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Target Iran

Documenting all military aggressions, and sanctions against Iran.

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  • Cryptocurrency

  • TommyD

    haha, that photo was going through my mind as I typed my

  • Cryptocurrency

    Such was the proposition of my conjecture after reading yours :)

    Hence Yoda with a stash of Dagobah green.

  • TommyD

    powerful jedi are you...powerful

  • Maria De Wind

    Lol... Infidels too blinded by materialism to feel the force even in Gold!

    If they do recognize and use its dark side, all the more reason to master it ourselves!

  • Maria De Wind

    Twinkies went bankrupt !

  • TommyD

    Let's hear it for Ho Hos

  • Maria De Wind

  • TommyD

    Thanks Maria...something inside of me keeps screaming that the whole attack Iran mantra is about more than just gold, oil, trade routes, or pipeline...even though I feel that all of those are contributing factors.

    The elite are into the occult(hidden) and they know that the earth generates tremendous energy that flows through all living things on and within the planet. This is the true power that they wish to control. just my .02

  • Maria De Wind

    Remember what "they" found just around that corner ? (1) (2).7 of Ancient Persia ? The vortex? the six pillars? The Royal Stars? The Magii? Mithra?

    That place is a veritable smorgasbord of temptations! 

  • Maria De Wind

    Here is a link that works for corner time well

  • TommyD

    I recall a short lived NBC TV series from the mid 90's titled Dark Skies. It was pretty intriguing and dealt with UFO/Alien conspiracy and cover up.

    I loved that the introduction stated that it was being presented as fiction to protect real people...I am curious about how much might have been based on real life....

  • apeman2502

     I tried peanut butter and catsup once. I didn't like it.

  • TommyD

    In the general sense, a cosmos is an orderly or harmonious system. It originates from the Greek term κόσμος (kosmos), meaning "order" or "ornament"[1] and is antithetical to the concept of chaos. Today, the word is generally used as a synonym of the word Universe (considered in its orderly aspect). The word cosmos originates from the same root. In many Slavic languages such as Russian and Bulgarian, the word Космос cosmos means also the "outer space". In Mandarin Chinese, cosmos is translated as 宇宙 yuzhou, which literally translated means space-time (宇 yu = space + 宙 zhou = time).

  • TommyD

    Pythagoras is said to have been the first philosopher to apply the term cosmos to the Universe, perhaps referring to the starry firmament.

  • TommyD

    \ˈkäz-məs, 1 & 2 also -ˌmōs, -ˌmäs\
    Definition of COSMOS
    a : universe 1 b (1) : an orderly harmonious systematic universe — compare chaos (2) : order, harmony
    : a complex orderly self-inclusive system
    plural cosmos also cos·mos·es [New Latin, genus name, from Greek kosmos] : any of a genus (Cosmos) of tropical American composite herbs; especially : a widely cultivated tall annual (C. bipinnatus) with yellow or red disks and showy ray flowers

  • TommyD

  • Maria De Wind

     Khurasan/Khorasan | Pakalert Press 

    Iran will stop EU oil exports this week

  • Maria De Wind

    @ Ivy vote Ron Paul / quit/ don't enrol in the army

  • Maria De Wind

    @Slm "Some regions on earth, I do agree, tend to exert more of these fields"  you said it yourself, call them Vortexes or Chakras or Acupuncture meridians or energy peaks and grids, the concept remains beyond a mere name. No one here claims they are NOT natural events, quite to the contrary they ARE part and parcel of the nature of the Earth and the universe at large as they are too part of ourselves. 

    Trying to come back to the purpose of this group I might add that the reasons exposed FOR attacking Iran seem equally valid; A war is never a simple matter and decisions are made at all levels by multiple interests, each pushing their own agenda often within a large or several larger agendas, just ponder these 6 Reasons To Start World War III If You Are A Globalist

  • allan fairbairn

    alciaduh is operating on many fronts libya,syria,serbia,chechenia,iraq,iran like a virus on the face of the earth...their boss sits in the oval privateers of old ...the illegal...immoral arm of the government

    in answer to this threat ...the boss...intends to loose on the world the most colossal "dirtybomb" the attempted deletion of iran...these apprentices are so much cleverer than the sorceror...who only wants tthe recources ,the power, the fear, the gold of course...and the dollar standard, without which the out bust trump

  • allan fairbairn

    Now we live under a system which strangles us to protect us from ever getting rid of it. The men and women strangling us smile awkwardly and tell us that it is for our own good. This tyranny for our own good requires that they toss aside our laws and replace them with their own. It requires that they spend us into bankruptcy, with much of the proceeds going to them, but in the name of a higher cause. And it demands that we praise them and if we won’t do that, then it demands that we shut up and stop broadcasting our dissatisfaction. There is no place in their ideal national community for people like us.

  • allan fairbairn

    o kosmo means mostly peeps and the consensual opinions of peeps...but...pilots=scientists are mostly...liberal...American liberalism has traveled a slightly altered road to get to the same place. But its place is still at the top and everyone else’s place is still at the bottom. Its persistent denial of this basic truth leads to the perennial absurdity of millionaires like Elizabeth Warren playing class warrior when the only class they represent is the class of people who work for the government.

  • allan fairbairn

    hey peeps we're not dealing with magic here...the subject is the imminent demise of myriads of people that have done nothing to offend...of the loosing of a colossal dirty bomb in the name of currency control...kosmo is a greek way of saying "us including our opinions" the wholeness they call "sympan"

    sadly scientists are "liberals"American liberalism has traveled a slightly altered road to get to the same place. But its place is still at the top and everyone else’s place is still at the bottom. Its persistent denial of this basic truth leads to the perennial absurdity of millionaires like Elizabeth Warren playing class warrior when the only class they represent is the class of people who work for the government.

  • Robert Doyle SR

    America has had the Nuclear weapon in our arsenal , used to save lives twice, never again since WW2. The absurdity of the War Hawks who never served is proof the (R)s are nutz. Try to control your own absurdity by spreading Bull Shite scare tales. We do not need to be involved in the Iranian craziness, as we have sold perfectly good weapons to the Arab Emirates so they can deal with the crazies of Iran . Cut off the Strait of Hormuz at their own peril, we will stand by while those Muslims kll off each other. Remember, Cheney/Bushie are gone .

  • Cryptocurrency

    Now, now, no flinging monkey poo in the cages...

  • TommyD

    that means I cant do my kata

    I know monkey style martial's called hoo flung poo

  • apeman2502

      Prager! Where's Jeff Prager?? Did you see Fulford's 12/15/2011 angle on the gold and paper stored at the WTCs? The reports of 'zillions' of building and fire code violations led the preliminary subcontract engineer to wonder why they were even bothering to build such a pile of sloppy wasted building materials. A couple of photos during sunset show the WTCs I and II either devoid of a single sub-wall or chair on many floors and totally curtained or obscured on the rest. Compare this scene to every other large skyscraper in the U.S.. Look at the random lights on and lights off and curtains here and none there. Was the WTC I and II built specifically to destroy once the gold and criminal investigations and phony government securities were stored or conducted from within? I say unto thee, this could be. I was there for some discussion of the myriad of permitted violations which would prematurely cause various failures.

  • allan fairbairn

    http://khazaria.gif (GIF Image, 416 × 349 pixels)

    Descended from the Khazars, a Turkic race originally from Central Asia and related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes, the ancestors of the Ashkenazi “Jews” had settled in Khazaria in the Black Sea/Caspian Sea area at some point in the Dark Ages.

    Of wholly Asiatic origin, they became “Jews” later only by religious conversion in the 8th century.

    This is controversial. Because, if true, it means that Ahhkenazi Jews have no ancestral links with the Holy Land. Abraham and Moses were NOT their ancestors. Any claim made to Palestine on Biblical grounds by Ashkenazi Jews ~ who comprise the bulk of Israel’s population today ~ would therefore be a spurious claim.
    notice too tthe relation of persia[iran] to kazaria[israel]

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Nikki

  • Cryptocurrency

    The US is currently conducting its biggest naval exercises in over a decade.

  • Michael Clair

    I'm sorry I missed this before and I am making this comment out of order. In response to the idea posted on Tuesday that dropping the Nuclear bomb was done to save lives.
    This is not true. Yes it would have cost lives to invade the island, but why did we need to do this? Japan was done for.
    We killed those civilians out of revenge. This was done because we could not just kick Japan around and leave it be, we got it in our heads we had to utterly defeat them and invade.
    We could have walked away. We could have shown mercy. We killed so many civilians and unleashed that which we did not understand because we could not be the bigger country.
    I don't judge us for not having the wisdom at the time, but don't allow justfiying past mistakes to pass. This will only lead to justifying more mistakes in the future.
    Love and Peace.

  • rtaylortitle

    We didn't have to nuke large civilian centers to make a point.  We obviously intended the two bombings to show which nation would be the major power force after the war ended.  It was grand power-politics strategy at its essence.

  • Michael Clair

    I don't know if your defending the action really, but I'd offer that killing military or civilian as a show of power is highly immoral. If you don't need to kill you shouldn't. If we go down the path of killing those that may be a threat in the future or may attack us than we might as well invade Iran, and destroy the rest of the world while we are at it. 
    I don't agree with that, I believe killing and war is only justified in defending your country from attack, and nothing more. Hitler's intentions (as with Germany the war before) of world domination were very clear, and allowed to or not Japan did attack us. Once they no longer were in a position to attack us and at our mercy we should have used peace. They may very well have only fought back so hard after because they feared we would kill them all, how nearly true.
    Perhaps after we left them on their island they would have changed their views? There were many Japanese that were against the war in the first place. Shown mercy and defeat even after rebuilding they may not have attacked us and we wouldn't be seeing to their defense or guilty of such horror today.

  • Michael Clair

    Think of it this way... if our government attacks Iran and they beat our socks off will they be justified in killing civilians here in a show of power with some nukes? Do we deserve that? Or would we learn and grow from it and never allow a government of ours that would do that to us again?
    Maybe we would maybe we wouldn't, but I'd like the chance before being nuked. Thankfully we will not likely be at anyone's mercy I don't think. 

  • Michael Clair

    And peace can be achieved by walking away, I realize that the Japanese government would not surrender and did not want to talk peace, even after the first bomb was dropped!
    Have we yet had a government on this planet that really represents the people? or really cares for them? Do we think the government there would have lasted or that they would have come out to fight more?
    Perhaps they would have but I'd rather have fought that fight than have  this stain. I feel if you go against your soul and what is right you are already dead. 

  • apeman2502

      My studies have most every general and admiral from MacArthur and Halsey to Eisenhower stating that the Japanese had offered surrender but the cabinet around Truman aggressively persuaded president Truman to drop the bombs. Someone blew up Fukushima. i do my home work and the USGS and Japanese earthquake monitoring systems back me up except for a penned in 9.2. Check out the Fukushim videos, ladies and gentlemen. A 9.2 earthquke less than 7 miles from the nearest monitoring station which recorded a 5,6. Impossible. The daichi landfall of the shockwave was less than 6 miles, and yet no destruction is noted beyond a minor crack in the street. Not one wall with cracked stucco. Look at every other major coastal earthquake of magnitude over a 7,0, let alone a 9.2. Numeerous 8.5s and 8.6s resulted in massive property damage including many collapsed buildings. Not Fukushima. Here, not even a broken window until the water shows up. Nukes and HAARP are evidenced by photos and seismograph readings from the USGS and Japanese government, Jay Rockefeller had threatened Japan  with a massive earthquake the previous week. The technology exists. No lie. worth a look. See: The Dimona dozen vs. the Fukushima 50 for starters.

      Iran would no more nuke the U.S. than you or I would walk into a police station and start kicking policemen in the shins or more violently attack them. Stupid to think about and false. More stupid than walking into the Patriots locker rooom and laughing while snapping beat up players with a towel.

  • Maria De Wind

    They actually talk about Iran

  • Cryptocurrency

    Both Russia and China have said that an attack on Iran would be an attack on their national security.

    “Iran is our close neighbor, just south of the Caucasus. Should anything happen to Iran, should Iran get drawn into any political or military hardships, this will be a direct threat to our national security,” Dmitry Rogozin, Russia’s deputy prime minister and former envoy to NATO, said in mid-January.

    “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war,” said Major General Zhang Zhaozhong in December.

  • rtaylortitle

    L. are "dead-on" in your summation.  It's pathetic in he way we risk our lives and taxpayer funds over Israel's desires to control the whole region.  Our nation is now an empire....not a empire.  I love my country (not its govt.) and I love our soldiers in uniform (most of them), but I'm pulling for Russian and China to say "enough" and dare the U.S./Israel to cross that line.  Our aggression needs to stop and if it takes those two nations to call a halt to be it.  I'd pay more at the pump as well, but I would sure like those existing patent-locks on cheaper fuel broken I don't care who "owns" them!!!

  • Maria De Wind

    In the issue of Time of January 3, 1972, President Nixon is quoted as follows: "We must remember the only time in the history of the world that we have had any extended period of peace is when there has been balance of power. It is when one nation becomes infinitely more powerful in relation to its potential competitor that the danger of war arises. So I believe in a world in which the United States is powerful. I think it will be a safer world and a better world if we have a strong, healthy United States, Europe, Soviet Union, China, Japan, each balancing the other, not playing one against the other, an even balance." ...

    Foreign Affairs


    In addition, it negates a long-standing American declaratory position against a multiple power balance, symbolized by President Wilson's famous description of it at the Guildhall in 1918 as "a thing in which the balance was determined by the sword which was thrown in on one side or the other . . . the unstable equilibrium of competitive interests . . . maintained by jealous watchfulness and an antagonism of interests." 

    It abrogates at least a decade or more in which it was the conventional wisdom in Washington that the United States should be "infinitely more powerful in relation to its potential competitor." And finally, it assumes that, as in the eighteenth century, the five powers concerned have broadly the same range of resources at their disposal. 

    Why not give a shift of paradigm a chance?

    A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship

  • Robert Doyle SR

    We see an amazing similarity to some posers/posters, to the old schoole Soviet Intel sreamers in media. YOU know who you are, so do we. Gettafugoutaour spaces. The U.S. Navy alone can handle the ocean based destruction of any/all the Earths creepy nations . Get gone y'all, for they are coming to get you next. IDIOTS.


  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

  • Cryptocurrency

    "Board the train now,americans in favour of war with Iran.This sounds like Nazi Germany,the sheople want war."

    Huh, you got that right Vernon.

    @Maria, yea, it's looking pretty imminent at this point.

  • TommyD

    The only problem with heading anywhere outside of the US and especially to nations on its long before that nation is next on the Nazi chopping block?

    If in imminent, you mean covert assets already have boots on the ground and are engaging in clandestine espionage activities...then yeah its on...overt action seems to be right around the corner.

  • Cryptocurrency

    Yep Shock and Awe or "Shekinah."

  • TommyD

    May you live in interesting times

  • Nikki

    Gee, thanks Vernon.  Isn't the traffic bad enough out here already?  I think it will be in the heartland.  Let's be honest here, many in middle America aren't all that concerned with what happens to coastal cities they consider to be dens of inequity anyway. The way to strike fear in their hearts is to stage it in a Middle American city that's not an obvious target.