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  • James Roberts

    Plus, as transforming any form of energy into another (like heat produced by burning hydrocarbons into electricity and then into mechanical energy) is a very "lossy" process at every stage, electric cars actually have a larger carbon footprint than gasoline-powered cars.

  • steve

    Hey All, EVERY LAST ONE these so called "green scams" are SUBSIDISED BY THE THIEVES PLAYING GUBBERMENT,who STEAL the hard earned money from the barely scraping by masses to enrich their buddies save the world schemes. From the ethanol scam to that elon musky PUTZS' ELECTRIC CAR SCAM WHERE THEY SUBSIDISE DIESEL GENERATORS TO CHARGE THESE ROLLING FKN JUNK on wheels FIRETRAPS that the majority of poor working slobs can NEVER afford AS THEY ARE TOO BUSY TRYING TO FEED THEIR FAMILIES.


  • MAC

    And it kills off bird populations, even endangered and protected birds