of The Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana (

  • Dianne Stallark

    For all the uses of the hemp
    this great WEED should be tax exempt!
    the biggest question could really be
    where can we get it LEGALLY?

    One fine day we will have the choice
    to close this issue with ONE voice
    so spread it loud, both far and near,
    to shout it out for ALL to hear.
    We stand united, like it or not.
    we stand together to legalize POT

  • Maria De Wind

    Mitt Romney is uneducated about marijuana

    If you elect Mitt Romney as president, you will not see legalized medical marijuana.  His own words.   Scientific evidence supports medical marijuana usage for greater value of life, greater therapeutic and medicinal benefit, as well as an absence of a “gateway” possibility.  I find it amazing (and yet, not surprising) that Mitt would ignore the very recent studies that concluded that it is ALCOHOL that is the gateway drug, not cannabis – and spout lies to his constituents.  Then again, we’re talking about rich politicians.  Logic plays no role in what they do.

  • Maria De Wind

    Linda reviews the "Cannabis Sativa" and "Cannabis Indica" Strain Guides 

  • Maria De Wind

    Linda reviews her GRID bong - Happy 420 Special :D

  • truth

    ABC News

    US judoka expelled from Games for eating marijuana

    Chicago Tribune‎ - 2 hours ago

    LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. judo competitor Nick Delpopolo was expelled from the London Olympic Games on Monday after testing positive

  • Maria De Wind

  • truth

    Take Me To Your Dealer !!

  • guest_blog

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • truth

  • honeygirl

  • Central Scrutinizer

    2 UPS Employees Arrested With Nearly 40 Pounds Of Marijuana

    Street Value Of Haul Estimated At $60,000; Police Slap The Cuffs On 3

    A five gallon container filled with marijuana. (credit: CBS 2)

    A five gallon container filled with marijuana. (credit: CBS 2)


    NEW YORK (CBS 2) — Looks like someone working for brown was trying to go green.

    Sources told CBS 2 on Friday that one special delivery ended up with two UPS workers behind bars.

    Sources said police started investigating the UPS facility on Foster Avenue following a tip.

    While watching the place Thursday morning, sources said undercover officers became suspicious when they noticed driver Ruben Jordan loading a box onto a truck he wasn’t assigned to.

    Sources said police continued to watch the truck after Jordan went off duty and left. That’s when another driver, Alexis Herve, allegedly drove it to a dead-end street, where he found Jordan, 44, waiting with another man and a minivan.

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • truth

    Brazilian artist makes art with marijuana smoke

    Brazilian artist Fernando de la Rocque blows marijuana smoke onto a stencil overlaying paper to create his art at his studio in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Monday Aug. 20, 2012. Some of Rocque's pot-stained prints are being sold for $2,500 each. A show featuring the work opened last week at a small alternative gallery in the stylish Ipanema neighborhood. It takes him a week to complete a single print blowing about five joints' worth of smoke onto a paper daily. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)Associated Press/Felipe Dana - Brazilian artist Fernando de la Rocque blows marijuana smoke onto a stencil overlaying paper to create his art at his studio in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Monday Aug. 20, 2012.

  • truth

    LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A proposal to legalize medical marijuana has been approved for the November ballot in Arkansas.

    The secretary of state's office on Wednesday said that Arkansans for Compassionate Care had turned in enough signatures to qualify the proposed initiated act for the November ballot. The proposal needed at least 62,507 signatures from registered voters to qualify.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    unless Arkansas secedes from the criminal corporate mafia...errr...Federal AssClowns, this is pretty pointless now days cuz the mighty fed-sickle is a just a swingin' @ all those perty plants right now :(

  • truth

    10 Years to Life for Medical Marijuana: The Trial of Aaron Sandusky
  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • truth

    Marijuana and Alzheimer’s – How Marijuana Outperforms Drugs for Alz...

    Lisa Garber
    Activist Post

    The war on drugs has most people believing there is no legitimate argument for marijuana, causing it to be highly looked down upon and illegal under federal law throughout the United States. But there is an exceptionally large body of research pointing to the positive impact marijuana can have on various health ailments, with recent research revealing a link between marijuana and Alzheimer’s – showing that THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, may be beneficial for Alzheimer’s patients...

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • mystery

    New Orleans prosecutor arrested after joint falls from his pocket in court

    Cantrell has practiced law in Louisiana for more than 16 years, according to Louisiana State Bar Association. He ran unsuccessfully for juvenile court judge in 2009. He has been with the city since 2009.

    Jason Cantrell, 43, assistant city attorney,....

    Continue reading at:

    Come on how bad can this guy be!?!

  • Maria De Wind

    Police Shut Down First Cannabis Coffeeshop In Denmark

    Scandinavia may never be the same. Police in Copenhagen on Friday shut down Denmark's first cannabis "coffeeshop" cafe. At Smokenhagen, customers could buy marijuana over the counter, get a receipt, and smoke it openly right there in the cafe.
    During the raid, the police confiscated all the cannabis, but the shop is expected to reopen again soon, reports Danish website

    Smokenhagen Coffeeshop openly sells cannabis following the Dutch model.

    Officer Jens Kristiansen told theBerlingske News Bureau that the police raided the coffeeshop around lunchtime on Friday.
    "The cafe was closed after our officers decided that there was illegal activity going on," Kristiansen said. "We confiscated drugs."

    The police wouldn't disclose the amount of cannabis that was seized in the raid. What the Danish newspapers aren't reporting is that marijuana was also being grown in Smokenhagen's basement.

    "On Thursday morning, I packed my whole huge grow room with nine strains of delicious Skunk together 
    According to, this isn't the first time police have closed  the shop.
    "We have been there many times during the summer," Kristiansen said. "And we will go there again after the cafe opens again."
  • Maria De Wind

  • truth

    Media Ignored Expert’s Shocking Findings That Marijuana Helps Preve...

    You’d think it would have been very big news in the spring of 2005 when Donald Tashkin, a professor of pulmonology at UCLA’s David Geffin School of Medicine, revealed at a conference that components of marijuana smoke, although they damage cells in respiratory tissue, somehow prevent them from becoming malignant. But headlines announcing “Pot Doesn’t Cause Cancer” did not ensue.

    Tashkin will review his findings and discuss current research this Thursday in Santa Monica, California as part of a course for doctors accredited by the University of California San Francisco. (It is open to the public; pre-registration is $95.)

  • Maria De Wind


  • peter b dunn

    Marijuana legalised in Washington and Colorado

    Andrew Duffy, ninemsn
    4:49pm November 7, 2012
  • truth

    State Legislators in Rhode Island and Maine Are Announcing Marijuan...

    State legislators in Rhode Island and Maine will announce bills tomorrow to legalize recreational marijuana, a spokesperson for the Marijuana Policy Project announced today.

    Rhode Island Rep. Edith Ajello and Maine Rep. Diane Russell will hold a conference call tomorrow with the Marijuana Policy Project to announce the legislation.

    MPP says that “similar proposals will be submitted in at least two other states — Vermont and Massachusetts.” A ballot iniative legalizing medical marijuanapassed in Massachusetts last week with more than 60 percent of the vote. Maine voters approved medical marijuana in 2009. The Rhode Island legislature passed medical marijuana legislation earlier this year.

  • Maria De Wind

  • truth

    Marijuana Dealer Donates Proceeds To Hurricane Sandy Victims

    Marijuana doesn’t help disaster victims.

    Money and supplies do.

    It’s a simple connection made by a pot dealer in Brooklyn, N.Y., who donated half of his proceeds made over two days last week to victims of Hurricane Sandy. He spoke to HuffPost Crime on the condition of anonymity.