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Less Prone



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These are the times when evil rules supreme. These are the days of universal deception, abuse, torture, mass murder and blood sacrifice. But the tide is turning, vipers burning.
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  • Exposure

    Thank you, - I'll check out you stuff asap...cheers

  • suzie

    I am just an really just an old softy but i do get passionate..  hehe

    lets be friendsFairy Glitter Graphic

  • suzie

    Teddy Bear
  • DTOM

    Cheers :)

  • Sweettina2

    LOL, that I do!  Thank you so much for your friendship.  God bless you new friend, I look forward to your posts.   ~Tina

  • Charles Magus

    I just posted this on Ron Paul Group.

    OBAMA Caught Admitting Election FRAUD Against RON PAUL

  • Charles Magus

    It is the bloody zionist Rothschilds that are behind this!  They run the whole show of the Dark Cabal!   These fuckers are Satanists and Luciferians!  This is what they practice! I have heard some horror stoies of Former Illuminati members, some of them were kids that witnessed child Sacrifice and murder.   And things like this happened in the Vatican and the Rothschild Estate in England!  England was their main base of Operations befroe they conned the world into given them Israel!    These people are so insidiously evil, you just wouldn't believe to the exstent that they are.




  • Unemployed Storm trooper TK420

    The honor is mine my friend ! Thanks for the add ! you right... let's kick some ass ! : )

  • Cryptocurrency

    thanks for the add

  • mystery

    Thank you for the compliment. It would be my pleasure to have you as my friend. I like the your page.

  • William Cormier

    Thanks for adding me as a friend.
  • Nancy Oakley

    Thank you for the welcome. This site looks really interesting.

  • Cryptocurrency

  • honeygirl

    Aloha ! Thank you for your friendship and support  :)

  • David Morgan

    Thank you Less,just trying to help the cause

  • Tara

    Back at ya brotha! I accept and appreciate you :) peace be with you ~
  • Sweettina2

    Thank you LP! Much love.....Tina
  • Tammie A

    Hi and Thanks you and i have found a lot of information but not a lot of correct information. Notice people post a lot of stuff that comes from emails or places like snoops which is not accurate at all. But its funny to read just wish it was more of the truth without a spin on it.

  • Ria


     Nice to meet you, Less Prone!!

  • truth

    Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays !

  • Maria De Wind

  • MAC

    thanks Less, I appreciate that

  • Nikki

    Thank you!

  • Maria De Wind

  • honeygirl

  • Tara

    Thanks LP! I have no doubt in my mind that the site will be around for another 5 more years. Let's make it so.

    I hope to be more active on site in the near future. I need a new computer however and to free up some time. I miss you all!

    God bless... peace ~
  • truth

    Thanks Pal!

  • suzie

    Thanks less prone... You showed me truth about Gaddafi I'll never forget.. We press toward the goal, never surrender, never forget, never give up!! :)
  • suzie

    Thank You Note
  • Brian Rowe

    Thanks Less Prone!! I gave up on the propaganda outlets a few yrs ago and I get the news from various sources since along with twitter. I am trying to keep on top of what`s happening and get it out to any who will listen. I`m sure as I get used to this site, as I`m not the computer geek, so I seem to get a bit fuddled up. Thank again for your post and info, I`ll be here more and more. I love the USA and I`m not going to allow the commies and their team mates the Muzzies to ruin it any more..


  • Ranee Decker

    Thanks Less, for the welcome. I'm a moderator on another forum, so I don't get as much time as I'd like to read up on the news. THIS site just may make that a lot easier. I've already crossposted one of your posts to my forums. Keep up the good work! Ranee

  • Brian Rowe

    They think they are strong enough now and they teamed up with the Muzzies like Hitler did in the war. They figure they`ll work out who gets to run things later, but I don`t expect that they will get very far. They want NWO Communism and I won`t comply. I have estimated aprox 1/3 of this country is commie now by examining all the polls over the years. I`ll stand with the ghost of my father who fought WW-2 in Italy killing commies as a machine gunner.

  • Brian Rowe

    I`m ready!!

  • Nikki

    Thanks for all you do here. I do hope we survive!
  • Exposure

    Cheers Less, - amazing film footage... <a href=""></a>
  • truth

    Hello, a little late, sorry, but hope you will join here

  • Truth is Treason

    Thanks for the invite and comment.
  • Simon Brown

    Thanks Less, I'll keep the eyes open and follow up with the mouth talking.

  • Patriot Horse

    Thank you so much Les. Life throwing curve balls, but I like this site and ppl. Always will.  YOU keep up the great work ok?  I will be more active after the shyte storm I'm in passes.  Stay strong my friend!

  • Jamie Collins

    Right on thanks for the welcome
  • Reaching for Air

    Thank you kindly.  I am looking forward to the ride.

  • juliet keyes

    Thank you for wecoming me in. I appreciate the truth and true patriotic Americans. It is hard to get the truth from the main stream media. Thank you Les and keep up with what you are doing :)

  • Kelly

    Thank you for the welcome!


    Hey! LP!  

    I haven't a clue as to how behind the game I am, personally, being exiled from all social thus intimate and informed contact for 2 decades, and a puppet since my conception, but for what I've uncovered about what a number of secretive cults have tried to make of me, cults including the masons, the catholics, the ananda marga, and others, and for my thinking I have more intelligent deductions, reasons, to DEFY, their plan/call, to build a puppet, witch, and, dadadadaaaah - messiah, I may, in my behind-the-play situation, still have info and evidence for your Mob to use to the advantage of the species, in exposing the bullshit behind modern christianity, and zionism. ET cetera!

    But.., being still vulnerable to control, "MK Ultra" being, as best as I can determine, the nearest scam relating to myself, I don't regard myself as "secure".  Yet.

    I see the conundrum in saying "I may, in my behind-the-play situation, still have info and evidence for your Mob to use to the advantage of the species,...", for that approach smacking exactly of their puppet-messiah imbecile scenario?  

    Me?  I reckon the world is way passed "saving" outside of a few with well-stocked bunkers, away from the "hot zones" of nuclear war etc.

    [I recently allowed myself to try see my world as a (bad) dream, and that I might have actually died in either 1987, in an huge motorcycle accident, or later, in another situation.  

    I know fuck all about how people, and other entities can manipulate us, such that scenarios like television's sci-fi dramas have people die and are brought back for some "purpose" by the overlords, but cannot discount such as happening to myself.  

    If that can and has happened, I'm still refusing to co-operate with the known cult overlords, because I still maintain my reasoning is correct, that a messiah is BULLSHIT, is anti-Democratic, and thus, is essentially evil.  A fraud and an insult on every other persons' Intellect, and their innate ability [on the pretext that they're not dumbed down by a "hexacious" christian, centrist power-crazy cult], to deduce the right ways to live for now and for the future, by their own awakened and attuned Intellects, as well as for their own future existences, assuming we have future existences?

    But I haven't "come online" as-it-were for one reason, amongst a number, of not being the puppet-witch to any mad NWO plan to use the occult to wipe out huge numbers of "non-white" humans in vulnerable regions.

    I rage wanting to go sick and cause huge disruptions.  But I've managed, and have been fucked over, to not..., yet.

    In the end, being sort of "spiritual" about life, I reckon I don't want my own Karma so negative by wrecking good peoples' lives, such that I pay for it next time round.  If there is a next time for our "soul"?

    So, I stay in minimalist exile [18 years in cars], hating the dimwits around this rural area in Queensland, and elsewhere in "Astrayliar", and try to keep the intellect tuned to intelligent self-improvements and contributions to the larger fuckup.

    I think I'm in such a hole as to never get out, mainly away from the cocksuckers of the CIA, and Australia's powerbrokers, both the "matriarchy" of catholicism, and the fucking psychos of the masonic/hell's angels/baptists cults, ET cetera.  

    Then, of course, there's the western military alliance running global pedophilia networks, who're blackmailing the "matriarchal" catholic women, over this, my shithole "mum's puppet" situation, of being that, THAT, puppet, and with that "Damoclian sword" hanging over the females, the pedophiles are able to pursue their perversions.


    So, I refuse to "side" with any of them, and just keep DEFYING.  In the end, that does seem the best thing, for my "soul" it's Karma, and afterlife.  As well as the best for the larger group Humanity.

    But...., "wh

  • Michael Cooper

    Less Prone
    Hi. Thank you for your welcome. I am a total newbie from down under and I would be glad to receive assistance to become familiar, in order to contribute.
    Beaudy Mate,
    Michael C.

    UGG?  Lost some of my comment in the copy/paste to here, so here's the 2nd half again, from what's shown in my previous comment window.

    .........FUCK 'EM!

    [Apologies, social skills are extinct in this one!]

    So..., with the churches having too much influence over the western hemisphere's peoples, and over government policies, and over all related matters, especially in control of corporate management and agendas, to the extent of fabricating wars, etc etc, the best way I, and others, of course, can see to rope them in, slow them down, and correct our direction, globally, is to go hard globally at demanding governments TAX RELIGIONS.

    We avid street wars against them, avoid burning all those quaint churches TO THE FUCKING GROUND! and force them to Qualify their bullshit, or close.

    The recent years of exposing their pedophilia has hit the catholic at least, very hard, and is the biggest reason for them to fear being brought completely undone. That pedophilia shit is rampant, from what I can discern, across all religious cults, and in military, and in innumerable other organizations, crime gangs and bikers too.

    All part of the occult battle to claim souls, or minds, to their war against other, bigger cults. Freemasons and the catholics, methinks, mainly. But the Jews are at it, no doubt, too. So pedophilia cults is one thing bringing them and their illegitimate power-bases down.

    But we always have to be wary if they kind of "choose" to let that type of shit be exposed, in order to keep media attention OFF some other bigger, deeper, even more heinous bullshit game they play.

    Nevertheless..., I think most of it is all about power. And power is at it's most powerful when it's centralized.


    "Eurapean Union".

    "Government" itself. Et cetera.

    But the other part of us, the "moral" aspect, the intangible, still needs, for their power lust, to be centralized to be controlled and maximally effective for them. "Them" the NWO sickos.

    That's where "christianity" play it's part. For them!

    So it's no coincidence that the churches promote CRAPitalism, and thus lure people into selling their souls for a secure house full of material shit, most of which pays their corporations and thus the elders, of, "zion"?


    Aside from me being this fucking figure [head], as well having endless wealth awaiting me, if I was to play their game, were any Collective of Thinkers, Atheists, Freedom Fighters, to expose this scam of building a false messiah, I do think it would be the straw that breaks the religious camel's back, and so many other connected parts of the big bad, complete NWO structure would teeter, and collapse.

    The responsible thing to consider also is, however, how would the NWO react?

    THAT? Is a very big question?

    i reckon, there'd have to be a massive campaign lobbying all the powers that be, from your local outlaw gangsta's in the pay of the masons, through to the House of Hanover dynastic inbred mad witch kings and queenies?

    But what the lobbyists would have to offer, is something to discussssss...?


    Food for thought?


    18 Yearsontha Road




    LP! Cheers. I'll have to re-read the guff I gave this site, because in my 20 years of exile from any social life, I occupied my ilde days/weeks/years by following the few news stations I could access.

    I was skeptical for much of those years, but as I explored alternative websites, after buying a laptop in 2008 [purely to be able to put my case against the state police who fitted-me-up on a weapons charge,] and a wireless dongle, I broadened my perspective a lot more. Even though, since my youth, I'd been basically, an Outlaw, rode with some "outlaw bikers" for a while but on politics and economics, always took the Outlaw view, and found huge shit about "the system" and the cabals, etc.

    But right throughout, I was hit by more shit, about how corrupt the world is, so have only gone, or been driven, further into the "deserts" so-to-speak.

    However, for the bullshit I endured in growing up, I failed to learn to read faster than a snail. So this type of site, attracts me heaps, but frightens me too, for it having so much stuff.

    Plus, I find I do not read well off a computer screen. Rahrahrah...,

    What those pages off this site which I read the other day gave me, was what I was asking for a fair while, about the links between the Hell's Angels and the freemasons, etc etc.

    Life is very hard, out of a car, hiding from perverts and occultists in forests outside of a rural town, being fed bullshit by warped family members who are forced to try to have me play one side's agenda or another, both of which I find really off, sick, and demented. But telling them is impossible.

    I gave up on the coppers years ago, the expected response from them, is to label me with a mental illness tag, and then, the bastards cart me off for an assessment, and a few weeks in a clinic with REALLY loopy people, after fabricating some charge to validate their holding me.

    So, finding the time to pursue these sites, is limited.

    Besides, and sorry that this does sound egocentric in the extreme, but for being this idiot puppet, of our main NWO enemy cults, so whether I like it or not - NOT NOT NOT! - that I'm the fucking centre of attention, and that I DEFY all of it, makes it my mission to bring this out, even though everyone I come into contact with gets "bought-off", to lie to me, and keep me disempowered.

    That this affair, of creating a false prophet, for them to deem as their returned Jesus, thus, as their world king fuck's sake, that this has so many HUGE implications against Democracy, in that such a concept is exactly how the elites maintain control of the masses, by "excusing " the masses from delving in and opening, awakening their own Intellect, thus knowing the essentials of how to live, and thus with a wise mind, figuring out who are the enemies of life, and who are stopping us from actually being free, etc etc etc, that this affair...., is as big and important to the future, and..., as I have no friendships or other pastimes to take up my time, I don't suicide purely for the personal "thrill" [hardly?] "joy" in a very limited sense, of taking on the psychopaths who're setting me up, who're keeping me exiled, who're fucking everything on earth, and even though I'm over "people" at least mainstreamers here and in the west, who're going hard at fucking the "99%" of OCCUPY WALL STREET's lives.

    So, it might sound like I'm heroic, but after the life I've stumbled along in, and having everything else stolen, I cherish the intellect, and the application of it to the best things I can.

    And, in the end, that is

    FUCK 'EM!

    [Apologies, social skills are extinct in this one!]

    [This page joins another...,  posted at 9:12pm, I have probs with sites pasting etc.]

  • Aymii keegan

    Hi  and thanks !! your spot on there ..  knowledge is the first step !!  let me know if can help any ...  thanks for making me feel welcome !  

  • mystery

    Just dropping in to say HI.

  • Maria De Wind

    Thank You for the Good Memories