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United States Minor Outlying Islands

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  • Sweettina2

    Thank you brother!  Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and yours!  God bless my friend.   ~Tina

  • MAC

    Merry Christmas And Happy New Year

  • Carmine Clemente

    Thanks James, God bless you & Give you a happy & prosperous 2013!

  • Lloyd Sewell

    Hi Nikki

    Very many thanks for your kind wishes - I am currently in (Jamaica) on extended vacation since the end of (January) this year - I feel for the folks back in the UK / Europe with all the flooding in UK which always seem to manifest at this time of year and for other friends in Russia - who have to endure (-20 to -50) degrees temp - I sure can appreciate not having to wear so much clothes - it is (30 degrees) here. I have been doodling (again) here is the results -

    Best Wishes to ALL & Continued Success in the coming Year
    Lloyd Sewell
  • Maria De Wind

  • D.M. Simonds

    Greetings my friend: May this new year bring on a great awakening and a rise of nations against the globalists and their New World Order ideas for all of humanity.

  • charles minSter fuller

    Thank you James for all this.  I read just about everything you link me to.  I am not working right now, but i will donate some when i get a job.  I like the fact that you are not just coming from the right-wing libertarian christian anti-Semitic, end-of-the-world die-hard nra faction.  I'll tell you, man, i've come a long way to my current set of beliefs and polarized people never help to get the info and message across to the people.  Thank you for everything you do.

  • Ragnarok

    Merry christmas James thanks for good service and help may you have a nice time with family and friends in this joyful time.!

  • James Power

    Thanking You for the invite, Happy New Year To All.

  • Carrie Khaddour

    good to be friends
  • Lawrence Harmen

    I invite you to check out my recent post very important and very telling about our times

  • Patriot Horse

    Belated Christmas James! And a great New Year coming. Here is my late Christmas gift to you... guess who? hahaha Ok, it's a great song, kinda slow but we sing it at a send off, when someone is leaving the islands, or going away, or just leaving us. A meloncholy song, but she is such a great person.  Never met her, but she represents Hawaii well. :) Great to be back. Take care alright???

  • Maria De Wind

    May the New  Year bring Peace, Health, Love and Prosperity to You and Yours

  • Tara

  • shewolfann

    Thanks for the welcome...i enjoy your posts.  Happy New Year!

  • Les Gards

    Thanks JAmes! All the best.

  • Laverne Swanson

    Red Ribbon
  • erin waters

    Is a pleasure too meet you James:) hope you have a good night

  • Christine Huntress

    Hi! You are my first new friend on this site! ♥

  • Lawrence Harmen

    Here Mike R. is one you should like Lharmen

    Keep up the fight!

  • Sub-Versatile

    Thanks for the welcome! I'm glad to be here. ^.^

  • Hardknocks24

    I've hadn't recovered any updates in a couple of days. If didn't here in Oklahoma City local gun store h&h gun range was asking for picture Id for ammo so they can take ur photo as you pursues ammo. It's already starting .walmart doesn't do it . Has the website gone black ?
  • Tara

    Here's to you buddy :)

  • Desiree

    Thanks James for welcoming me to 12160!  I love this site and hope I can become a worthy contributer! I will definitely resist the New World Order! I hope that 1216 0 will be here for many years to come and Happy Birthday from a new member!

  • Joy Larkspur

    Thanks for the Welcome. I'm glad to be here. =)

  • JoeG

    Thank you the welcome, I must be lucky to have been allowed in so quickly. Why all the security measures, is this site being monitored and or been under attack?

  • Central Scrutinizer

    looks awesome....just lose that damn Hippie music ;) lol

  • ohmeohmi

    Wow, what a nice site you have built!!! Thank you for adding me as a friend.  I don't do anymore FB than I have to.  I like the smaller group feeling, don't you?

    Do you know when someone is on your page?  What kind of gift do you give to people?

    That may be too much at once..Thank you again.

  • Jacqui

    Amazing site!! Still finding my way round  xx

  • TruthIsTreason

    Thank you.  I like the creative name spellings here, your included.  Cheers

  • Randy E. Barlow

    Hi James Iam Glad I found this site,It has good Info. Iam new to these computers so I do not know how to post anything yet,But I Love to read all of the posts and watch the videos. Thank-You for accepting me on this site.

  • TruthIsTreason

    Hi James, yes, I saw the posting telling people NOT to photoshop ovomit "skeet shooting".  Hilarious.  I'm on rtr a lot and the photo received lots of careful attention.  Thanks for sending the message.

  • 14300

    Hi James - thanks for the "friend" request! Let the good times roll! xo Bettie Paige
  • 14300

    Like your "Page" design. Reminds me of "The Twilight Zone" with Rod Sterling. That was one of my favorite programs. . . . Bettie Paige

  • Patriot Horse

    LOL love the music James. Hey just to let you know I am leaving the other site. Left you an email. Aloha and let's carry on. Dramaless. Have a good one.

  • John Carman

    Chris Droner LAPD FACTS: According to documents from a court of appeals hearing in October 2011, Dorner was fired after he made a complaint against his field training officer, Sgt. Teresa Evans. Dorner said that in the course of an arrest, Evans kicked suspect Christopher Gettler, a schizophrenic with severe dementia.
    Richard Gettler, the schizophrenic man's father, gave testimony that supported Dorner's claim. After his son was returned on July 28, 2007, Richard Gettler asked "if he had been in a fight because his face was puffy" and his son responded that he was kicked twice in the chest by a police officer.
    In his manifesto, Dorner claims he was punished by the department because he had "broken their supposed blue line" by reporting on a fellow officer. 
  • suzie

    Wow .. I love the star back round, that wolf looks hungry .. Ha ha ha
  • suzie

    Thanks for all you do ;)
  • J. Patriot

    The 2012 FAA list of Drone License Applicants hit home with me. I use to work for one of the Sheriff's on that list! It dosen't supprise me I knew about the drones before my departure, and I knew about the gift from Fema the mobile command center that they received. I'm glad 12160 is still here it's a great way to be informed. Thanks for all you do!

  • Don Cordell

    I'm afraid we are going to lose those stars and strips if we don't retake control of our government, for We the People. Thank goodness for the internet that we can now exchange thoughts to preserve our nation. I want to be a friend to every American of any race or color. WE are the People, but we do have to stand up and defend OUR nation, or we will lose it. Don't let the UN take over us for a One World Government planned by the current elected leaders in Washington, DC.

  • Janet Darlene Millien

    Its people like you that give me hope.

  • John Carman

    James, You gotta call me on this latest posting. I have also seen the deposition about FTO LAPD "kicking" the suspect which Dorner reported. Sgt. Teresa Evans. She should come forward and tell the Truth. Anyway, if this is the latest and true and verified, I will post it on my FB and to some special law enforcement friends and newsmedia. I have some strong newsmedia contacts. Call me: (619)609-1733 (prepaid no bill) Use a throw away. I want to talk to Chris cause he may be in more serious trouble than he knows. I can help him! I was a whistleblower too. Understand. Can you get a message to him? Have him call me or get me a number and I will call him on a Penny Talk calling card.(1 cent a minute)  John Carman 

  • John Carman

    This is the actual deposition of Christopher Gettler.

    Comment: Gettler just admitted under Oath that he was "Kicked" by a Female Officer with her foot.(Most likely a shoe was worn) That means the Female officer committed ADW Shod foot which is a FELONY in the State of California. So who's lying now??? Newsmedia needs to get their Heads out of their asses quickly and start to realize that maybe just maybe Dorner might be telling the truth and got a F***ed up raw deal because of a Female FTO name Teresa Evans. Charge Evans now!!!

  • Starwoman

  • noblsht

    Thanks for the website James ,it is awesome, thanks for keeping us informed, 

  • Joy Larkspur

    Thanks for the request. Love your avatar pic. =)

  • Michael Wolf Heart.

    Hey James - good to meet ya here -  I am new here and have not yet had a chance to learn how to navigate all this.  I am more active at  I will be spending more time here soon - Until next time have a safe and balanced weekend , Howl at ya again soon ..

  • Sharon Cox

    Thanks for the quick response, James..Hope they are fixed soon..Blessings

  • krys

  • Tara

    I thought you might like this to brighten up your day ;