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I found you through links to Alex Jones

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  • wayde stawarz


  • mike lester

    Yes I can
  • republic of dan

    thank you for that large shiny welcome.

    here is a link to my blog.

  • Less Prone

    Thank you for your friendship. I hope that this great site can survive.
  • ImaJWalker

    Hi Nikki..thank you for the welcome.  I'm new 'here' but I've been around.  I'd like to stay around..this site seems to offer what I'm after..  FREEDOM .. Take care k.

  • Maria De Wind

  • kenneth vance

    thank you

  • blindilluminati

    Hi Nikki, how r u?

  • Brian Rowe

    Thank You Nikki!! It`s very nice to meet you and Thanks again for the warm welcome. I can`t wait till this goes from a cold engagement to a hot one. The time for Patriots is soon...


  • Brian Rowe

    I like the Neo post. I`ve been aware of how deep the rabbit hole goes for years and I`m glad people are beginning to awaken finally after all these years. Yet they still seem to have disbelief of just what has been or is going on around them at present. It`s very difficult to enlighten them. I see exactly their plan and know their next moves before they make them, such as toppling the dictators of the east because they have what they like and want and had no need for NWO.

    I`m curious as to just how much you have learned of them...


    Ty 4 the welcome Im glad i found this place im also at screenname fed up hope u r doing well in the twilightzone :)

  • DianaVanNote

    Thank you and I have been watching Alex Jones/ for one year now and that really woke me up! I got my husband and some of my kids and friends to read my sharing about our country and where it is going. 

  • arcangel

  • Lawrence Harmen

    A mountain of proof Boston Bombings were not real. See the mountain of collected proof and share this with everyone please.

  • Elyag Reed...We are Legion

    Great Hello

    If you have a way to quickly pack - Best get out of Dodge.

    We have tried to organise the thinking and actions thru many of these sites and do not see very much reaction.

    Examples: Support Sheriff by training deputies (Vet's to assist) set up neighborhood response groups in event of arrival of outsiders all come to assist.

    Civilian Grand Jury to investigate - citizen arrest - and use RICO after these perps.

    Perhaps there are too many insiders putting out retractions or planting fear for anyone to purposely get organised. Whatever.

    Better to withdraw from the ambush (Planned) and try to function from outside. Anytime soon - No One Will get Out.. as on 911

    Where are you located - East - West or Middle USA


    We are Legion 

  • Paul Cary

    Hi Nikki, like your page already .

  • Jonathan Lepper

    Thanks Nikki

  • Paul Osborn

    Thanks for the add!

  • Countermeasure4Christ

    Thanks for adding me and God bless you.

  • Klaudio Vinkerlić

    Thank's for welcoming. Will do the best of my knowledge to contribute in the Mission of participating in volume level adjustment who is misusing democracy and humanity rights to rule the World. The game is mostly being leaded from subjects in G. Britain, U.S. and hidden Arabian lobbies not accepting competition, then exaggerating demonstrating power ant threatening with military and bully aggressive. I say: TO BE OR NOT TO BE (Hamlet's one) we MUST DECIDE HOW (creating or taking)  LEARN TO KNOW HOW. Klaudio Vinkerlić, Poreč, Croatia.

  • Klaudio Vinkerlić

  • elaine mccoy

    Hi Nikki,

    How do I get an activation code for  silent code??,,thx

  • Dan Plumridge

    thank you so very much, Nikki.  hope you're well.

  • Zumbi do Palmares

    And, hi to you too and thanks for the welcome.

  • Hickster

    Hi Nikki, and thanks for the welcome!

  • Michael Oster

    Thank you Nikki

  • guzziguy roberts

    Nikki... sTANKs... interesty twists n' turns here... holding back the tide...

  • anonymous

    it is a glad to be a friend of u ?

  • Richard Carlile Jr.

    Thank you for the welcome Nikki!

  • Melanie Thomas

    Thanks ;)

  • Sue

    Hi Nikki and Thankyou for the welcome

  • Eli g

    Hey Nikki! :) thanks for the welcome.
  • Scottish.Truth.Files

    Hi Nikki, thanks for the welcome ;)
    My name is Shaun. How are you?
  • Vincent Crewe

    Hi Nikki. Thank you and although I am not very active on here at the moment, I am active on a couple of sites in the UK regarding Big Pharma and it's total disregard for human life. That has been my main driver for truth for the past few years, what is yours?

  • Julie Brush

    I am so not good at these sights? I don't even do the fbook thing. Hi Nikki,you sent me a thingy ma bob.

  • Vincent Crewe

    Yes, Cancer. 6 years ago, I was diagnosed with it very unexpectedly and although I had to have surgery as it was life threatening, I refused all follow-up treatment such as chemo, radiation etc. I walked away from the hospital and never went back. I used a whole range of tried and tested natural therapies such as nutrition, Ozone, B17, Enzymes, Infared Sauna etc and after a year, I was fit and well again. I devoted the next 5 years researching why these treatments are not used in mainstream medicine and realised the absolute corruption that lies with the cancer industry, because that is exactly what it is a profit driven industry with no intention of ever finding a cure for cancer. I now know that there have been non-toxic, natural cures for cancer for at least 60 years, but we will never see these in mainstream medicine unless the public become aware of them and how they have been supressed by Big Pharma systematically for decades. One ray of hope in the UK is that a very high profile politician and founder of the world famous Saachi & Saachi advertising agency has just proposed a bill in the house of Lords lambasting the treatment of cancer as medieval and barbaric and how nothing has proved in the last 40 years since President Nixon, declared his war on cancer. Here is the link.


    Big Hi back at you Nikki, I'm new here joined Yesterday. I was going to suggest you try Mike Adam's NaturalNews but I see you must already subscribe. Have you checked out Dr Rebecca Carley   Vaccines-The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction - YouTube

    Love & Light


    Just making sure you know who runs all the shows on Earth except for two Countries North Korea and Iran (no surprise) Well of course it the Zionist Banking Cartel Of the Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers and their tight knit circle of Satan worshipping cronies.

    Conspiracy Planet - Illuminati - Bohemian Grove: Illuminati Meet fo...

    Love & Light

  • Dora Hermann

    Thank you Nikki, I am just catching on as to how all of this works, Thanks for the "Welcome" to this new found site! Dora

  • Roy Parker

    Hi thanks for the welcome sorry I am late in replying but you know how distractions in life can get in the way. I am currently keeping a small group up to date with events, it helps to wake people up, not a quick process but it is slowly waking them.

    Some of course don't want to know.

  • TheHutMaster

    Hello! Thank you for the welcome.

    I work in foreclosure defence and am on a mission to see that the TBTF banks are jailed and broken down.

    Again, Thank you for the warm welcome.

  • Terri Terrell

    Thank you for welcoming me.  If there is something I can do to volunteer, please let me know.  Blessings, Terri

  • John Carman

    Hey Nikki! Just wondered if 12160 might have a special "LOGO" that we could use to identify ourselves in the form of a "Lapel PIN"? Since I was former U.S. Secret Service, a SPY with the number 12160 would look rather COOL! Cloak & Dagger stuff you know? Remember "Spy vs, Spy ? IN fact when I surf the internet, I use a program that has a little "logo" in the upper left hand corner that has a male agent in a Fedora with Wayferrer sun glasses in a Trench Coat(Black) (look for "Incognito") incognito icon or

    What do you think? If they are made in Taiwan, you can get like 1,000 for less. How many members?? Or someone can get a design made at a local jeweler and make some special to order in Silver/Gold/Gold filled or plated. Just an idea....I have professional pins from my old law enforcement days.  

  • John Carman

    Nikki, I am very interested in natural Health and cures for cancers etc..I believe in Sacred Sounds, Vibrations and Frequencies as well as special foods and vegetarian diets. Love that Monet painting. You are one special kind of lady! It is beautiful what you have Created. I also study other weird subjects that most people don't "understand". I also have some Stone Henge beads. (Very Sacred and Protected in England) Call me anytime or email me too:, (619)609-1733 PST.

  • Nobody Will Observe

    HI Nikki

  • Susan Hope Mason

    Thanks for the welcome.

  • Lois Ferguson

    Thank you , Nikki .

  • Lois Ferguson

    Thank you!

  • Cyndee Flowers

    Thanks Nikki!!!!:-)
  • 7upwestmids

    Hi Nikki,thanks for the welcome,was at Bilderberg yesterday,unbelievable,never met such a nice bunch of people on the same wavelength as me.With people like this in the UK we can change things for the better and make sure the uk is a great place to live in the future.Looking forward to talking to all you guys.Have a great week.